Posted in North Miami Beach

Myron can run, but he sure can’t hide!

North Miami Beach’s favorite EX-Mayor/FELONY defendant Myron Rosner was seen this morning lurking in an Aventura office building. But that’s not the only place Myron’s been spotted. Since his lawyer, Ben Kuehne,

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Enough with the Identity Politics already! (It really is getting old.)

Despite the Second Ever Official “VotersOpinon Recommends” in the History of the World, Florida State Representative Daphne Campbell handily beat out the opposition in the August Democratic primary.  On November 4, 2014, she will face…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“You’re not the boss of me!”

When I wrote that North Miami Beach Councilwoman Phyllis Smith lost it at the budget meeting last week, little did I know that it was only half the story.  After she had her very public…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

In case of emergency, start Pinning.

Even though I’m slowly getting used to the peace and quite of Davie, every once in a while I start missing life in North Miami Beach. Well, except for maybe the sound of gunfire. I…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

BREAKING: Double drive-by shooting in North Miami Beach (UPDATED 3X)

This afternoon there was a double drive-by shooting in the vicinity of Northeast 4th Avenue and 170th Street.  Sources told me that the victims were air-lifted

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Posted in Broward County

Who is Yoram Izhak, and why should we care?

For the third time in as many days, I’ve heard the name Yoram Izhak.  Unfortunately, the stories in the news have not painted him in a good light. So who is Yoram Izhak? For starters,…

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Posted in Davie North Miami Beach

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

Those are “the nine most terrifying words in the English language,” according to President Reagan. While my encounter with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles could hardly be described as terrifying, it…

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Posted in Homestead North Miami Beach

Has Big Ben lost his mojo?

Just last month, criminal attorney Benedict P. Kuehne scored another “win” in his defense of North Miami Beach EX-Mayor Myron Rosner’s FELONY case.  According to the docket updated last Friday, on August 29, 2014, he…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The List

The folks over at the Miami New Times like to make lists.  I happen to know this because I was on two of them, once in 2011 and again in 2012. Last week, they made…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Dismissals on Parade

Two new stories were published today about the Florida Commission on Ethics regarding all its No Probable Cause findings from the September 12th meeting. First, reported that the Florida Ethics Commission cited “lack of…

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