Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami’s October Surprise?

What do the cities of Edmond, Oklahoma, St. Ignace, Michigan, Deerfield Beach, Florida, Dana Point, California, Vernon California, Huntsville, Alabama, Tucson, Arizona, Nitro, West Virginia, Schenectady, New York, Itta Bena, Mississippi, Ventnor, New Jersey, Gallatin,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Another shootout in the ‘hood

The news spread quite quickly today that there was another shooting in North Miami Beach. 

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Posted in North Bay Village

Dark Princes, Puppetmasters and other Fairy Tales from the Crypt

As I’ve said before, desperate people do desperate things.  North Bay Village Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps must be getting really desperate. The election is just around the corner and there is the distinct possibility she will…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Welcome to Planet North Miami

North Miami Councilwoman Marie Steril just can’t stay out of the spotlight. The Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust found probable cause that she “used her position to get upgrades to her mother’s…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Frantzie Watch: Keepin’ it real!

Just as I suspected, MIRAMAR resident/homeowner Pradel Vilme has publicly announced that he’s running for office in North Miami Beach on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. Even though he is a bona fide resident of MIRAMAR,…

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Posted in North Bay Village

Randy Hilliard, Prince of Darkness? ROFLMAO!

The much anticipated “hit piece” against North Bay Village mayoral candidate Jorge Brito hit mailboxes all over the tiny three-island municipality yesterday. Somewhere in South Florida, Keith Donner is laughing his ass off. Connie Leon-Kreps’…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Marie Steril gets fined (UPDATED)

I received an unconfirmed report that the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust has fined North Miami Councilwoman Marie Steril the sum of $4,900.00.  The Commission held a hearing this morning in connection with…

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Posted in North Bay Village North Miami Beach

Little J̶o̶h̶n̶n̶y̶ Mitch wants a strip club

Prostitution is commonly referred to as the World’s Oldest Profession.  Politics is mostly likely the second oldest.  Based on the sleaze factor alone, it’s a toss up between lawyers and lobbyists as to which profession…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Facts are funny things

I didn’t think it was possible, but I discovered a “journalist” who is a bigger idiot than the Miami Herald’s Fabiola Santiago. The opening sentence of reporter Sarah Cascone’s article, ICA Miami Will Open…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami: Town Hall Meeting on Biscayne Landing

Town Hall Meeting on Biscayne Landing property Date : 10/9/2014, 06:00 PM

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