Posted in North Miami

Terry Henley v. North Miami: The Hearing, Part 1

On January 23 and 24, 2019, the City of North Miami’s Personnel Board finally met to hear the appeal of former Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley’s termination. And, boy, was it entertaining! For your reading…

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Posted in North Miami

The Greater North Miami Chamber of Commerce is located … WHERE?

The City of North Miami is such a hot mess… Even its Chamber of Commerce is suffering an identity crisis. Let us explain.

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Posted in North Miami

BREAKING: Terry Henley v. City of North Miami, Round 2

In advance of tonight’s Personnel Board Appeal Hearing of former Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley, his attorney William R. Amlong, Esq. filed a “memorandum of law and facts to assist the Personnel Board in its consideration of his appeal…

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Posted in North Miami

It’s about to hit the fan in North Miami. Start popping!

Get your popcorn ready! On Wednesday, January 23, 2019 the North Miami Personnel Board will convene for the Appeal Hearing of former Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley, who was fired for … you guessed it … blowing…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

The North Miami Friends & Family Plan is Alive and Well!

Raise your hands if you’ve ever received a $45,843.20 raise less than two years after starting a new job? Anyone? Well, that’s because you’re not privileged enough to be in the inner circle of North…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami: Mayor Lame Duck Goes Bollywood

Imagine you’re a working class resident of North Miami, struggling to support a family on a paycheck that never seems to last until the end of the week. Now imagine that your hard earned tax…

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Posted in North Miami

BEWARE! NMPD psycho, serial cyber-stalking cop Joseph P. Kissel is on the loose!

This a Public Service Announcement:  If you receive a random Facebook message or friend request from a person using the pseudonym “Jerome Douglas,” you should be aware that this is just one of the many…

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Posted in North Miami

BREAKING: Larry Spring and Duke Sorey under fire for fraudulent budget!

A disturbing pattern of corruption, cover up, and retaliation is rapidly emerging as yet another North Miami employee lodges a complaint for being fired for blowing the whistle. Lawyers for the newly terminated Assistant Budget…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami: “It’s shady, but the shade never ends in this city.”

As we recently reported, we’ve been trying to find out who hired The Mosaic Group to run the North Miami GO Bond Educational Campaign.  We also wanted to know who directed this organization to hire…

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Posted in North Miami

NoMi: The Great Taxpayer Ripoff Continues

North Miami city officials must still be reeling that their Get Rich Quick Scheme (a/k/a GO Bond) failed. After all, they gambled with – and lost – $300,000 of taxpayer money to “educate” voters on…

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