Posted in North Miami

Philippe Bien-Aime’s Trouble With The Truth

On Monday morning, North Miami Councilman (and mayoral candidate) Philippe Bien-Aime will face the music in Circuit Court Judge Rodney Smith’s courtroom. We have a feeling it won’t be pretty. The Miami Herald reported on…

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Posted in North Miami

RESPECT! This North Miami City Council candidate is in no one’s pocket!

VOTERSOPINION PROUDLY ENDORSES MICHAEL A. ETIENNE FOR CITY COUNCIL OF NORTH MIAMI! Only one candidate stands out in the race for North Miami City Council District 3, and that is Michael A. Etienne! Michael got…

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Posted in North Miami

Promises, promises! North Miami Candidate Forum Recap (and Snarky Commentary)!

The first candidate forum for North Miami’s upcoming election was about as exciting as watching paint dry – and also as predictable. We know this because we spent over an hour and a half watching…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami Mayoral Candidate Mac-Kinley Lauriston Fundraising Reception


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Posted in North Miami

Mayor Lame Duck: Clueless in North Miami!

North Miami City Council meetings are always entertaining. The March 12, 2019 meeting was especially popcorn-worthy thanks to the hypocrisy of the lamest of all ducks, Mayor Smith Joseph. The pregame show began with Tab…

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Posted in North Miami


When North Miami City Clerk Michael Etienne received his per diem expense check in advance of his travel to a March 9, 2019 National League of Cities’ Congressional City Conference, it arrived too late for…

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Posted in North Miami

Caveat Emptor! Just say “NO” to this North Miami candidate!

Campaign season in North Miami never fails to bring out the screwballs, the delusional, and of course, the carpetbaggers.  If nothing else, the cast of characters provides much needed entertainment for residents weary of unchecked…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami City Manager Larry Spring is a Big Fat Liar! And here’s the proof!

We’re old enough to remember former North Miami Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley’s testimony at his termination appeal hearing before the Personnel Board on January 24, 2019. Under oath, he stated that Deputy City Manager…

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Posted in North Miami

Terry Henley v. North Miami: The Hearing – Day 2, Part 2

Since last September, we’ve been following the saga of fraudulent budget foisted upon the North Miami Mayor and Council by City Manager Larry Spring and Deputy City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey. As is usually the case in…

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Posted in North Miami

Terry Henley v. North Miami: The Hearing – Day 2, Part 1

The North Miami Personnel Board met for a second time on January 24, 2019, to hear the termination appeal of former Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley. After the character assassination he suffered at the hands…

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