Posted in North Miami Beach

Chief Lenny’s Last Chance Mystery Solved! Sort of.

The mysterious saga of the Last-But-Not-Really-Last Chance Agreement between the North Miami Police Department and Officer Jodlyn Antoine has finally-but-not-really been solved. In a blog I posted on March 28, 2015, I detailed Antoine’s storied…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Murder in North Miami Beach (UPDATED)

A young male in his mid-20s was the victim of a shooting in North Miami Beach this evening.  The murder occurred in the vicinity of NE 151 Street and 16 Avenue.  Police have not yet…

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Posted in Miami Beach North Miami Beach

#DirtyPolitician Mark Weithorn’s Shady Business (@Weithorn2015)

Political campaigns can be downright brutal and dirty.  Some candidates, however, play dirtier than others. #DirtyPolitician Mark Weithorn, who is running against Ricky Arriola for Miami Beach Commission Group V, has already proven to be…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The City of North Miami and NMPD: The corruption continues. #SSDD

I just received my Public Record Request 363 from the City of North Miami: As I already proved in my blog dated September 19, 2015, this is a flat out LIE!

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Chief Lenny: “Now you see it, now you don’t!”

The City of North Miami is so lucky to have such a multi-talented chief of police. In addition to being the city’s Top Cop, Chief Lenny’s unofficial titles also include Ladies’ Man, Political Animal, Spin…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Download printable flyer here:  Missing and Endangered Person

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Posted in North Miami Beach

It’s Official – Aleem’s out the door!

As of September 17, 2015, North Miami City Manager Aleem Ghany tendered his resignation letter to the Mayor and Council.

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Posted in North Miami Beach


I just received an “unconfirmed” rumor – again – that North Miami City Manager Aleem Ghany is resigning. Although I first heard rumors last month and blogged in “Should I stay or should I go?”…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Is the Fat Lady about to sing?

Despite the obviously unethical, and possibly illegal, delay tactics employed by Joseph S. Geller, Esquire, the lawsuit filed against North Miami Beach “Councilwoman” Phyllis Smith is finally moving ahead.  In a few short days, she’ll…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“WHERE ARE THE AUTHORITIES?” Well, here ya go!

Do you remember the good old days when North Miami resident Ellen Abramson would complain about corrupt local politicians, and end each rant with “WHERE ARE THE AUTHORITIES?” Good times. Sadly, Ellen seems to have…

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