Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami: Of “Arrogant Buffoonery” and Charter Amendments (UPDATED)

Imagine my surprise when I saw the headline on the second page of the current issue of Le Floridien, Blogger Tells North Miami’s City Clerk to Keep His Silly Opinions to Himself. I was even…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami: When Good ERIPs Go Bad, Part I

Former City Manager Stephen Johnson may have been the architect of the Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP), but unfortunately he didn’t stick around to see his project through to the end.  What could have been…

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Posted in Biscayne Park Davie Miramar North Miami Beach

FBI to Chief Lenny: “Leave it to the big boys. Crime Stats-‘Я’-Us!”

In case some people think I needlessly pick on Police Chief Leonard Burgess for the high crime in North Miami, check out the hot-off-the-presses March issue of the Biscayne Times. Just last week in my…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Myron Rosner: Chronicles of a Convicted Felon, Chapter 1

From the very first time Ex-Mayor/CONVICTED FELON Myron Rosner’s fake Happy Holidays bus benches started popping up all over North Miami Beach in December of 2010, I knew something was very, very wrong. Thus began…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


In the just posted Miami Herald article, Former mayor pleads guilty to campaign finance charge, Carli Teproff reported that North Miami Beach EX-Mayor-slash-convicted FELON has “pleaded guilty to a single charge of unlawful compensation.” WTF?…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Tweeted by Miami Herald reporter David Ovalle: Ex North Miami Beach Mayor Myron Rosner (husband of Judge Zabel) pleading guilty now in corruption case — David Ovalle (@DavidOvalle305) February 24, 2016

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami City Manager: The Decision

I love this job. I don’t know who had more fun viewing last night’s North Miami city council meeting … Lance Dixon, Brian Andrews … or me. While waiting for the Mayor and Council hire…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Schooling Chief Lenny

After his request for Law Enforcement Trust Funds (LETF) was pulled from the Agenda during the last North Miami city council meeting, Police Chief Leonard Burgess is asking for do-overs. Instead of wishing on a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

First Darwin Award Nomination of 2016

The tables were turned on an aspiring car thief, who ended up being a victim in a carjacking gone horribly wrong. According to a press release just issued by the North Miami Beach Police Department,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“Why you gotta be so mean?”

Judging by the deluge of responses I received, you’d think my last blog post was about a presidential election instead of the “race” for city manager of North Miami.  I got calls and emails from…

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