Posted in North Miami Beach

Election results: Good news, bad news, awesome news!

My extremely unscientific and mostly arbitrary recommendations for yesterday’s election resulted in my successfully “predicting” eight out of thirteen races. I would have done my gloating last night except that I lost power at 8:00…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County National North Miami Beach

‘Twas the night before the Primaries, and all through the House (and Senate)…

In Florida, early voting ended yesterday.  Today, all the candidates were out in full force trying to convince anyone who hasn’t voted yet to come to the polls tomorrow on Election Day. The weather, however,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Phyllis Smith goes postal, Tony DeFillipo saves the day!

Who can resist making fun of North Miami Beach Faux Councilwoman Phyllis Smith’s foot-in-mouth disease?  I mean, seriously.  Phyllis is a one-woman parody of, well, herself. At a special meeting of the city council called…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami: Adventures in Voting, Daphne Campbell Style!

Every time I think things couldn’t possibly get weirder in North Miami, something happens to prove me wrong. As everyone knows, we are right smack in the middle of a very heated campaign season.  Nowhere…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Michael Góngora, #DirtyPolitician and Hypocrite of the Year!

Does anyone remember a #DirtyPolitician by the name of Mark Weithorn? This is the putz who ran for his wife’s Miami Beach Commission seat last year against Ricky Arriola.  Throughout the campaign, Deede Weithorn accused…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

BREAKING: Alien space bugs have eaten what was left of Phyllis Smith’s brain!

Everyone’s talking about the hilarious new CBS television series called BrainDead.  The premise of the show is that all the political insanity in Washington is caused by “a race of extraterrestrial insects eating the brains…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

From bribery to bullying, “trust fund baby” Andrew Korge wants to win, DAMMIT!

Move over Philip Brutus.  When it comes to bullying, you have some stiff competition! Andrew Korge has been contemplating a run for office since last year.  On June 23, 2016, the Miami Herald noted, “Since…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

What’s worse than campaign finance violations? THIS!

Philip Brutus might have been fined eighteen times by the Florida Elections Commission since 1999 over the course of his political career, but that’s not even a record. As the Miami Herald reported, State Senator…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Philip J. Brutus, you’re so vain. I bet you think this blog is about you.

For some reason, my recent blog about the State Senate District 38 race hit quite a few nerves. Not so surprising were the responses by people who disagreed with my “opinion.” The irony is that…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Councilman Scott Galvin: Do you know THIS Story?

Click Here to Watch the Film Trailer You know the story of Simone Biles and the Final Five who are dominating the 2016 Rio Olympics. But do you know the story of Jesse Owens’ African…

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