Category: North Bay Village
Three Strikes, Yer Out!
Even if your team didn’t make the post season, everyone is enthralled by a seven-game World Series. As the New York Times articulated, “Game 7. It is among the most alluring events in all of…
Dark Princes, Puppetmasters and other Fairy Tales from the Crypt
As I’ve said before, desperate people do desperate things. North Bay Village Mayor Connie Leon-Kreps must be getting really desperate. The election is just around the corner and there is the distinct possibility she will…
Randy Hilliard, Prince of Darkness? ROFLMAO!
The much anticipated “hit piece” against North Bay Village mayoral candidate Jorge Brito hit mailboxes all over the tiny three-island municipality yesterday. Somewhere in South Florida, Keith Donner is laughing his ass off. Connie Leon-Kreps’…
Little J̶o̶h̶n̶n̶y̶ Mitch wants a strip club
Prostitution is commonly referred to as the World’s Oldest Profession. Politics is mostly likely the second oldest. Based on the sleaze factor alone, it’s a toss up between lawyers and lobbyists as to which profession…