Category: National
I will now be boycotting Best Buy
I sent the following letter to: Dear Sir or Madam, I have been a long time customer at Best Buy in the Aventura, Florida store. I have always thought of Best Buy as one…
The Irony and the Hypocrisy
Can anyone spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y? Retired Miami-Dade County firefighter William Clark obviously cannot. Can anyone spell i-r-o-n-y? The Gadfly can. On Monday, September 17, 2001, a scant six days after the terrorist attacks on American soil,…
Dear Governor Romney
I was privileged to receive a copy of an email from a young man who wrote such an elegant letter to Governor Romney, that I asked his permission to reprint it on my website. He…
White People Want to Know
Grab yourself a cup of coffee and settle in. This is going to be one angry rant. This past Monday night I attended a meeting of the North Miami Beach Multicultural Committee, of which I…
WARNING: Politically Incorrect
If this column offends your sensibilities, you can’t say I didn’t warn you. But, here goes. Channel 7 doesn’t think it’s newsworthy to report an incident that happened right here in North Miami Beach yesterday…
Happy Birthday, President Washington
I just got back from a much needed vacation to the island country of Jamaica, which is probably one of the most beautiful places on earth. Like our own country, Jamaica was “discovered” by Christopher…
Race Carding 101
Listen up, White People! If you’re gonna vote for a black man to be the President of the United States, you better make sure you vote for the right kind of black man. According to…
Who’s really behind the Wall Street protests?
Yes, That’s a Banker Hanging From a Phone Line Along I-95 Hanging a banker in effigy, desecrating the flag, defecating in public, etc., is a disgusting and UN-American show of misguided anger. It’s the government…