Posted in Biscayne Park Miami-Dade County

The bitch slap heard ’round the county!

Tuesday’s meeting of the Miami-Dade County Commission meeting was big fun.  On the Agenda was a resolution relating to the annexation of property by the Village of Biscayne Park.  This property abuts the Florida East…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

FUBAR in North Miami

The City of North Miami is having an NMBPD Mugshot Moment.  Only this time it appears that instead of a piece of paper, a real human was the target. In a story that has gone…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Remember when NMB council meetings were fun? Good times!

The North Miami Beach City Council meeting tonight was a hoot!  Things went along rather smoothly until Mayor George Vallejo announced his intention to change the seating arrangement. Then all hell broke loose.

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Daphne Campbell: Unbalanced, unhinged and unfit for duty.

Mention the name Daphne Campbell to any public official in Miami-Dade County, and the first words you’ll hear are, “That woman is bat shit crazy.” People tolerate Daphne (the same way they tolerate North Miami…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

More “blue” blood spilled today in the War on Cops (UPDATED 3X)

If it weren’t bad enough that five police officers were murdered in Dallas last week… Sadly, we are reaching the point where, when you see the flags are at half-mast, it is hard to figure…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

#NeverMarie (That’s kinda catchy, no?)

North Miami residents were shocked when former Councilwoman Marie Erlande Steril announced her decision to not to run for re-election last year.  It was assumed that she stepped down from her safely held seat because…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Frantzie Watch: Ben Kuehne says what?

Winston Churchill once said, “Lawyers occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” There’s a very good reason why there are hundreds of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Police Department awarded “EXCELSIOR” Status for the second time in a row

“Excelsior” is a Latin adjective defined as “higher” or “loftier”, and is used in the English language as an interjection with a poetic meaning of “ever upward.” On June 22, 2016, The Commission for Florida…

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Posted in Davie

Davie Police Department: Saving Karter Tournament

Good afternoon everyone, One of our police officer’s 2 1/2 year old nephew is fighting stage IV cancer. Our police family is organizing a softball tournament fundraiser to assist the family. If you or anyone…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMPD Swearing-in and Promotional Ceremony

Swearing-in and Promotional Ceremony Date : 7/12/2016, 10:00 AM Location : North Miami Police Department, , 700 NE 124 Street, North Miami, FL 33161

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