Posted in North Miami Beach

Jose Smith comes out on top!

Ever since the abrupt firing of North Miami Beach City Attorney Jose Smith by Appointed Mayor Beth Spiegel, he’s been the subject of much vicious gossip at City Hall. In order to justify her ill-advised…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

End to CAOS? Um, okay.

Ingrid Forbes wants to “end CAOS and corruption” by “bringing stability” by giving her a seat on the dais in North Miami Beach. Oh, you mean like firing the City Manager and the City Attorney…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Gonna leave a mark. Florida Politics Bitch-Slaps Robert Dempster!

If you don’t want your dirty laundry aired, don’t run for public office. North Miami Beach mayoral candidate Robert Dempster probably should have heeded that advice before Florida Politics pulled all the skeletons out of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Defamatory “AFSCME” mailer to NMB voters: If you’re Italian American, you must be Mafia!

Anthony DeFillipo is mad as hell and he’s most definitely not going to take it! As soon as the “AFSME People” mailer referring to him as Tony “Soprano” hit North Miami Beach mailboxes, he took…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The dirtiest of all North Miami Beach campaign tricks! (Hint: Federal laws were broken!)

A mystery hit piece arrived in North Miami Beach mailboxes last week against Tony DeFillipo, who is running for Mayor.  The disclaimer on this mailer states, “Paid for by AFSCME PEOPLE.” On the one hand,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB: The unbearable arrogance of Raymond F. Marin

Remember when Hallandale Beach City Attorney Lynn Whitfield got fired a couple years ago for using her official position to help a Commission candidate with his campaign? Good times! Just last month, the North Bay…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB Commission candidate David Templer lies, breaks the law, and kicks puppies to the curb!

Okay, so maybe David doesn’t actually  kick puppies, but judging from his irrational behavior of late, it would not surprise us if he did. Besides, we’re taking our cue from the former Councilman and current…

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Posted in North Miami

BEWARE! NMPD psycho, serial cyber-stalking cop Joseph P. Kissel is on the loose!

This a Public Service Announcement:  If you receive a random Facebook message or friend request from a person using the pseudonym “Jerome Douglas,” you should be aware that this is just one of the many…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Merrett Stierheim: North Miami must declare a fiscal emergency.

In an explosive article about the recent firing of former Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley for exposing the fraudulent 2018/19 city budget, Biscayne Times reporter Mark Sell’s Another Fine Mess  uncovered even more sordid details…

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Posted in Opa-locka

Opa-locka, the City of Terminal Stupidity

A City Attorney who can’t comprehend his own municipal charter is a special kind of stupid. Then again, when the city is Opa-locka, and the attorney is Vincent T. Brown, anything is possible. This is…

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