Posted in North Miami Beach

Devil on the Dais! The twisted duplicity of Michael Joseph, Part 1

Move over, Frantz Pierre. There’s a new Devil in NMB! Fireworks were set off late into the night at Thursday’s North Miami Beach city commission meeting when Commissioner Barbara Kramer asked her colleagues to censure…

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Posted in Animals

Cats are so much better than people! 😻

For realz! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Stephanie

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Posted in North Miami

Hate to say I told you so, but …

On August 22, 2019 when North Miami’s budget deficit was “only” $7.5 million, we predicted, “At this rate, North Miami could very well end up closing this year with a deficit of between $8 to…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami’s Daily Deficit Reminder

With two days remaining in the Fiscal Year 2019, North Miami’s budget hole just keep on getting bigger and bigger. According to North Miami’s Real-Time Debt Clock™ , as of today the City of North…

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Posted in North Miami

Chaos on the Dais! North Miami Mayor and Council (Barely) Pass a Budget. (UPDATED)

We hope you got your popcorn, ‘cuz here’s the recap of the September 17, 2019 North Miami 2nd Budget Hearing you’ve been waiting for! As soon as City Clerk Vanessa Joseph took the roll call…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Shades of Frantzie! NMB Commissioner Mike Joseph’s Déjà Vu Moment

We interrupt our coverage of the North Miami Budget Circus Crisis to bring you this breaking news. In a move eerily familiar with the sneaky antics of the arrested-and-ousted-from-office Frantz Pierre, freshman North Miami Beach…

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Posted in North Miami

Mazel Tov, North Miami! You just broke the $8 million deficit ceiling!

According to North Miami’s Real-Time Debt Clock™ , as of today the City of North Miami is $8,488,960.01 in the hole with just eleven days to go in this Fiscal Year 2019. But don’t worry,…

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Posted in North Miami

Jeff Cazeau, we feel your pain!

Here’s North Miami City Attorney Jeff Cazeau at the first Budget Hearing held on September 9, 2019 after trying to get Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime to understand a concept. Any concept. Here’s City Attorney Jeff Cazeau…

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Posted in North Miami

Promises Made, Promises BROKEN! (UPDATED)

One of the biggest issues of North Miami’s most recent election was the discretionary funding of the elected officials. As we mentioned in our previous blog, in the current fiscal year the Mayor and Council’s…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

It’s Budget Busting Time in North Miami! (UPDATED)

Get out the popcorn! On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM, the North Miami Mayor and Council will meet for the second reading of the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. As hard as it is…

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