Posted in North Miami Beach

Devil on the Dais! The twisted duplicity of Michael Joseph, Part 3

North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael “Mike” Joseph is up to his old devious tricks. Once again, most likely with the help of his BFF Hector Roos, Michael has perpetrated yet another “anonymous” attack against a…

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Posted in North Miami

In the Hole. Or, business as usual in North Miami.

With one-third of the current fiscal year over, it appears that North Miami city officials have learned absolutely nothing from their mistakes of the previous three years. Let’s take a look at how well all…

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Posted in Bay Harbor Islands Hallandale Beach

INTIMIDATION! The set-up of Corporal Pablo Lima by Miami Herald reporter Aaron Leibowitz, Part 3

When Miami Herald reporter Aaron Leibowitz made the decision to get in bed with shady political operatives under the guise of “investigative journalism,” he made the biggest mistake in his short career. But the the…

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Posted in Bay Harbor Islands Hallandale Beach

MANIPULATION! The set-up of Corporal Pablo Lima by Miami Herald reporter Aaron Leibowitz, Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we established that Miami Herald reporter Aaron Leibowitz set up Bay Harbor Islands Police Corporal Pablo Lima in order to destroy his reputation, prevent him from becoming the Chief…

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Posted in Bay Harbor Islands Hallandale Beach

DECEPTION! The set-up of Corporal Pablo Lima by Miami Herald reporter Aaron Leibowitz, Part 1

In response to our public records request, the Town of Bay Harbor Islands provided us with a complete copy of the Police Department’s Internal Affairs investigation of Corporal Pablo Lima, which resulted in his being…

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Posted in Bay Harbor Islands Hallandale Beach

BREAKING: Bay Harbor Islands Police Corporal Pablo Lima cleared of all wrongdoing! (UPDATED)

Bay Harbor Islands Police Corporal Pablo Lima, who was wrongfully accused of posting anti-Islamic comments on social media has been completely cleared of all wrongdoing by the Town of Bay Harbor Islands, according to a…

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Posted in North Miami

Adios, Larry Spring. Good riddance! (UPDATED)

Larry Spring’s gig as North Miami City Manager is finally coming to an end. His last day is January 31, 2020. In a 4-1 vote, the Mayor and Council approved a proposed separation agreement that…

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Posted in North Miami

Does North Miami Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin owe you money? Take a number, get in line!

In our previous post, Mary, Queen of ̶S̶c̶o̶t̶s̶ North Miami, we told you about some of North Miami Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin’s deadbeat ways. Apparently, we were just scratching the surface. The $1,326,066.24 Notice of Federal…

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Posted in North Miami

Mary, Queen of ̶S̶c̶o̶t̶s̶ North Miami (UPDATED)

One of England’s most notorious rulers was Mary, Queen of Scots.  An article in Prospect Magazine, Who are Britain’s worst monarchs?, explained, “Mary was notable less for ruling a country than for being implicated in…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Drama queen much? NMB Commish Michael Joseph’s performance of a lifetime!

It’s common knowledge that North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph is a lying, scheming, conniving piece of work. But we had no idea he was also an award-winning actor, too! From the moment this smarmy…

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