Posted in North Miami Beach

Duke Sorey’s Big Budget Disaster. A study of government corruption in snapshots.

Here it is September, and we’re still trying to wrest the June special event invoices from the clutches of Duke Sorey’s sweaty little fists. We were, however, able to get an updated list of employee…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Duke Sorey’s Friends & Family Plan comes to North Miami Beach, courtesy of McKenzie Fleurimond

As we all know by now, the four criminal North Miami Beach Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean, conspired to hire North Miami’s corrupt former Deputy City Manager, Arthur “Duke” Sorey,…

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Posted in North Miami

Thin-skinned North Miami Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime get his ass handed to him by Laura Hill on Facebook. And it’s a beautiful thing!

North Miami Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime is infamous for ignoring his crumbling City, while gouging taxpayers for hundreds of thousands of dollars to live like a king. As long as he gets to drive around the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

#RIPNMB: Spending Spree Update

Two months ago, we reported on the outrageous $39,703.83 that North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey spent on special events during the month of May. We also reported that we suspected Duke was still…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

#RIPNMB: North Miami Beach Corruptocrats Go Full Rogue!

Move over Mafia — North Miami Beach is now officially being run by an organized crime ring. There is no Federal, State, County or even City law that Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime loses his house in 3, 2, 1 …

We already know that North Miami Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin is seriously in debt for nearly $1.5 million and about to become homeless. What you may not know is that the recently re-elected Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime’s…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Clueless in North Miami Beach: City Manager Duke Sorey drowning in the sea of his own incompetence!

Inept, unprofessional, and unprepared for the job, North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey has finally gotten his 15 minutes of fame. Or, rather, his 15 minutes of infamy. All the local, national, and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB “Pirates of the Caribbean,” Part 2

In addition to giving their personal manservant, City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, an undeserved raise of $13,800 a year (plus an additional $19,000 for a second retirement plan come October), North Miami Beach Commissioners Michael…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Flash! Flash! Flash! NMB Temporary Vice Mayor Paule Villard is Beyond Stupid!

North Miami Beach Temporary Vice Mayor Paule Villard is not just your average, run of the mill village idiot.  The woman is painfully stupid! While Anthony DeFillipo is out of the country on official City…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB “Pirates of the Caribbean,” Part 1

We’re old enough to remember when the City of North Miami Beach was run by actual professionals who understood the meaning of public service, cared about the residents’ needs, spent taxpayer money wisely, and knew…

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