We’ve exposed lots of liars in the pages of VotersOpinion.
It never gets old.
Vanessa Pierre is just the latest in a long line of them.
We’re told that the North Miami District 1 candidate got her panties twisted over our last blog, North Miami District 1 candidate Vanessa Pierre is shady AF … and we’re shocked! (No, not really.), and that she lost her cool at the Keystone Point Homeowners Association meeting on Thursday.
Vanessa actually accused this blogger of lying!
While she didn’t deny trying to buy votes with turkeys, Vanessa was really upset that we exposed the plastic bag graveyard on her property located 1395 NE 131 Street.
In fact, she even denied that the house belongs to her!
Except she’s lying.
At the meeting, Vanessa claimed that she’s “just a tenant,” and that she “can’t help what the landlord does.”
Except she’s lying.
And, as usual, we have the receipts.
Although the Miami-Dade Property Appraiser’s website lists the property as being owned by the “Estate of Marie C. Santil,” further down that same page lists the “Sales Information,” with clickable links to the actual documents recorded on that property.
The most recently recorded documents are three Quit Claim Deeds prepared by none other than Wannabe City Attorney Frank Wolland, a/k/a The Mysterious Oleta River Clown.
A North Miami shady fixture for decades, Frank Wolland has a history of involving himself with even shadier politicians, including but not limited to North Miami Beach’s infamous carpetbagging candidate, Yvenoline Dargenson, and North Miami’s own deadbeat Councilwoman/”Vice Mayor,” Mary Estimé-Irvin.
But, we digress.
In any event, all three Quit Claim Deeds transfer title and interest from various individuals to none other than Vanessa Pierre!
The same Vanessa Pierre who accused us of lying while her pants were in flames!
Interestingly, the reason the Property Appraiser does not list Vanessa Pierre as the owner is because he was “[u]nable to process sale due to deed errors.”
We examined the three Quit Claim Deeds, and it appears that the alleged “deed errors” may have something to do with the shady “witness signatures.”
And by shady, we mean that all the “witness signatures” on these three documents appear to have been created by the same person.
That’s just our gut instinct, though. We could be wrong.
Even though the Quit Claim Deeds will need to be amended and re-recorded before the Property Appraiser can legally process the sale, it was clearly the intent of Marie C. Saintil that the property be passed down to her heirs, as evidenced by the Petition for Administration of her Estate on August 18, 2019 — the same day that the Quit Claim Deeds were executed!
This Petition for Administration was filed by Vanessa Pierre with her intent to become the Personal Representative of her mother’s Estate. She was represented by attorney Frank Wolland.
While Frank Wolland, Esquire clearly has his work cut out for him to cure title to the property legally belonging to Vanessa Pierre, this clerical error is hardly a crime.
Unfortunately for the shady District 1 candidate, insurance fraud is a crime.
It also happens to be a felony.
As we reported in our previous column, Marie Saintil died in January of 2014, but her Estate was not probated until August of 2019 — five years and seven months later. As such, Vanessa Pierre did not become the Estate’s Personal Representative until August 28, 2019, when the Letters of Administration were filed with the Probate Court.
Meanwhile, on May 1, 2015, one and a half years after Marie Saintil died, she apparently rose from the grave as “the Insured” to join (as co-Plaintiff) in a lawsuit with Restoration 1 of Miami, Inc. filed against SafePoint Insurance Company, for “benefits and payments under the Insured’s for services performed … at the Insured’s Property and dwelling,” a/k/a the house then-occupied by, and now-legally owned by, Vanessa Pierre located at 1395 NE 131 Street.
As an Exhibit to the Complaint & Demand for Jury Trial, “Marie Santil” attached an “Assignment of Insurance Claims Benefits” authorizing Restoration 1 of Miami, Inc. to collect payment for its services directly from SafePoint Insurance Company. This Assignment, dated December 20, 2014 — eleven months after Marie Saintil died — was signed by Vanessa Pierre as “Client/Insured or Agent.”
Except that Vanessa Pierre was neither the “Client/Insured” nor the “Agent” of the Insured since she was not appointed as Personal Representative of the actual Insured, Marie Saintil, until nearly five years after she fraudulently signed the Assignment!
Yeah, we’re pretty sure this isn’t gonna end well for her.
Just saying.
Unfortunately, most aspiring politicians lie in order to get elected, so Vanessa Pierre is hardly unique in that respect.
We do know that, unlike lying on the campaign trail, committing insurance fraud is an actual crime, punishable by up to 15 years in federal prison.
We also know that owing more than $135K in Code violation fines to the City in which you’re running for office is definitely not a good look.
North Miami residents deserve better.
Please vote responsibly on December 3, 2024!
Don’t they know by now not to mess with you?
She claims Kevin is running because he has no other source of income. It looks like she is running because she needs the income to pay the $135. If she’s just the tenant, who is the landlord? Who does Vanessa pay rent to as a tenant? Why didn’t Vanessa just get rid of the bags as soon as she got the first notice from Code? As the tenant, she can throw out trash.
As I’ve already proven, Vanessa Pierre is a LIAR. There is no “landlord” because she is the owner/occupant of the property.
She owes the City of North Miami over $135,000 in Code violation fines, but she obviously cannot afford to pay it. She shouldn’t even be allowed to run because of this debt.
North Miami is a cesspool of corruption.