EX-Criminal North Miami Beach Commissier Paule Villard tried to make a comeback.
For the third time.
She lost.
We’re lovin’ it!
1 thought on “Message to North Miami Beach Criminal Candidate Paule Villard: BUH BYE, LOSER!”
The delusional bovine can’t stop losing,
I would say I feel bad for all of the people who lost money by donating to these corrupt cows but they had to have known they were supporting someone who can’t even spell the word Ethics, yet alone define it. I would say good riddance but we all know how mad-cow disease tends to randomly pop up every few years when conditions on the farm get nasty.
The delusional bovine can’t stop losing,
I would say I feel bad for all of the people who lost money by donating to these corrupt cows but they had to have known they were supporting someone who can’t even spell the word Ethics, yet alone define it. I would say good riddance but we all know how mad-cow disease tends to randomly pop up every few years when conditions on the farm get nasty.