North Miami Beach voters had the opportunity to rid City Hall of corruption for once and for all.
Sadly, they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Of the 13,287 citizens who cast their vote in the race for Mayor, Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph received 1,461 more than his opponent, incumbent Mayor Evan Piper.
Of course, this election was Evan Piper’s to lose, and he succeeded in doing just that.
According to his Campaign Treasurer’s Report for the period ending October 18, 2024, he raised $68,111.00, but he only spent $43,530.28. Evan had enough money and the perfect opportunity — not to mention all the receipts — to hit Michael in campaign ads for all of the vicious lies, evil manipulations, and dirty deeds that he has inflicted on NMB residents since he was first elected in 2018.
Yet, for some incredibly stupid reason, Evan decided to take the “high road,” proving once again that no good deed goes unpunished.
It’s painfully obvious that Evan Piper’s heart was definitely not into campaigning, or for that matter, even being the Mayor of North Miami Beach.
Once he turns the gavel over to Michael, Evan will go back to his very comfortable life on the Eastern Shores waterfront without a care, while the vast majority of NMB residents will spend the next two years (at least) watching their hard-earned tax dollars get literally stolen by corrupt politicians.
But, whatever.
Not surprisingly, Criminal Commissioner Daniela Jean smoked her two opponents with 49.10% of the vote, just 118 votes short of the “50% plus 1” needed to avoid a runoff.
As it stands, however, Daniela will face Margaret Mary “Margie” Love in a runoff on November 19, 2024.
If you’re having a déjà vu moment, that’s because we’ve actually been here before.
These two candidates faced each other in the Runoff Election on November 17, 2020 in which Daniela won by a landslide.
Of course, it didn’t help that Margie closed her (completely self-funded) campaign account the day after the November 3, 2020 General Election and entered the Runoff with literally no money and zero will to campaign.
We fully expect Margie to do this again, giving Daniela an unsurprising victory.
We also fully expect Margie to run again, because she’s that bat shit crazy.
Also, as expected, Criminal Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond easily won his seat back against perennial candidate Ketley Joachim.
Ketley has now unsuccessfully run for a seat on the North Miami Beach Commission a total of five times. As much as we love Ketley, we have to be honest — she’s simply not a great candidate.
While Ketley is a force for good in the community and on the various boards and committees she sits on, campaigning for office is not her forte. This time around, as of the October 18, 2024 reporting period, she only raised $6,120.00 (to McKenzie’s $32,957.00), only spent $253.14 (to McKenzie’s expenditures of $18,200.67).
Ketley had zero chance of winning this election, and we really hope that she gives up the dubious “dream” of being a Commissioner, and put her talents to use where she really can (and already does) make a difference.
The final race for Seat 7 is also headed for a runoff on November 19, 2024 between the two top vote-getters, Lynn Su and the Ultimate Criminal Commissioner, Paule Villard, who appears to be running yet another sham campaign.
As of the reporting period ending October 18, 2024, Lynn Su raised $54,567.16, and spent $40,832.99. Paule, on the other hand, only raised $2,786.00 and spent $1,449.00.
Paule’s whopping contributions came from the usual suspects, i.e.:
- $786.00 loan from herself to her campaign
- $1,000.00 from Ex-North Miami Mayor/Corruptocrat Andre Pierre
- $500.00 from her go-to donor, St. Fort’s Funeral Home
- $500.00 from Ex-North Miami Beach corrupt City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot through his company, HLA Consulting Group, LLC
Meanwhile, the only expenditures Paule actually reported were:
- $150.00 on 8/17/24 to City of North Miami Beach for Qualifying Fee
- $200.00 on 9/11/24 to David Petit-Homme, a random 28-year old residing at 14617 NE 14 Avenue, for “canvassing”
- $600.00 on 9/26/24 to Go-Go Communications (a Florida Limited Liability Company formed on April 15, 2024, for “canvassing”
- $3.00 on 9/30/24 to TD Bank for “fee”
- $493.00 on 10/5/24 to Budget Rent-A-Car for “transportation”
Nowhere on any of her Campaign Treasurer’s Reports did Paule Villard report spending any money on her campaign mailers sent out in early September spouting her usual tired lie that she was a “Police Sergeant,” or her freshly printed and costly yard signs that were plastered all over the City as early as September 8, 2024.
As a non-corrupt candidate very well knows, it is illegal not to report campaign expenditures, but Paule doesn’t care because she is the poster child for corruption.
In fact, Paule Villard has the distinct honor of being one of the most unscrupulous elected officials to ever sit on the dais at North Miami Beach City Hall.
Along with Michael Joseph, your brand new Mayor-Elect.
Let’s not forget that Paule Villard was a one-term Commissioner who lost her seat in 2022, and who ran unsuccessfully for Mayor in 2023.
If North Miami Beach voters are serious about ridding their government of corruption, they’d do well to make Paule Villard a third-time loser, and vote for Lynn Su for Commissioner.
We urge you to also make Daniela Jean a one-term Commissioner and vote for Margie Love.
(Miracles have been known to happen, right?)
The alternative will be a four-Criminal Commissioner majority redux, and the literal end of North Miami Beach.
Personally, I don’t give a crap what happens in North Miami Beach anymore because I live in a well-run municipality where there is literally zero corruption.
Just saying.
But for those of you who still live in NMB, keep in mind that the future of your City is solely in your hands.
ON NOVEMBER 19, 2024
We had the same issue where voters voted to keep Marlon Bolton and voted out an outstanding commissioner in Elvin Villalobos for Bolton and Gelin backed Krystal Cordo Patterson. That means that every commissioner on the dais was put in by dirty tactics, lies, and corrupt mailers by Bolton. We are screwed if some of the Commissioners don’t start to use their own brains.
Would some of the people who lost join forces to help those running against the corrupt?
How did this happen, Stephanie? It makes no sense
Michael brought partisan politics into a non-partisan race by using the Democratic Party as a backdrop to his campaign. While voters around the country and even Miami-Dade County overwhelmingly said NO to the destructive Democrat agenda and voted in Republicans, voters in a couple of tiny and insignificant cities in northeast Dade and almost all of Broward clung to the insane notion that Democrats would fix the problems they themselves created.
Go figure.
Agree. Please also add to the list the “new” elected Attorney Joe Geller who knows nothing in regards to allegedly becoming the “new” Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections?
Joe Geller was elected to the School Board. This should scare every parent in Miami-Dade County.
I feel the same as you Stephanie, I could care less for NMB , I live far from that city .. this city is a shit hole is always in the News , there’s always a scandal. They need to clean house , the PD is a disgrace , they don’t have what it takes to represent and protect their citizens, bunch of hypocrites incompetents with the only purpose of getting to the top seat and do nothing , this department is worst now than never before!!!! Get rid of that new manager , he is not the best it’s all a friends and family just like the last manager !!!
I had high hopes for this manager, but he has been a big disappointment. I cannot believe he still has not fired the suspended Chief and it’s been over a year! He has plenty of cause to fire her outright, but I heard she’s threatening a “discrimination” lawsuit and he’s falling for it. It was bad enough that she forced a civilian police employee to notarize a fraudulent affidavit, but then she sabotaged Karl Anderson’s promotion because he’s white is beyond disgusting. The only racist in this situation is her! The manager should have had the balls to tell her, “You’re not fired for being black. You’re fired because you suck.”
Meanwhile, the new — and very deserving — Interim Chief Juan Pinillos should be made permanent Chief, but can’t until the suspended “Chief” is off the payroll. Instead, he’s being held in limbo indefinitely.
Using “racism” as an excuse for incompetence just pisses the shit out of me.
Duke started destroying the police department, but this manager missed a golden opportunity to fix it. Unfortunately, he dropped the ball.

No, we don’t miss Ana Garcia. Look what she did with the water utility. Then she resigned leaving us high and dry, millions in wasteful spending because she didn’t know what she was doing.
Ana may have miscalculated the issue with the water utility, but that was her only mistake. Also, she did NOT resign — she was fired, prematurely in my opinion. Given time, I believe she would have been able to rectify it. Once she left, however, the problem grew exponentially.
Ana Garcia ended up in Dania Beach where she and Candido Sosa are doing an amazing job. Dania Beach is booming under her management.
I disagree with you on the new interim chief and the assistant chief one is too lazy and have no leadership and the other is not qualified to deal with stress and people in general , NMB needs a complete refresh , clean house and vote Republican!
I’ve known Pinillos for many, many years, and I have a great deal of respect for him. I’m not an employee of the PD, so if there are issues with his leadership, I wouldn’t know about them.
I do agree that there needs to be a complete refresh, but I don’t see that happening any time soon, especially if there’s a four-Criminal Commissioner majority again. If that happens, the PD is going to go downhill much faster than it already has.
As for partisan politics, there was a red wave across the country and across Miami-Dade County (except for NMB and a few other insignificant cities) for many reasons. One of those reasons was exactly why Harvette Smith is still on the payroll. Just saying.
If ALL the crimminal four get back into office, there is no doubt that the police department will lose a significant amount of veteran officers, leaving NMB very unsafe. The new hires are not seasoned enough. Maybe this documentary needs to be a refresher for all residents of North Miami Beach.
Just goes to show you how stupid and uninformed the voters of NMB are. It’s a shame that voters opinion doesn’t reach everyone.
It’s a shame that voters don’t care and fall for the lies told by career politicians.
It didn’t help to have a commissioner and their husband in the background hoping for a Joseph win. Look at the Eastern Shores results and explain how that happened. While better numbers for Piper might not have moved the needle enough for a victory, many in this community know of the nefarious dealings in the background going on. Playing with fire will get you burnt. Now we’re toast.