There’s always one in every NMB election. 🙄

The enticement of an astronomical and undeserved $81K salary and benefits package for “serving” North Miami Beach residents always brings out even more undeserving Commission candidates in almost every municipal election.

These questionable individuals have never attended Commission meetings, volunteered at City events, been appointed to any City Board or Committee, and probably live outside City limits.  But that doesn’t stop them from foolishly throwing their hats into the ring and opening themselves up to public scrutiny and having their deep, dark secrets exposed to the sunlight.

This year is no different with the entrance of one “Maggy Magdala Belizaire Lopez” into the horse race for Group 7 against four other candidates, i.e., Eunice Flowers, Ellis Keeter, the terminally corrupt Paule Villard, and the only candidate worthy of a seat on the dais, Lynn Su.

It appears that “Maggy Magdala Belizaire Lopez,” who has more last names than Elizabeth Taylor, only one of which has been verified, wants to be a Commissioner when she grows up.

Her one true name appears to be Magdala Niclasse, which appears as either a Plaintiff or a Defendant in twenty-one cases filed in Miami-Dade County, and nine cases in Broward County.

These civil cases include a divorce, a petition for paternity, a disestablishment of paternity, child support enforcement, two evictions, stalking by Magdala Niclasse (against two separate victims in both counties), domestic violence and repeat violence (filed both by and against her), and a random traffic infraction.

The most interesting ones are three — count ’em THREE — Petitions for Name Change filed by Magdala Niclasse since 2017, all of which were denied.  Her most recent failed Petition for Name Change was filed on May 20, 2024 — only 48 days before she filed to run for office in North Miami Beach.

Magdala Niclasse, a/k/a “Maggy Magdala Belizaire Lopez,” has at least two Facebook accounts.

One of them was created in May of 2018 in the original name of “Maggy Activists,” but is currently listed as “Maggy M Belizaire Lopez.”

The other Facebook account was created in October of 2020 in the original name of Maggyloven, but currently listed as “Maggy Desh Tax Preparer.”

Seems legit.

Magdala Niclasse lists herself as the “Register [sic] Agent” of a Florida Limited Liability Company called Desh Income Tax & Immigration Services, LLC, which was formed on March 19, 2018.

The mailing address for this company was listed as 91 NE 168 Street, Miami, FL 33162.

This property is a residential home in North Miami Beach owned by Exantyle Jean Gilles, who lists this home as her homestead for the purpose of a tax exemption.

The actual Registered Agent named on this company is “Mrs. Exantyl Jean Gilles Veillard.”  She is also named as “Authorized Person,” but was not listed as a principal with the company until its Amended 2022 Annual Report was filed on December 16, 2022.

Meanwhile on August 17, 2018, the same year Magdala Niclasse formed her company, she was served with an eviction lawsuit to remove her from the premises located at 2263 SW 80 Terrace, Miramar, Florida 33025.

Less than two months later, her landlord, IPTD LLC, voluntarily dismissed the case.

We don’t know if she paid the past due rent or simply moved out.

However, we do know that on July 17, 2020, Magdala Niclasse’s company, Desh Income Tax & Immigration Services, LLC, purchased a residential property located at 6765 Rose Drive, Miramar, Florida 33023.

Which begs the question … Is this where Magdala Niclasse, a/k/a “Maggy Magdala Belizaire Lopez” really lives?

Interestingly, we’re not the only ones curious as to the actual residence of North Miami Beach Commission candidate “Maggy Magdala Belizaire Lopez.”

On July 30, 2024, an anonymous “Concerned Citizen” sent an email addressed to the Ethics Commissions of both Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida, the Miami State Attorney’s Office, Governor Ron DeSantis, and the Clerk of the City of North Miami Beach, with copies to then-three of the other candidates for this seat, alleging among other things that Magdala Niclasse actually resides at 6765 Rose Drive, Miramar, Florida 33023.

Well, that was interesting to say the least.

As for the mysterious Magdala Niclasse’s many aliases, we have absolutely no idea where she came up with the names “Desh,” “Belizaire,” “Lopez,” or “Escarment,” but we did find several Facebook posts where she called herself “La Belle Maggy Escarment.”  The most recent post was a Facebook Live video on October 10, 2024.

We imagine that Magdala Niclasse, a/k/a “Maggy Magdala Belizaire Lopez” a/k/a “Maggy Desh,” a/k/a “La Belle Maggy Escarment” is confused about a lot of things.

Not the least of which is her real name, where she lives, or why she’s actually running for office in North Miami Beach.

Hopefully, NMB voters are not confused on November 5, 2024, and cast their vote for Lynn Su in Group 7!


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4 thoughts on “There’s always one in every NMB election. 🙄

  1. Looks and sounds like a paid “ghost” candidate to me.
    Glad you exposed her. Damn, NMB never ceases to amaze me. A criminal investigation is warranted.

    1. A criminal investigation will never happen. Not in Miami-Dade County, anyway. If you had a State Attorney who prosecuted real criminals, Michael Joseph and Paule Villard would have been behind bars already.

  2. And of course this type of candidate ends up interfering with the outcomes of other candidates in that race which has a multitide of undeserving office-seekers.

    I agree with you on Lynn Su for this race. I see her at meetings come up and speak. She seems to have a level of intelligence that’s needed in our city.

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