BEWARE! North Miami Beach election fraudsters are already on the loose!


A 1953 graphic warning against vote selling

The late North Miami Beach (and Original Criminal) Commissioner Frantz Pierre perfected the dark art of absentee ballot fraud as far back as 2011.  We exposed him when he was caught red-handed in a sting operation, only to be given the first of many passes by the equally corrupt and morally bankrupt Miami State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle.

One of Pierre’s many election fraud tricks was to follow the mailed absentee ballots to the recipients’ homes and coerce them into letting him fill them out and mail them — as a “public service,” of course.

In 2015, Frantz mentored and recruited his fellow corruptocrat, Paule Villard, to run for office.

Fortunately, she lost that year.  Unfortunately, she ran again and won in 2018.

In 2022, when she was running for re-election, Paul Villard not only sent her hired thugs to storm the homes of residents who received absentee ballots to make sure they “vote correctly,” but she also literally grabbed a ballot out of a voter’s hand, filled it out for her, and stood by her at the precinct to make sure her fraudulent vote was recorded.

That same year, Paule also engaged in ADA ballot assistance fraud, a nefarious criminal activity first exposed during the 2021 North Miami municipal election.

Just this afternoon, North Miami Beach resident Nene King reported on Facebook that the absentee ballot fraud is taking place in her neighborhood as we speak!

At press time, we cannot confirm whether or not the perpetrators are Paule Villard’s thugs.  But since we know she’s done this before, we know she’s absolutely capable of doing it again.

There are eleven other candidates currently running for office in North Miami Beach.  While we have already unearthed some dirt on several of them — stay tuned — none of them have committed election fraud that we know of.

In the meantime, stay vigilant!

Don’t let anyone touch your ballot or convince you to “help you vote correctly.”

As a citizen of the United States, your right to vote is sacred and it must be protected.  Even if one vote is fraudulently cast, yours is negated and your rights have been violated.

It bears repeating that:

  • Paule Villard is desperate, and will lie, cheat, and steal to get what she wants.
  • Paule Villard has committed election fraud in the past, and she will do it again.
  • Paule Villard is a con artist and a fraud and she must not ever again hold office in North Miami Beach if residents want to save their City from carnage and corruption.

Election fraud is a crime against every citizen in our great country, and we all have an obligation to do everything in our power to fight it!


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9 thoughts on “BEWARE! North Miami Beach election fraudsters are already on the loose!

  1. Over here on the west coast of Florida in a small town with big expenses we have a different problem. Candidates and even citizens who FB or Next Door and have a positive reception – especially anyone and I mean anyone who comments or likes or shares – are contacted by the local haters. This is all done in secret, private messages, et cetera, so that the target, if they are not aware of the activities, simply lose view counts, lose supporters, and all without a word to the target. There are a handful of these haters but as is indicated in the editorial, they are very efficient. Thanks, Stephanie, for revealing the tactics of these creatures. Even those of us not located in NMB can learn from your hard work

  2. There was an audit, that clearly states the gift card give away was illegal and the criminals are running again for re-election. How do you get to break the law, and still run for office? If it were me that did all that, I would so be in jail.

  3. Thank you for letting us know, our family is not voting for her…. please fill in in on the ligit candidates. We need to save this city from the fake people….

  4. Thank you for all your hard work exposing these corrupt criminals. If they are so good, they should not need to do this, but they know they couldn’t win legally. It’s like here in Tamarac and commissioners use their $20k “initiative funds” and wait until these last few months to hold community “events” and send massive mailers and door hangers to get his big smiling face out there. Now we’ve got NMBs Krystal Patterson running. It’s all so disgusting.

    1. Krystal is from North Miami, not NMB. Although, both cities are equally corrupt so there’s probably no difference.

  5. I know not to vote for joseph,jean,fleurimand or villard, but could you please give me your opinion of
    the others?
    I respect your views, keep up the great work!

    1. Please vote for Evan Piper (Mayor) and Lynn Su (Group 7).

      I will be writing more about the candidates in the coming days.


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