NMB Clown Commissioners have a plan. Hilarity ensues! 😹😹😹

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably heard by now that the small town of Springfield, Ohio (2022 population 58,645) was inundated by the Biden administration with 15,000-20,000 illegal Haitian migrants in the last four years.  As a result, crime has skyrocketed and the city’s limited resources are nearly bankrupt.

In July Breitbart reported:

“For a few years, longtime residents were unbothered by the growing Haitian community, but over time, clashes have begun to occur as Haitians have become more obtrusive by driving illegally, piling into apartments and homes by the dozens, filling local schools with children who need special care in education and language services, and increasingly becoming a focus for government spending.”

“Residents are becoming uneasy as their town becomes increasingly decorated with Haitian flags, for instance. And some expressed concern when the Haitian flag was raised at City Hall instead of the U.S. flag during the city’s flag day celebrations.

“But that uneasiness turned to outright anger when an 11-year-old child paid the price with his life for all this immigration. The incident occurred in August of last year when migrant Hermanio Joseph drove a 2010 Honda Odyssey into oncoming traffic causing a school bus filled with children on their way to their first day of school to spin out of control and flip over.”

Worse, there have been recent reports of these migrants “eating and sacrificing animals,” despite the left-wing media’s desperate attempt to cover up any problems in the embattled city.  There is even a “vetted video” that surfaced allegedly showing “Ohio Immigrants Grilling Neighborhood Cats.”  (Click link at your own risk.)

Even if those reports are false, as the left-wing propaganda media outlets claim, the problems that have been created in Springfield by the sudden flood of illegal Haitian migrants are very, very real.

In addition to the financial strain imposed on the small city, most of these illegal Haitians don’t know how to drive, are doing so anyway without a license, and are causing a multitude of accidents on a daily basis.


As reported by the New York Post, “Forget about the ducks and geese allegedly disappearing from public parks.  In this beleaguered city, residents say the biggest problem by far is that wild-driving Haitian migrants — unfamiliar with US road laws — are turning the streets into combat zones.”  In addition to the 11-year old killed last year, a 71-year old grandmother was murdered on her front lawn “when a Haitian migrant ran her down while she was collecting her garbage cans.”

“Kathy (Heaton) was struck so violently that both her socks were left behind on the pavement as her body was thrown across the street. Debris littered the roadway, and clumps of hair were found in the car’s cracked windshield, according to the police report.”

Last Thursday, former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy hosted a town hall in Springfield where “hundreds of people gathered to express concerns for their safety despite left-leaning networks dismissing claims that Haitian immigrants are overrunning the Ohio town.”

Despite all the serious problems this influx of illegals have created for Springfield, Ohio, the only thing that has finally caught the attention of the mainstream media are the funny memes about cats and dogs allegedly being eaten by Haitian illegals.

As usual, North Miami Beach Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean decided to make this “scandal” all about them.

Like the obedient little Marxists they are, they decided to organize a “We Don’t Eat Pets Rally” in North Miami tomorrow, and advertise it under the Communist clenched fist banner of the Miami-Dade Democratic Haitian Caucus.

How fitting.

Aside from the fact that no one has ever accused these three clowns — Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean — of eating pets (although pets are probably the only things they don’t eat), none of them were born or even raised in Haiti.

Especially Daniela Jean, who never misses the chance to brag that she was born in France, as if that makes her better than anyone else.

The truth of the matter is that absolutely no one is attacking Haitians or descendants of Haitians who emigrated here legally years and years ago, raised their families here, became American citizens in due course, and are productive members of society.

Well, except for McKenzie and Daniela, who can’t hold real jobs don’t involve sucking off the government teat.

You cannot compare these naturalized and/or American-born citizens of Haitian descent to the hundreds of thousands of uncultivated denizens from Third World countries who were drop-shipped by the truckload into small, midwestern cities and towns in the middle of the night with absolutely no concern for the taxpaying residents who are forced to foot the bill at an enormous, unsustainable expense.

That fact that Michael, McKenzie, and Daniela have jumped on this story to make it all about themselves is almost as hilarious as the kick-ass cat memes that have been plastered all over the internet in the last few weeks.

We’ll leave you with this sidesplitting gem.



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12 thoughts on “NMB Clown Commissioners have a plan. Hilarity ensues! 😹😹😹

  1. How does that woman know the person chasing her was an immigrant? Did she stop and ask? If the police never showed up they wouldn’t know. Oh, I see, dark skin, a machete. Excuse me for thinking.
    Vivek Ramaswamy
    The New York Post
    Is this where you get your reliable info from?
    Please tell me you haven’t drunk the MAGA Koolaid, Steph.
    Have you bought your Trump Crypto coins yet? How about the golden Trump sneakers?

    I enjoy your work investigating the things happening with the NMB and NM commissions but have you fallen and hit your head?
    Let’s get back to the local elections and give us the true dirt on who is running for NMB commish. I got the mayor pick figured out (Go away Devil)
    Be nice or I will send a hungry Paulie to your house for a pet snack.

    1. I’m not the Koolaid drinker. I do my own research and think for myself.

      As for the woman being chased with a machete, I’m pretty sure she knows the difference between an American black person and someone screaming a foreign language while trying to kill her. It’s not rocket science.

      But, hey. Don’t believe me. Listen to the residents of Springfield who spoke out about the migrant crisis at their recent city council meeting. This is actual footage: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6361714946112

      In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this video of the ‘mostly peaceful’ Democrat riot when President Trump was inaugurated on January 21, 2017.

      Since then, the left has tried to assassinate him twice. If they can’t kill him, what will they do if he wins this time? Will they start World War Three?


      1. The MAGA people are the ones Lincoln was talking about with “You can fool some of the people ALL the time”.
        The MAGA people ARE the deplorables.
        The MAGA people ARE weird.
        The MAGA people ARE the basement dwellers.
        And the MAGA people ARE RACIST.
        Please don’t make me say this…You can’t win an argument with an ignorant person.

        Love you,
        Lefty, liberal, commie Dave (beat you to it). Actually left of center. I have voted for some Republicans in my lifetime.

        Now about NMB elections.. please give me the dirt.

        1. You sound like a walking advertisement for MSNBC. Why are liberals so afraid of making America great? That’s exactly what “MAGA” means. All that other crap you’re spouting is just propaganda from the leftist media in order to sow division among Americans. You really think that half of all Americans are the enemy? Seriously? Please stop the nonsense and start thinking for yourself.

          “I have voted for some Republicans in my lifetime” sounds an awful lot like “some of my best friends are black.”

          I’m really tired of the hypocrisy.

  2. You have been sorely missed, Stephanie. This current post reminds us how important you are in educating us as well as add humor to the conversation so that we can bear the weight of the horror being reported. Thank you for all your hard work.

  3. A “We Don’t Eat Pets Rally”? I literally thought this was a joke at first. These people will do anything for attention but the best part is that they can’t see the humor in this. Looks like they are quite serious. Who thinks this stuff up? Hilarious! One of your best.

    1. Thank you! So many people who read this missed the point entirely!

      I was careful to point out that regardless of the alleged “pet-eating” rumors, the real joke here is that the three Clown Commissioners actually thought it was a good idea to jump on this bandwagon — and literally publicize it — for political reasons.

      The irony is that these idiots have no idea how stupid this was from the get go.

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