The downfall of the North Miami Beach Police Department, courtesy of Duke Sorey!

Every single dire prediction we made when Arthur “Duke” Sorey was hired as the North Miami Beach City Manager has come true.

Every.  Single.  One.

Including and especially the destruction of the formerly stellar North Miami Beach Police Department.

As we reported in Unprofessional, uncouth, unpolished, undignified. Please welcome NMB’s new City Manager, Arthur “Duke” Sorey!:

“There are also rumors of a possible shake-up in the Police Department. This does not bode well at all for residents, who for decades have had the privilege of being professionally served by the award-winning North Miami Beach Police Department.”

We also wrote:

“Under the outstanding leadership of Police Chief Richard Rand, there is no doubt that the North Miami Beach Police Department is on its way to achieving this honor for the fourth time in 2022.

Unless, of course, Arthur “Duke” Sorey screws everything up by bringing in his second rate police cronies from North Miami — just because he can.”

Well, he could and he did.

With the “help” of ex-Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard, Duke’s hiring of unqualified rookies based on skin color helped turn the once esteemed NMBPD into the veritable sh*t show it has become.

Keep in mind that Duke’s main objective for North Miami Beach was to make it a “black city.”  He said so himself at a directors’ meeting when they were reviewing the job applications for Capital Improvement Program Manager.  He literally announced that even though one candidate stood out as the most qualified for the position, he “couldn’t hire a Brazilian in a black city.”

One of Duke’s first casualties was Police Chief Richard Rand, a 25-year veteran who diligently worked his way up the proverbial corporate ladder.  As we reported in North Miami Beach Police Chief Richard Rand “resigns.” At gun point. (Figuratively speaking, of course.), Chief rand was forced to retire … or be fired.

Duke then appointed Harvette Smith as Interim Chief because, well, she checked all the boxes.

Chief Smith immediately proved to be the proverbial “company man” by obeying Duke’s order to throw long time resident, Mubarak Kazan, out of a public City Commission meeting.

As we reported in Duke Sorey’s War on Residents:

“Kazan, who has been attending City meetings for well over two decades and recording them since 2003, had left a small handheld recording device on the stage when he left to use the restroom.  It was at that moment that Duke Sorey decided that Kazan’s recording device was a “security issue,” confiscated it, and ordered the Police Chief to remove Kazan from City Hall.”

Even after Duke was gloriously fired for cause, Police Chief Harvette Smith appears to have carried on his legacy of corruption.

Still, we had no idea how bad the NMBPD sh*t show was until we watched this insanely disturbing documentary produced by a 17-year veteran, the now-former North Miami Beach Sergeant Karl Anderson, whose “reward” for his nearly two decades of public service were several write-ups,  Internal Affairs investigations, and a blocked much deserved promotion to Captain.

In fact, he was the top scorer on the test and was given the promotion until Harvette Smith put the kibosh on it.

All because, for some inexplicable reason, she had it in for him.

The pure hell that Sergeant Anderson lived through in the past four years, over which he decided to cut his losses and buy his way into an early retirement in December of 2023, can only be relayed in his very own words.

On June 21, 2024, he premiered this unbelievable video, Unbecoming/Full Documentary.

In this film, Sergeant Karl Anderson literally blows the whistle on all the vile corruption that has come to a head at the North Miami Beach Police Department since at least 2020, when Duke Sorey came to town.

Bypass the popcorn and grab a bottle of Irish whiskey because this film will blow your mind to smithereens!

“Karl dedicated his professional career to protecting and serving the City of North Miami Beach. As a veteran police supervisor, he served his community honorably for nearly two decades. However, when he tried to uphold professional standards and correct inappropriate conduct among a group of rookies, they turned on him, spreading malicious lies meant to assassinate his character. After a lengthy internal affairs investigation concluded he had done nothing wrong, an overly politicized police administration decided it was in their interest to scapegoat him.”

If you want to show your support for Sergeant Karl Anderson, and help him get his life back, please consider donating whatever you can by clicking here:  GiveSendGo

All donations are very much appreciated.

We really, really, really hate to say, “I told you so,” but we just did.

And we were 100% right.


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5 thoughts on “The downfall of the North Miami Beach Police Department, courtesy of Duke Sorey!

  1. This will hopefully be the last act of the Sorey Shit Show, but it cannot conclude without the dismissal of our disgraceful chief. She remains on paid leave due to an investigation unrelated to the malfeasance highlighted in this documentary. Now that the documentary is public, what could possibly be the reason to continue her employment here, not to mention the cost to the taxpayers for the last several months she hasn’t worked.

    1. It is my understanding that the FDLE completed its investigation and the matter is now in the hands of the Miami State Attorney, Kathy Rundle, who has the power to prosecute — or not. Chances are she will not.

      Here is a short list of public officials Rundle will NOT prosecute:

      1. Mayors who are married to Circuit Court Judges (See Myron Rosner, whose arrest warrant had to be signed by the Broward SAO).
      2. Dirty cops, except Cuban ones (See Hialeah Officer Rafael Otano).
      3. Dirty politians who are black and/or Haitian, with no exceptions (See Paule Villard for confirmed election fraud).
      4. Democrats

  2. Let’s remember Duke’s support of Chief Lenny Burgess as North Miami’s Police Chief who will not supply public records request from citizens when he was interim city manager. Plus, North Miami Police Department lost their accreditation on April 25, 2016 from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. One week later after the lost of accreditation in May 2016, this stunning failure led to the abrupt – and humiliating – resignation of then Chief of Police Leonard Burgess as police chief in North Miami and appointment of Gary Eugene as police chief. Two years later in July 2017, North Miami fired Gary Eugene as their police chief over the July 18, 2016 police shooting involving Charles Kinsey and Rios Soto. According to this article published by Miami New Times on June 15, 2017: “In the aftermath of the shooting, Police Chief Gary Eugene told the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that his department was disorganized, plagued by infighting, and unable to handle basic things like securing the crime-scene after Kinsey was shot. He also claimed that cops tried to force a commander to lie to protect Aledda, and had attempted to frame a fellow commander, Emile Hollant, by pretending he’d lied to chief about what he’d witnessed.”

    Who was deputy city manager? Arthur “Duke” Sorey III!

    1. Emile Hollant was royally fucked.

      Duke Sorey and his gang of reprobates in the PD framed him, opened a fraudulent IA investigation on him, and fired him based on those fraudulent findings.

      I can’t even think about that entire crime without getting pissed off all over again.

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