Sleepy Joe Strikes Again!

As you know, North Miami Beach City Attorney Joe Geller was caught on camera snoozing at the May 21, 2024 City Commission meeting.

As you also know, this former member of the Florida House of Representatives, is a current  Greenspoon Marder LLP partner, School Board candidate, municipal attorney for the Town of El Portal, and interim city attorney for Doral, and now the City of North Miami Beach.

In addition to all those hats, Sleepy Joe also sports the sombrero of Town Attorney for Bay Harbor Islands.

We’re told that he also regularly doses off during Council Meetings there, and sometimes has to be gently prodded awake by the Mayor and other Town officials.

In fact, as recently as last week at the June 18, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Joe embarrassed himself when the Mayor and Council were appointing Interim Town Manager Jenise Rosado as the Permanent Town Manager

At hour 2:12 of the meeting video, the Mayor and Council voted unanimously to appoint Ms. Rosado.  Councilwoman Stephanie Bruder wanted the Town Attorney to negotiate the agreement.  When Mayor Joshua Fuller tried to ask Geller what he needed, he sheepishly chuckled when he realized that Joe wasn’t listening because …

Whatever Joe Geller is getting paid for this gig is too much.  He obviously has way too many jobs and too much on his plate to perform any of them well.

Bay Harbor Islands residents deserve better!


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2 thoughts on “Sleepy Joe Strikes Again!

  1. The Miami Hearld: Sunday, August 17, 2008

    “…Geller “forgets” to pay his taxes. It cited IRS tax liens totaling $39,067. County records show Geller satisfied the liens, which were assessed in 1989 and 1990. “I got behind on some things,” he said…?

  2. Holy Magoly: is that guy still around? He was in office when I moved to the left coast of Florida in 2002. And he was already old hat at that time. With thirty something cities in each of the tri-counties on the east coast, plus whatever is left of unincorporated counties, you mean to say he’s the best and only one willing to fill those seats?

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