Shameless #StripMallLawyer Hans Ottinot strikes again!

Hot off the presses!

Channel 10 just published North Miami residents praise ‘professional’ city manager — so why do some officials want her gone? about the unjust firing of North Miami City Manager Rasha Cameau.

The news station also posted this video of the broadcast on YouTube:

The story also mentioned that Vice Mayor Mary Estimé-Irvin demanded that the City hire ex-North Miami Beach City “Attorney,” Hans Ottinot, a/k/a Strip Mall Lawyer, to …

(Try not to hurt yourself laughing!)

“… assist the City Council regarding the matter of terminating the City Manager’s employment,” according to an April 15, 2024 email from North Miami City Attorney Jeff Cazeau.

From his “office,” a rented box at Parkland Pak Mail, a storefront mailbox store in the Sawgrass Center Shopping Mall, Hans #StripMallLawyer Ottinot prepared a Letter of Engagement offering his “legal” services at the bargain rate of $300.00 and hour.

No one should be surprised that Mary and Hans are in bed together — figuratively speaking, of course — because, as we all know, water seeks its own level.

We urge North Miami residents to attend the protest tomorrow night in front of City Hall at 4:30 pm.

Please stick around for the the Special Council Meeting so you can tell your elected representatives exactly what you think of their idiotic decision to fire the City Manager.

In the meantime, here’s a little flashback from March 2023 for your entertainment.

Run, Hans, Run!


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3 thoughts on “Shameless #StripMallLawyer Hans Ottinot strikes again!

  1. He is unconscionable. How can he work full time for Tamarac (cough cough) and have time for anything else? I know how. Because he does a half job at anything.

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