North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph likes to hide behind an “anonymous” surrogate army made up of his fellow Circle of Corruption members, his former campaign workers, and racists who lie about being residents.
As we already reported, two Tamarac members of the Circle of Corruption, sleazy Commissioner Marlon Bolton and ex-North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot, a/k/a #StripMallLawyer, enlisted their buddy, lawyer Michael Garcia to use his shady political committee to help ex-Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s campaign for mayor.
They tried to stay under the radar, but we exposed their Dark Money PAC tricks.
Here’s the grammar-challenged mailer sent out by Michael Garcia, under the name of a non-existent political committee, The Hispanic Vote PC.
Let’s dissect the lies.
As we’ve reported time and time again, Paule Villard worked for the Miami Police Department for a 21 years, not 28 years.
At least she didn’t falsely claim to be a “retired sergeant” for once.
But that lie is nothing compared to the whopper she told on the campaign trail!
Last Thursday, she texted North Miami Beach voters with the announcement that she had been endorsed by the Florida Democratic Party.
Except that was a lie.
North Miami Beach resident Keith Myers discovered that it never happebed.
He immediately sent an email to Nikki Fried, the Chair of the Florida Dems, who promptly wrote back:
We hear that poor Nikki is being pressured to endorse Paule by a certain member of the Black Congressional Caucus.
Not because she’s qualified for the job of mayor.
But she’s black, so there’s that.
We sincerely hope that Nikki Fried will not succumb to the pressure and refuse to endorse a candidate who already proved she’s a pathological liar by dragging the Florida Democratic Party down to her level of debauchery.
Just saying.
The second lie Paule told was that she will “restore funding to community projects and staffing that were [sic] taken away.”
What she really wants to do is restore funding for her endless vacations, extravagant parties for her family and personal friends, campaign on the public dime, and of course, the unaccountable spending sprees on her taxpayer-funded Purchasing Card (P Card).
And finally, “Paule Villard will: Garbage service we can count on.”
Well, this is partly true because she turned North Miami Beach into a garbage dump during her last campaign, and she promises to continue that tradition.
So a vote for Paule is a vote for garbage.
On the reverse side of this laughable mailer, the fake PAC put the mugshot of Mayor Anthony DeFillipo, who was suspended pending the outcome of his arrest for three “alleged” felonies. Since that mugshot has already been circulated ad nauseam by the media, and because Paule stupidly thinks he’s her opponent, we are not going to reprint it on our website.
Beneath the photo, Paule really amped up the fiction.
She claimed he was “arrested on 3 felony charges of fraud related to living in Broward County for two years while remaining in public office here.”
Except that was a lie.
In her May 31, 2023 Press Conference, Miami State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle specifically said, “I know that some may wonder why Anthony DeFillipo has not been charged with a crime related to his residency outside of the city of North Miami Beach while being the Mayor of North Miami Beach. The reason is because violating the requirements of North Miami Beach City charter is not a crime. It’s a city charter violation.“
Tony’s arrest had absolutely nothing to do with the false allegations made by Michael Joseph’s “anonymous” surrogate army. According to the Affidavit in Support of Arrest, there was probable cause that he “used a residential address he had sold and was no longer residing when he voted.”
Which means is that he voted in the wrong precinct.
In fact, the State’s Complaint/Arrest Affidavit lists Tony’s “permanent address” as 3601 NE 170 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33160.
Furthermore, the “arrest location” is listed as “3601 NE 170 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33160.”
If the State Attorney actually believed that Tony lived in Broward County, he wouldn’t have been arrested at his residence in North Miami Beach.
The next line in Paule’s ad was, “This is the third elected mayor in a row to be arrested and removed from office.”
Except that was a lie.
Former Mayor Myron Rosner was arrested on three felonies and five misdemeanors after he lost his 2011 election, not while he was in office. He was not “removed from office.”
Former Mayor George Vallejo was charged with two misdemeanors of campaign violations. As part of a plea deal, he agreed to step down and resign as Mayor. He was not “removed from office.”
Mayor Anthony DeFillipo was suspended pending his trial. He was not “removed from office.”
And yet, none of these charges have anything to do with public corruption.
As much as we detest Myron Rosner, it’s important to note that he committed campaign finance fraud with private funds, not public money.
Ditto with George Vallejo, who never abused his official position by dipping into the City coffers.
As for Tony, his charges have absolutely nothing to do with his official position as Mayor whatsoever. Any citizen, whether a public official or not, could have been charged with the same allegations if he or she voted in the wrong precinct.
And unlike Paule Villard and her former co-conspirators on the dais, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Michael Joseph, who have all been or currently are under investigation for public corruption, Tony never took a single dime of City money.
And we have all the receipts to prove it!
And finally, Paule’s Dark Money political ad states, “A Special Election will be held on December 5th to choose a new mayor to restore law & order.”
Except that’s a lie.
If Paule manages to become the mayor of North Miami Beach, the crime spree will begin anew.
Last November when Paule was running for re-election, we warned you that criminality was on the ballot.
It’s on the ballot once again, and make no mistake, Paule Villard is the only criminal running for mayor!
During her one term in office as a Commissioner, Paule literally stole hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars for her personal benefit.
During her 2022 campaign for re-election, Paule stole and vandalized her opponent’s campaign signs, and even vandalized his car at a Town Hall Meeting.

She even stole $225,000 of federal tax dollars for Publix gift cards so she could buy votes!
And if elected as mayor, as sure as the sun rises in the east, Paule Villard will do it again!
Paule Villard is desperate for money.
Without the annual $56,016 salary and executive expense, the $5,000 travel and auto expense, the $13,500 contingency fund, the $2,052 retirement contribution, and the $12,000 insurance package, Paule won’t get her roof fixed.
She also won’t be able to go on taxpayer-funded trips to Haiti and Las Vegas.
And forget about throwing lavish, Haitian only, $25,000 parties for her friends and family.
But, according to Paule Villard, YOU’RE the racist!
North Miami Beach residents, the choice is clear. You can vote for a racist, anti-Semitic, pathological liar.
Or you can vote for Evan Piper for Mayor!
ON DECEMBER 5, 2023,
I trust that karma catch with her sooner than later. That woman is a nightmare. The 3 commissioners (DJ. MF, and MJ)wants her as the city mayor. so the four of them can rule NMB.
Dear Michael Joseph,
An astute reader alerted me to a few “anonymous” posts where the commenter said each time “Make NMB Great Again.” I didn’t really pay attention at first, but then it became clear that you were baiting me. I deleted your posts, but now I know what you’re up to. The same way you sent out fake texts claiming that Jay Chernoff was a “MAGA Republican” when Criminal Candidate Paule Villard was running last year, you’re going to try to pull that nonsense again.
Michael Joseph, you are a duplicitous asshole and everyone knows it. No one but the morons in your echo chamber can stand you. Ditto for Paule, who is literally the dumbest person on the planet. Consider yourself outed once again.
Watch what happens next.
I would expect someone to make an inquiry of voter fraud if Paule wins. I have not seen one campaign sign for her as of two weeks before the election. Evan is all over the place on commercial properties as well as private properties.
I heard her signs are out there now, popping up all over, especially on residential properties where she doesn’t have permission to plan them.
Some things never change with this Criminal!