Paging Judge Valerie R. Manno Shurr!
On March 5, 2023, she signed a Court Order for all North Miami Beach Commissioners to attend the March 21, 2023 Commission.
When the three Criminal Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean, deliberately broke quorum before important matters were voted on, Judge Manno Shurr was forced to issue another Order directing ” all Members of the City of North Miami Beach Commission to attend City Commission Meetings in compliance with Resolution No. R2022-153, which listed every scheduled Commission meeting for the calendar year 2023.”
Tonight the three Criminal Commissioners violated Judge Manno Schurr’s Court Order.
The scheduled November 14, 2023 Commission meeting began without a quorum because Michael, McKenzie, and Daniela decided they didn’t have to do the job they were elected to do.
The Clerk announced that Michael called to say he was running late “because of the weather,” and that he would be there by 6:15 PM.
He did show up, but publicly announced that it was “because of traffic.”
He mentioned nothing about the weather.
He can’t even keep his own lies straight.
Neither McKenzie nor Daniela bothered to even call.
We’re told that Daniela did manage to show up to an Executive Session held at 3:00 PM. However, without a quorum of five, that meeting was aborted, so she left.
As usual.
She obviously had more important things to do than the People’s Business.
This is despite the fact that she receives a taxpayer-funded:
- Annual salary/executive expense of $50,901.00
- A retirement benefit of $1,761.00
- Health/vision/dental/workers comp insurance benefit of $10,904.00
- Travel/auto expenses of $4,000.00
- A “contingency fund” of $13,500.00
- And all the Pirate’s Booty Cheese Puffs she can eat
For a grand total of $81,066.00!
Okay, so the taxpayer-funded Pirate’s Booty stash stopped when Duke was fired.
Needless to say, however, Daniela can obviously still afford to pay for her own cheese puff addiction.
Since there was no quorum, acting Mayor Jay Chernoff announced that there was no meeting.
McKenzie strolled in a few minutes later, but it wouldn’t have mattered because there was still no quorum.
As usual, the three Criminal Commissioners are up to something nefarious.
There’s a reason they decided to boycott this particular meeting, and we’re pretty sure it has to do with the upcoming Special Election for Mayor and their hopes of getting their former co-conspirator, Paule Villard, back on the dais.
North Miami Beach residents, if you don’t want your City to be run by an organized ring of criminals, who are already collectively stealing $243,198.00 of your tax dollars every year, you need to get to the polls on December 5th, 2023 and make sure Criminal Candidate Paule Villard is sent packing!
Oh my word. Can’t they be held in contempt of court?
Only Daniela because she never showed up at all. Michael did, and McKenzie finally did, but that was after the meeting was aborted. From what I know, McKenzie never even called to say he going to be late. If he had, maybe Jay wouldn’t have adjourned the meeting. But, who knows? All I do know is that since Tony left, the City has zero leadership whatsoever.
There’s no question that this coordinated “no show” was planned to sabotage the evening. This is a clear indication that they are in contact with each other. If that’s the case they have probably been breaking the Sunshine Law amongst themselves for years. I mean, they have a history of voting the same way every time, right? That is a very dangerous way to run a city. I hope they never get re-elected for the sake of the residents of NMB.
They most definitely have violated Sunshine Laws for years. The problem is that this crime is very hard to prove without a witness willing to blow the whistle or being caught in the act. Very few, if any, public officials have been charged with this crime. Sad but true.
The worst possible mistake voters can make is to elect this criminal back into office. If she gets in, NMB residents may as well say goodbye to transparent and ethical governance forever.
Dear Michael Joseph,
An astute reader alerted me to a few “anonymous” posts where the commenter said each time “Make NMB Great Again.” I didn’t really pay attention at first, but then it became clear that you were baiting me. I deleted your posts, but now I know what you’re up to. The same way you sent out fake texts claiming that Jay Chernoff was a “MAGA Republican” when Criminal Candidate Paule Villard was running last year, you’re going to try to pull that nonsense again.
Michael Joseph, you are a duplicitous asshole and everyone knows it. No one but the morons in your echo chamber can stand you. Ditto for Paule, who is literally the dumbest person on the planet. Consider yourself outed once again.
Watch what happens next.