In Part 1 of Motor Mouth McKenzie beclowns himself. Again!, we told you about the ludicrous behavior of North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond at the April 18, 2023 City Commission meeting. He only got more and more preposterous as the evening wore on.
During public comment, several residents complained about crime and cars speeding through residential neighborhoods. At hour 1:52:25, McKenzie just had to put in his two cents.
McKenzie interrupted by saying, “Mr. Mayor, I know this is not a back and forth but I’m hearing these public comments. We really need to have a kind of forward thinking approach to the speeding issues that we have in our City and to some of the safety concerns that we have in our City.”
“Forward thinking.”
“We’re hearing the same things over and over and over and over, right? And if someone would ask is their government really working for them to a certain degree, they would have a legitimate question to ask because how have we not come up with a solution? We need a real good balance between catching up and moving forward.”
Catching up, McKenzie?
You mean, after the last two years of abject failure at City Hall thanks to you?
Well, let’s fill you in on “how have we YOU not come up with a solution.”
For the past two years, YOU, aided and abetted by your corrupt co-conspirators and your corrupt City Manager and your corrupt City “Attorney,” have spent all the City’s time, money, and resources on taxpayer-funded parties, chauffeurs, vanity events, vacations, “business” luncheons, and pie-in-the sky “projects,” which left YOU no time to “come up with a solution” to any of the residents’ problems.
Let’s also not forget, McKenzie, that YOU are single-handedly responsible for breaking a quorum on December 20, 2022 and preventing the City from conducting any of the People’s Business for four months until a Judge stuffed your culo gordo into that chair.
YOU are the reason there has been no “moving forward!”
Any questions?
When the topic of the City Attorney’s Office came up for discussion at hour 2:17:24 of the meeting video, John Herin, Esquire stated that his standard engagement letter proposing a monthly fee of $47,000, which is $13,000 less per month (or $156,000 per year) than his predecessor, City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot, was paid during his 23 months of incompetent “legal” representation.
Jay Chernoff moved to approve the contract, and neither Fortuna Smukler nor Phyllis Smith had any questions.
McKenzie, of course, couldn’t let an opportunity go by without pontificating.
He had the cojones to ask how much Mr. Herin’s handling of litigation would cost.
McKenzie Fleurimond has got to be the most self-unaware person on the entire planet.
He is personally responsible for ripping off North Miami Beach taxpayers the ungodly sum of $2,221,612.21 by shoving Strip Mall “Lawyer” Hans Ottinot, down the throats of every single resident for the first 23 months of the long, miserable, two years of hell he put the City through.
We do not yet have the payments made to Hans from March 1, 2023 through March 16, 2023, the date Hans finally resigned in shame, but we’re guessing he was paid the full $60,000 for the whole month (and then some) even though he only “worked” half that time, thanks to ex-City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey’s free hand with the City checkbook.
Keep in mind that the City Attorney Office budget is $920,000 per year, yet Hans was paid an additional 62% over his base pay, and more than 120% over budget!
Not to mention the more than $200,000 paid to Sham Lawyer Luis E. Suarez, who was illegally hired by Hans at McKenzie’s request, but without the express approval of the Mayor and Commission.
And unlike Strip Mall “Lawyer” Hans Ottinot and his pathetic “boutique law firm,” Mr. Herin’s legitimate and prestigious law firm, Fox Rothschild, LLP, is a full-service agency equipped to handle all of the City’s legal needs.
It’s also not located in a mailbox store at a strip mall.
Yet McKenzie had the chutzpah to question Mr. Herin’s “cost for litigation.”
And, yet, he continued to bloviate.
McKenzie wanted to know exactly what meetings the City Attorney would be required to attend.
“I mean, are these iterated in, in, this, uh, this contract? Cuz, I wanna just make sure that we know exactly what it is.”
Mr. Herin made sure to remind him that, unlike ex-City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot, his $275 hourly rate over and above general legal services includes litigation, as well as a host of other matters such as “attendance at any special meetings, bond transactions, complex real estate transactions, environmental matters, enterprise [work], which is generally considered to be a utility fund, and labor negotiations.”
Like we said, Fox Rothschild, LLP is a full-service law firm.
McKenzie attempted to walk back his stupidity by rudely chastising, “Okay, cuz you answered the question differently when I asked you the first time.”
Unlike his classless predecessor, Mr. Herin politely and professionally responded with, “I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear,” even though he was perfectly clear.
Despite the fact that McKenzie was wrong — as usual — he just had to keep yapping away.
“Cuz I wanted to know the hourly rate. Obviously you don’t know how many hours you’re gonna work on a case, but I wanted to know specifically if you can iterate that on the record that litigation is $275.”
McKenzie learned a new word LOL!
Unlike his incompetent predecessor and his even more incompetent “law” partner, who couldn’t quite grasp the concept of basic math (no, Pamela Ryan, two-thirds of five is not three), John Herin, Esq. also pledged to “stay within the budget as set by the City Commission.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Herin’s contract is basically the same one that Strip Mall “Lawyer” Hans had with the City, which McKenzie never once grilled him about as handed him the keys to City Hall.
When it thankfully appeared that McKenzie had finally stopped talking, the Mayor asked the Clerk to take the vote on the motion to hire Mr. Herin.
The Mayor, who always is the last to vote, barely had the chance to say “yes,” when McKenzie — once again — opened his pie hole to speak (hour 2:25:51 of the video) just as the Clerk was trying to declare that the motion passed.
McKenzie blurted out, “Mr. Mayor. I know we already called the roll, but …”
The Mayor reminded him that they needed to finish the process.
As soon as the Clerk announced that the motion passed 6-0, McKenzie was at it again.
“Mr. Mayor, I know that last time we spoke you wanted to, um, you had some other firms you were looking at. Is that still your interest to look at that firms to interview and do all that?”
The Mayor tried to respond by saying, “At this point, we’re still working with our current City Attorney and …”
When McKenzie interrupted — AGAIN!
“Because I know we had a process we were opening up to look at other firms and doing interviews.”
Taken aback by yet another stupid question, the Mayor reminded him that all of the elected officials have the opportunity to look at other firms …
The Mayor couldn’t finish his sentence because, as usual, McKenzie interrupted — AGAIN!
“The reason I’m asking is that this is on an interim basis.”
When the Mayor — once again — tried to respond, McKenzie — once again — tried to interrupt.
This time the Mayor finally stopped him by saying, “Let me finish.”
Mayor DeFillipo explained that they have a process in place whereby if the Commission so decides they can choose to open the position for other applicants. However, he added, “We have Mr. Herin in the seat right now and we’re ready to go and …”
Before the Mayor could even finish his sentence — once again — McKenzie jumped right in again and said, “That’s why I was asking, so you answered the question as far as the process is concerned, um, so just on the record for continuity, honestly …”
“My theme is move NMB forward.”
This is really adorable coming from the clown who literally stalled the City’s progress for the last four months.
The audience burst out in laughter.
McKenzie lamented, “I’m glad some of you guys find that funny. Mr. Herin, people are laughing at the fact that I would like for us to not to have a search and continue with you.”
Hey, Mac. That’s not what they were laughing about!
Somehow, McKenzie was STILL not done beclowning himself.
Stay tuned for the final act of McKenzie’s one-man, three-ring circus.
Oh my word. We have a couple commissioners whose names could replace his in commentary. Is this behavior contagious?
You wouldn’t be talking about that ass clown Marlon Bolton, would you?
One of them. The other is a new commissioner who not only interrupts, but does not know protocol (calls a particular commish by his first name and refuses to call him commissioner), decorum, and many times says “I don’t even know what we are talking about.”
This guy is nothing more than a big, porky, gasbag wrapped in skin. He just can’t keep his mouth shut.