What do North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey

Criminal Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond

And City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot …

All have in common?

They all run like cowards from the media.

NBC6 reporter Phil Prazen attempted to ask the Strip Mall “Lawyer” a question after he got his panties twisted and abruptly left last night’s aborted City Commission Meeting when Commissioner Fortuna Smukler dramatically removed the nameplates of missing Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Daniela Jean.

The reporter attempted to interview Hans in the hallway about his “perspective on all this,” but he refused to answer any questions.

When asked for a “comment about the quorum break,” Hans responded that he would speak to him “off the record.”

When the reporter asked him, “Why not on the record?”, Hans said, “Cuz, uh, I won’t speak on pendin’ litigation.”

Hans scampered down the fire escape stairwell, ran out the back door, slammed it shut in the reporter’s face, and “pressed his body against it” so the reporter couldn’t get out.

But the best part was when Hans ran away — LITERALLY — “down the sidewalk and across 19th Avenue” like the coward he really is.


Folks, we couldn’t make this stuff up.

North Miami Beach residents deserve better.


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17 thoughts on “RUN, HANS, RUN!

  1. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on the posts, it’s interesting to see the true colors of those commissioners as I believed originally that they would actually help and most of us help them get in the office.

    But now we see the true colors of those cowards that are taking our tax money and not showing up to work we have voted for them to do their job by representing us on the Frontline.

    If they make good decisions or bad decision sitting up there that’s another story.

    But not to show up to work because they don’t like the opinions of the other commissioners.

    They’re afraid that they’re bullying for the last 2 years have stopped.

    Got no feel none of us are going to vote for them again I hope they’re not planning on running their next turn.

    It is sad that the governor has not gotten involved yet I am writing a letter to the governor myself and having my friends and neighbors do the same…

      1. If the city Attorney did his job as fast as he run. We would have been ahead in all those permits in needs to be signed, and business approvals. But hey! He’s really a fast runner!

  2. One thing I fear about the news coverage is no mention of the commissioners’ and city officials’ personal P-card spending which you Steph have worked tirelessly to reveal. Raisa Habersham of The Miami Herald, Phil Prazen of NBC6 and even Glenna Milberg seem to miss the point and make this out to be a story about the Mayor’s residence. Unfortunately, reporters nowadays get lazy and just look for the “chase after the subject with a mic in hand” than do the digging for the real story as you do.
    I always thought the Mayor had a few bricks shy and is a bit of a grandstander at times. I do believe he is an NMB resident but why leave the slightest bit of doubt?
    The P card issue should be a clear-cut case of thievery of taxpayers’ money and should be a slam-dunk criminal case.
    Barbara Kramer for Mayor.

    1. All of this nonsense is merely a distraction for the real corruption going on at NMB City Hall. The P Card spending is literally grand theft of taxpayer funds. The personal travel, taxpayer-funded bodyguards for trips to Haiti, food orgies on taxpayer dime, taxpayer-funded police chauffeurs, etc., etc., etc., are truly criminal acts that must be prosecuted. Complaints have been filed. Fingers crossed.

  3. And now we have Hans in Tamarac and a voting block between Bolton, Daniel, and Wright who illegally voted Hans in.

    Keep up the excellent reporting

    1. My condolences. For two years, the people of North Miami Beach were held hostage by the corrupt majority and an even more corrupt City “Attorney.” Hopefully, Hans will be disbarred soon and no longer a problem for the people of Tamarac.

      1. Yes, we are being held hostage under the same conditions. If he gets disbarred, that is one issue off our plate. We continue to address the voting block with the two new commissioners, but it falls on deaf ears. They owe Bolton for their elections and it’s obvious.

        1. Like wolves, criminals run in packs. Tamarac drew the short straw when Bolton was first elected. I thought there would be a reprieve when Gelin lost against the Mayor, but I should have figured that Bolton would be able to recruit two of his like-minded corruptocrats. Voters need to wake up and make sure to elect honest and ethical candidates. Hopefully the tide will turn for Tamarac in the next election, but the residents have to rise up and take their city back!

  4. I have one question, with all this crime going on in NM and NMB by our elected officials why can we never get some type of police investigation from the county or state ?? Are they complicit ??

    1. You can’t trust the State Attorney. She is definitely complicit and just as corrupt as the NMB criminals.

      As for the state, that’s an entirely different matter. The FDLE has a public corruption unit and investigate all complaints professionally. The problem is when they turn it over the Miami SAO, she will refuse to prosecute.

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