Daniela Jean was too “sick” to fulfill her official duties as a North Miami Beach Commissioner, but not sick enough to do this?

As we reported shortly after the aborted December 20, 2022 meeting, Daniela Jean showed up wearing a mask because she doesn’t “feel safe” without partitions on the dais.

Two hours and 45 minutes into the meeting, Daniela suddenly claimed to be ill, then abruptly walked off the dais when it became apparent that the Mayor and Commission were going to terminate the City Manager and City “Attorney.”

We also reported that Daniela Jean allegedly had a panic attack and had to be treated by Miami-Dade County Fire Rescue after she left the building.

Interestingly, less than two hours before the 6:00 PM Commission meeting, Daniela was hobnobbing up close and personal with all the bigwig South Florida politicos at the ribbon cutting for the the opening of GoBrightline’s Aventura Station.


She even posed in the train for a photo op in close quarters WITHOUT A MASK!

Daniela Jean appeared to be having a grand old MASKLESS time rubbing shoulders with dozens of people at what she obviously considers an important event for her political “career.”

Yet somehow Daniela didn’t feel “safe” enough to go MASKLESS in the North Miami Beach Commission Chambers with no one but McKenzie Fleurimond next to her — and he was sitting at least two feet away.

She also didn’t feel “healthy” enough to do the job she was elected to do, which is to “well and faithfully perform the duties of Commissioner,” according to her Oath of Office.

We really despise liars and hypocrites.

We are going to do everything in our power to make sure Daniela Jean’s political “career” is as short-lived as Paule Villard’s was.



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7 thoughts on “Daniela Jean was too “sick” to fulfill her official duties as a North Miami Beach Commissioner, but not sick enough to do this?

  1. The whole charade was planned ahead of time. Michael Joseph was going to be staying home with a strep throat, Daniela was going to feel ill, requiring MDFR assistance and Fleurimond was going to throw a hissy fit and walk off the dais. The whole thing was NOT a coincidence.

  2. My grandmother use to say that lying is an art because lies have short legs and you will always catch up to them.
    We need to get them out now, buy them a one way ticket to Tanzania and get back our city.

  3. Wow did Barbara and Fortuna know all they needed was a “cough due to cold” and they could have prevented a lot of ridiculous items from passing.

    1. Oh, they knew. But they had a responsibility to the residents to at least try to protect their tax dollars from being pillaged. Of course, it was a losing battle since the four Criminal Commissioners had the majority vote and the support of the corrupt manager and attorney, both of whom they could count on to cover their backs.

      The results of the November election spoke volumes — the only ones not listening are the three remaining Criminals and, of course, Duke and Hans.

      All these childish games they’re playing are just giving more ammunition to the voters who took Paule out office, and who are working on a recall of Michael, McKenzie, and Daniela.

      They can’t hold up City business forever, and I guarantee it won’t end well for them.

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