North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey ordered Code Compliance to ignore Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s campaign sign violations! Here’s the proof!

We told you that North Miami Beach is now being run by an organized crime ring.

We also told you about all the campaign sign violations that Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard has been committing with impunity because her accomplice, City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey has ordered Code Compliance employees to stand down.

As we speak, Paule has illegally tethered her campaign signs to the fences of Highland Village Community Center and Uleta Park Community Center, both of which are government property.

This unlawful activity is specifically prohibited in the City’s Code of Ordinances, Article XIII, Sec. 24-147.2(D)(1)(a)(3) Political Signs, which reads:

3.  Placement on Utility Poles, Trees, Fences, Buildings, or in Public Right-of-Way. No sign, poster, banner or placard of any type shall be affixed, painted, tacked, or nailed to any utility poles, trees, fences, or buildings, or otherwise displayed, placed or located on any state, County or City rights-of-way and/or median strips within the City limits.

Today at Uleta Park, North Miami Beach resident Keith Myers approached a Code Compliance employee who flat out admitted that he was told NOT to do his job!


Paule Villard is a criminal.

Duke Sorey is aiding and abetting Paule’s criminal activity, so that makes him a criminal, too.




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3 thoughts on “North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey ordered Code Compliance to ignore Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s campaign sign violations! Here’s the proof!

  1. I wonder how much trouble a citizen that knows the ordinances can get into for removing illegally placed signs? I wonder how much are our Code Officers are being paid to not enforce our codes. If you look at the last 2 years of Code Enforcement hearings by both the Magistrate and the Code Board, you will see very few cases brought forward, but if you drive the city’s streets, you see thousands of violations, not including what is reported on FIXITNMB.

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