Desperate men do desperate things, and North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph is a very desperate man.
So desperate, in fact, that he’s pulled out the same manipulative bag of “anonymous” tricks he played two years ago in the hopes that this time his deception will work.
Michael is one Commission vote away from losing everything.
Literally, everything.
If Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard loses her seat to challenger Jay Chernoff, his gravy train will stop.
No more illegal taxpayer-funded vacations around the country.
No more illegal taxpayer-funded membership fees to the Haitian Lawyer’s Association, which his private law firm should be paying for — not NMB taxpayers.
No more illegal taxpayer-funded $977.25 trips to Washington, D.C. just to rub shoulders with the members of the Black Congressional Caucus.
If Jay Chernoff is elected, Michael will also have to start footing his own bill for his taxpayer funded $705.25 membership fees to 100 Black Men of South Florida and his $750.00 membership fees to the NAACP Hollywood Bureau.
Mind you, that’s Hollywood, California, not Hollywood, Florida.
Seems legit.
Despite the fact that before Michael was elected he was a Trump-voting libertarian, who sought the endorsement of a conservative coalition claiming to be pro-school choice, when he finally won his seat in 2018, he suddenly morphed into a hyper-partisan “Democrat.”
Michael Joseph is nothing but a chameleon.
And a desperate, race-baiting chameleon at that.
Michael is now reverting to the same manipulative diversionary tactics he used during his vicious 2020 campaign of bombarding North Miami Beach residents with text messages falsely accusing Jay and his supporters of being “racists” and “right-wing extremists.” He even created a hate website repeating those exact same lies, all in the hopes of getting his co-conspirator Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard re-elected.
We unmasked Michael and his libertarian best friend, failed gubernatorial candidate Hector Roos, in 2020 as the team behind the “anonymous” smear campaign against Mayor Anthony DeFillipo and Commissioner Barbara Kramer.
Michael has now turned his malicious, sociopathic angst against Paule’s opponent, Jay Chernoff, as well as his arch nemesis, Mayor DeFillipo, out of sheer jealousy.
Although he is once again trying to stay in the shadows, he was humiliated, once again, when he was unmasked by North Miami Beach resident, and digital tech geek extraordinaire, Keith Myers.
In a November 13, 2022 email to Michael Joseph, with copies to city officials, residents and media, Keith wrote, “I feel compelled to call you out on your unethical behavior over the past 24 hours. We all suspected that you are the person responsible for sending multiple misleading text messages to residents of North Miami Beach to “ride the MAGA wave”. These text messages were worded in a way to imply that they were sent by Jay Chernoff while they were in fact sent by you and intended to inject false information and partisan politics into the North Miami Beach elections.”
Keith also told Michael that he knew he was the person who had been “false flagging posts that support Jay Chernoff” by North Miami Beach residents on the NextDoor social media app.
He exposed Michael as the perpetrator by revealing, “I know it is you behind this because, while it is not common knowledge, I am a member of NextDoor’s content moderation team. Reports of posts are generally anonymous EXCEPT for members of the moderation team, in which they are provided in the report. These posts are in no way a violation of any NextDoor policies, I assume an attorney like yourself should be able to understand the terms of service for an online platform like NextDoor. I am also curious as to how a post that commissioner Kramer made to show that Jay is in fact a registered democrat contains “Illegal content or activity”, especially as coming from an attorney.”
The remainder of Keith’s hard-hitting email is such a beautiful thing, we feel compelled to reprint it in its entirety [emphasis ours].
That being said, it’s important to remember exactly why Michael Joseph is willing to risk ethics violations and the potential loss of his license to practice law.
The City of North Miami Beach has become a literal cash cow for Michael and his three co-conspirators on the dais, as well as, and especially, their hand-picked City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, who in turn, brought in his favorite North Miami vendors well known for “rewarding” elected and public officials who hire them.
In the last two years, they have voted for themselves three raises (two of them illegally passed), $20,000 in “discretionary funds,” 100% health insurance coverage for themselves and their dependents, and an additional $6,500 in non-accountable “expenses.”
On top of that, Duke gifted each of them with $15,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, under the guise of “Community Engagement.”
Which Paule has been using to engage the community into re-electing her.

When she’s not stealing tens of thousands of your tax dollars to take expensive vacations in Las Vegas, Haiti, Phoenix, Denver, Salt Lake City, and Washington, D.C., that is.
So, yeah, Michael Joseph is a desperate man.
The re-election of Paule Villard is his golden ticket.
The only thing standing between him and his use of your tax dollars as his personal piggy bank is the election of Jay Chernoff for Commissioner of North Miami Beach.
While you will be stuck with the Devil on the Dais for another two years, Michael will no longer have the power of a four-Criminal vote to continue raping the public coffers for their personal use.
The only thing standing between NMB residents and a fiscally sound, ethically run government is Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard.
Bravo! Thank you Keith and than you Stephanie.
I received the following text which I am assuming is from Michael Joseph:
NMB TRUTH: Is Mayor Anthony Defillipo pretending to live in NMB?
At the end of last year, Mayor Defillipo sold his home of 14 years and in August of this year he purchased a home in Davie, a town in another county for $1.2 million cash.
A few questions from all this:
• Where did Mayor Sell-out get over $1.2 million dollars to purchase a luxury villa cash in another county?
• Does North Miami Beach still have a legally seated mayor when they move out of the city?
• What else is Mayor Sell-out doing while everyone is focused on the race-baiting he and his allies in the right-wing hate group called “Wake Up NMB” are using to distract from their public corruption to help elect one of their own: Jay Chernoff?
North Miami Beach voters deserve to know the truth before they vote in the upcoming November 22nd run-off election between the “Wake Up NMB” candidate Jay Chernoff and the incumbent Commissioner Paule Villard.
Before you vote, learn the truth at
I am so tired of addressing all these lies in emails and texts, but I will for the record now.
Mayor Tony DeFillipo LIVES IN NORTH MIAMI BEACH! He is a successful real estate agent and investor. He buys investment properties. Michael Joseph is fervently jealous of Tony for having the “audacity” of being financially successful in his career.
Keep in mind that Michael Joseph is a mediocre to poor attorney, who has never won a big case. He represented a friend of mine in a slam dunk case and dropped the ball because Michael wanted to settle and my friend wanted to keep fighting. Michael went behind his client’s back and made a settlement offer just so he could grab his fee and run. The opposing counsel filed a Bar Complaint against Michael for his dirty dealings.
For the record, EVERYTHING IN THIS TEXT IS UNMITIGATED BULLSHIT like everything else that comes out the mouths of pathological liars Michael Joseph and Paule Villard.
They are DESPERATE. Paule cannot defend her corrupt record, so she is resorting to making up complete lies about Jay and anyone else who supports him. VOTE THIS CRIMINAL OUT OF OFFICE!
Great job Keith! Someone should send that email to his employer. I’m sure this wouldn’t be the first time they questioned his integrity. Maybe this will help seal the deal for them and he won’t be able to pull the race card to keep his job. Thank you Stephanie for keeping it real.
Keith is amazing! We’re glad he’s joined us in our quest to rid NMB of the corruption at City Hall.
If the “Small Town” of Bay Harbor Islands was able to VOTE-OUT at the November 8th. 2022 Election our previous Town Mayor, who allegedly developed also into a “literal cash cow” with his alleged “three co-conspirators at the dais” being the (+/-8 year) MAJORITY VOTE of the (BHI) Town’s “Charter & Ordinance Review Board,” so can the City of North Miami Beach!