We’re old enough to remember when Sunny Isles Beach Mayor Dana Goldman used a dead child as a campaign prop to defeat her opponent, Larisa Svechin, on November 16, 2021.
Dana was even more reprehensible when she shilled for now-Commissioner Fabiola Stuyvesant during a February 8, 2022 special run-off election by falsely accusing Fabiola’s opponent, Greg Capra, of being an anti-Semite.
Believe it or not, Dana Goldman has outdone her own wretched self now that she’s in a heated rematch with Larisa Svechin for the mayoral seat in the upcoming November 8, 2022 election.
She recently sent out a disgusting mailer accusing her opponent of … wait for it … being in cahoots with Putin!
Considering that Larisa was all of six years old when her family fled the former Soviet Union, we seriously doubt she and the Russian despot are Facebook friends.
But, hey. Optics!
Right, Dana?
Hypocritically (but, of course), Dana is also falsely accusing Larisa of being in the pocket of “mega-developers” through “dark money entities,” when her own massive war chest was financed by a “dark money entity” mostly with generous donations from Big Development.
Right, Dana?
But, here’s the best scam yet.
Larisa Svechin was Officially endorsed by the Republican Party of Miami-Dade County.
Knowing that the majority of Sunny Isles Beach residents are Republicans, Dana Goldman commissioned a FAKE ENDORSEMENT CARD, claiming that she was endorsed by the “Republican Club of Sunny Isles Beach.”
Except that organization doesn’t exist!
This deviousness reminds us of that time during the 2011 North Miami Beach election when the disgraced former Commissioner/current Convicted Felon Frantz Pierre created a fake voter guide fashioned after the official one published by the Haitian American Political Action Committee, by printing a “Haitian American Political Action Compact” voter guide endorsing himself.
And, like Dana’s fake “SIB Republican Committee,” the “Haitian American Political Action Compact” never existed, except in the corrupt imagination of Frantzie the Felon.
Twisted minds think alike.
Right, Dana?
One more thing.
As you can see by the list of Campaign Contributions to Dana’s “dark money entity,” The Democracy Project, which published Dana’s laughable Putin mailer, a whopping $161,610 was donated by Broward Teachers Union Committee on Political Education (BTU-COPE).
For the 2022 Elections, the BTU-COPE endorsed Democratic candidates in every single race right down the ballot.
We can’t help but wonder how the Broward Teacher’s Union Chairperson, Ana Fusco, would feel knowing that nearly $162K of her union members’ dues were spent promoting the election of a “Republican” mayor.

Seems legit.
Right, Dana?
It would be a shame if someone were to leak this photo to President Fusco.
Anna Fusco
BTU President
Just saying.
Dana Goldman is just another shameless, lying politician who isn’t fit to wield the mayoral gavel.
Sunny Isles Beach residents deserve better!
That’s why VotersOpinion is endorsing Larisa Svechin for Mayor of Sunny Isles Beach!
Please vote responsibly!
Hello Stephanie,
Thank you for exposing shameless, lying, Dana Goldman. She has a long history of underhanded politics and personal attacks against residents.
Those wanting to see part of the facts of what happens at the Sunny Isles Beach commission and Goldman’s personal attacks, visit https://dana-goldman.com/
Dana Goldman was caught being a Peeping Tom Sunny Isles Beach Police Brought Goldman to the Station where Goldman admitted to being the Masked Peeping Tom – Case# 20-00897
Unbelievable but true watch the video here https://dana-goldman.com/peeping_tom/
I love your post, you’re so knowledgeable! I am from Bay Harbor Islands, and please choose Fabian Basaba for our Florida State Representative.
Why would the Broward Teachers Union contribute to any candidate in Dade County?
The union didn’t donate to Goldman directly. It donated to the PAC, which then used the money to help Goldman’s campaign. The PAC also helps other candidates as well, so not all of it went to getting Goldman elected. However, the union president should be made aware what kind of candidates her members are contributing to. If she did know, maybe she would be more discriminating when donating the members’ dues.
Just saying.
Goldman promised one of the donors on the list that they will be able to build a chabad in Golden Shores, a single-family homes community, unbeknownst to the residents. Developers love her because she’s never voted no for a new development. She is completely owned by 90% of the donors on that list.