A North Miami Beach resident sent me a comprehensive list of Paule Villard’s wrongdoings and abuse of your tax dollars and City resources. The individual asked me to publish it anonymously, and we were only too happy to do so.
Paulie Villard’s record…
Hiring a $55,000 a month city attorney for $660K a year for a part-time job, replacing the City’s 6-person permanent attorney’s office staff that included four FULL TIME attorneys.
Paying the new city manager over $1/4 million dollars a year for a part-time job, population of 44K residents in a 5 square mile city, while the Nation pays the President of the United States of America $400K for a full-time job, population 332 million people, half of a continent (3.8 million square miles).
She is a part of a 4-vote bloc on the Commission.
Gave the new city manager all his vacation time to be utilized immediately, two months after he started working.
Gave the new city manager a $27.5K raise, two months after he started working.
Gave the city attorney a $5K raise on his $55K a month pay, making it $60K a MONTH, $720K A YEAR for part-time work.
Hiring Willis Howard as a consultant for $150k a year for a part-time work. Turns out he is actually promoting her in her re-election campaign.
Voted to give away a brand new $32k car to a former city employee.
Give away a brand new, newly refurbished building worth over $1 million dollars for $10.00 (ten dollars) a year for 10 years.
Voted for a consent agenda to purchase an old building for $1.67 million dollars and refused to have it discussed at a Commissioner’s meeting.
The excuse for buying this old building was, the city needed MORE office space, yet a few months earlier, she leased away a newly renovated building for $10.00 (ten dollars) a year for 10 years.
The old acquired building and the building she voted to lease are almost next to each other, a stone’s throw away.
It has become normal for her 4-bloc voting club to vote for at least $5 million taxpayers’ dollars at every commissioner’s meeting, to be put under Consent Agenda to avoid discussions of any sort, thus avoiding transparency in government.
Running around City Hall like the empress of tomorrow with an on-duty police officer at her side opening doors for her and chauffeuring her around the state, when that police officer should actually be utilized doing actual police work and not be an expensive Uber driver.
She took an oath TO SERVE, but instead, she is here TO BE SERVED.
She took the Deputy Police Chief off his duties to fly to Haiti to accompany her on her own private personal business, visiting friends and family. Having the Deputy Police Chief accompany her was never approved by the Mayor and Commissioners. This creates a staff shortage.
The morale of police officers in our city are quite low, two police chiefs left in less than one year and many officers are bailing out.
She holidays at the Bellagio in Las Vegas on the taxpayers’ dime spending $6k in four days.
Racked up a $20K bill, traveling outside the city to places where it does not benefit North Miami Beach taxpayers.
Taxpayers’ dollars are used to buy tents and other campaign paraphernalia to promote her campaign.
Her face is plastered on almost every advertisement garbage bin in the city, thus shortchanging the city collecting revenues from actual paying advertisers.
She spent city money observing her birth country’s independence day celebrations but not for USA July 4th Independence Day; 20 guests showed up, excluding the large number of staff that had to be paid double overtime that day.
She utilized some city staff for her own personal use, like home deliveries for food.
She voted to spend half a million dollars of COVID relief funds which was handed out to 31 people, of which $98k was spent verifying the 31 people were eligible. The city has 44K population. 43,969 people got nothing.
SHE WAS ALL IN FAVOR OF BUILDING FIVE HIGH RISES ON THE JUDGE ARTHUR SNYDER TENNIS COURT… Spending $67k to throw a party to promote the venture, which turned out NOT to conform with Miami-Dade County ordinances and State laws. So much so for having a $60K a month, $720K a year lawyer.
V O T E H E R O U T ! ! !
She unfit and a thief too