As we pointed out in The Lies and Crimes of Paule Villard, during the November 2020 election, the Criminal Commissioner literally walked a voter into the precinct, took the ballot out of her hands, filled in the bubbles for the North Miami Beach candidates, then made sure the voter scanned it in before she could change her mind.
Although Paule Villard probably won’t be able to personally commit this crime again since she’s on the ballot and will be wearing her campaign attire, she will most certainly have her goon squad at the polls coercing unsuspecting voters into asking for “assistance.”
Paule’s hired guns will then submit an ADA Declaration to Provide Assistance form to the Miami-Dade Elections Department for every voter they “assisted” due to an alleged disability. The vast majority of these voters will not have any knowledge that these ADA forms were submitted on their behalf since the voter isn’t required to sign them. They especially won’t have a clue that they are “disabled.”
This nefarious activity will be most prevalent during early voting, which begins Monday, October 24, 2022, and mainly at the North Miami Public Library, which has been ground zero for voter fraud for well over a decade. In fact, Paule herself submitted seven ADA forms from that early voting location in the November 2020 election.
Currently, the Criminal Commissioner’s hired thugs are storming the homes of residents who are on the absentee ballot list, which is publicly available, to make sure they “vote correctly.”
Or else.
Unfortunately, Paule Villard knows all the election fraud tricks, and thanks to her puppetmaster Andre Pierre, she’s got plenty of money in her war chest to pay an army of “campaign workers” to strong arm votes for her.
Fortunately, there are ways to help put a stop to Paule’s criminal activity, or at least put a major dent in it.
The Miami-Dade County Elections Department has provided a Complaint Procedures for Voters, which contains instructions on how to report election fraud. Please click the hyperlink provided to print out your copy and bring with you to the polls.
This document also contains information on how to file an Elections Fraud Complaint with the Florida Department of State to report “allegations of irregularities or fraud involving voter registration or voting, or candidate or issue petition activities.” Unfortunately, it will take time for the Department to investigate any complaints, and nothing will happen until after the election.
What you can do if you witness election fraud at the polls is IMMEDIATELY call BOTH of these numbers and file a report on the spot:
- Ethics Commission Hotline: (305) 579-9093 or (786) 314-9560
- State Attorney Elections Hotline: (305) 547-3300
It is also critical that you take photos and, preferably, videos of all suspicious activity that you encounter as evidence for your complaint.
Suspicious activity may include:
- Individuals offering to “assist” voters who are walking in to vote, especially if those individuals do this repeatedly with multiple voters.
- Solicitation of voters within 150 feet of the entrance to a polling place per Florida Statute 102.031.
- Anyone offering to give money or goods in exchange for votes.
- Anyone transporting more than one ballot into the polling place.
- Anyone intimidating poll watchers or individuals waiting in line to vote.
- Anyone who is argumentative, hostile, or preventing a voter from entering the polling place, in which case call 911 immediately, then call the election fraud hotlines.
- Anything else that leads you to believe that a free and fair election is being violated.
As a citizen of the United States, your right to vote is sacred and it must be protected. Even if one vote is fraudulently cast, yours is negated and your rights have been violated.
- Paule Villard is desperate, and will lie, cheat, and steal to get what she wants.
- Paule Villard has committed election fraud in the past, and she will do it again.
- Paule Villard is a con artist and a fraud and she must be voted out of office if North Miami Beach residents want to save their City from carnage and corruption.
Election fraud is a crime against every citizen in our great country, and we all have an obligation to do everything in our power to fight it!
Good luck, and Godspeed!
All the career political losers learn the tricks walk the fine edge of the law.
And even when the violate the law or ethics, the commissions are so weak on enforcement the losers don’t care. Politics is a dirty business because the law and enforcement enable what should be criminal.
After Washington, North Miami Beach may be at the time of the list of horror stories of politics gone wrong.
I live in Sunny Isles Beach, and it’s not much better.
It’s sad that most voters don’t know what is happening under their nose.
Adding to that sad truth, the criminals get so much money from “Special Interests” to do what they want – not in the interest if the public, the criminals can brain-wash many voters.
Your letter should be required reading for voting NMB residents. You’re a godsent and many don’t know.
You are appreciated by many, and I hope your efforts to make NMB right succeed this November.
Thank you, Greg. I hope NMB voters are paying attention or they risk losing their city to corruption forever.