Humble Pie. Absolutely delicious with some café con leche!

I’ve raised more than a few eyebrows, and taken a couple of jabs, for endorsing Phyllis Smith for North Miami Beach City Commission Seat 6.

Those of you who have been reading VotersOpinion since it started in 2010 know that over the years I have been relentless in criticizing, bashing, and flat-out making fun of former Commissioner Phyllis Smith, who was termed out in 2020.

So, yeah, if you’re surprised, it’s completely understandable.

The truth is, there are a lot more people who adore Phyllis than not, and who always said I was way too harsh on her.

But the really amazing thing was that my opinion of Phyllis Smith didn’t faze her one iota.

No matter how vicious, no matter how ruthless, no matter how rude, crude, and obnoxious I was toward her in countless blogs, Phyllis Smith never batted an eye.

Phyllis never once complained about me in public.

Phyllis never had North Miami Beach cops intimidate or try to ban me from a meeting.

Phyllis never petitioned a court for a restraining order against me.

Phyllis simply ignored me.

Because Phyllis Smith knows that if you want to be a public figure, criticism comes with the territory, and you only give it credence if it gets under your skin.

I never got under Phyllis Smith’s skin no matter how much I tried.

In fact, as thick-skinned as I am, she got under mine more often than not.

The fact that Paule Villard, City Manager Duke Sorey, and especially, City Attorney Hans Ottinot have all attacked me and publicly called me a “racist,” only proves that I have definitely gotten under their extremely fragile skin.

Poor babies.

The thing to remember here is, unlike Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard, Phyllis Smith is not a criminal.

Phyllis Smith will never illegally appropriate your tax dollars for self-promotion.

Phyllis Smith will never use City money to plaster her name and face on campaign tents, coffee cups, pens, tote bags, tee-shirts, and flyers displayed on every table at City Hall.

Phyllis Smith will never use a North Miami Beach Police Officer as her personal chauffeur and butler.

Phyllis Smith will never use the Public Affairs Department as her personal campaign headquarters.

And Phyllis Smith will never sic a corrupt City Attorney on her political enemies.

Because Phyllis Smith knows the true meaning of public service.

Say what you will about Phyllis Smith, and I’ve said plenty over the years, but I know that she has always had the best interests of the residents of North Miami Beach in her heart.

And Phyllis Smith would never, ever vote to spend even a single dime of taxpayer money that isn’t expressly for the benefit of those very same residents.

After the absolute circus that’s been going on at City Hall for the past two years, it’s little wonder that Phyllis decided to do whatever it took to eradicate the outright, shameless corruption that has permeated throughout her beloved North Miami Beach.

They say that desperate times call for desperate measures, and Phyllis knows that these are the absolute worst of times.  As much as she tried to stay out of the fray, after Tuesday night’s disastrous City Commission meeting, she knew she had to do something.  She told me she’d never forgive herself if she at least didn’t try.

The four Criminal Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean, are not only reversing all the fiscally positive progress that has been made in the last decade, but they are also destroying the last vestiges of good governance at City Hall.

Not to mention your reserves, which are probably depleted by now at the rate they’re spending your money.

North Miami Beach voters, you have an excellent chance of reversing the damage and restoring good governance in your City before it’s too late.

On November 8, 2022, you can finally dump Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard by electing Jay Chernoff to Seat 2, and electing Phyllis Smith to Seat 6.

Please vote responsibly.


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10 thoughts on “Humble Pie. Absolutely delicious with some café con leche!

    1. Right? The first thing Phyllis said to me on the phone today was, “Who would have ever thought we’d be on the same team?”

      Politics may make strange bedfellows, but when honest people work together for the greater good, anything is possible.


      1. Would you rather listen to:

        1. Phyllis talking about her grandchildren; or
        2. Paule talking nonsense, McKenzie pontificating, Michael angrily playing the victim, Daniela hilariously mispronouncing the word “epitome,” Hans trying to pronounce anything at all, and Duke Sorey lying about everything.

        Your choice.

        If NMB residents are successful at electing Jay and Phyllis, you will be grateful to hear about her grandchildren. Or anything at all Phyllis wants to talk about. Trust me.

  1. I have known Phyllis for over 40 years and I always knew that she had the residents of North Miami Beach’s best interest in mind. I read your unkind words about her in the past and most of the time did not agree with you. Elections have consequences. Do we miss her now? I say yes. She’s getting my vote.

  2. No matter how talkative a parrot Phyllis Smith is on the dais, at least she is not lining her pockets with kickbacks from every city vendor as a few on the current Commission are doing. I can’t take any more of this third-world bullsh*t our Commission has taken on. It’s an embarrassment to the residents of our city.

  3. And it’s on Stephanie’s endorsement two days ago that my check is in the mail to Phyllis. Good luck NMB – DO THE RIGHT THING. VOTE FOR PHYLLIS

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