North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey can’t spend your tax dollars fast enough.
Then again, Duke wasn’t hired for his fiscally responsible style of “management,” as evidenced by the Red Garden Sinkhole he left behind in North Miami for his successor to clean up.
Duke Sorey was hired precisely because he promised Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean that he would would give them the green light to spend whatever they wanted on anything they wanted.
And, boy, did they take advantage of the opportunity.
In P Card Madness, Part 1 and Part 2, we told you that the elected officials spent a grand total of $41,830.87 on their P Cards in the first six months of the current fiscal year. Of that amount, Duke’s four Criminal Commissioner bosses were responsible for $32,196.36.
The almost evicted deadbeat Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond finished first in the P Card Olympics by charging a whopping $13,457.23 on his taxpayer-funded credit card, followed by Michael Joseph, Daniela Jean, and Paule Villard, with average charges of about $9,300.00 each.
Commissioner Fortuna Smukler finished fifth by spending $8,742.60, although $2,000.00 of that amount was pre-approved for the purchase of Target gift cards for the children of Highland Village.
Mayor Anthony DeFillipo came in sixth with an expenditure of $891.91, and the ultra fiscally responsible Commissioner Barbara Kramer came in dead last by not using her P Card at all.
Note even once.
That’s how you do it, folks.
As much damage as the elected officials have done, they don’t even come close to how much Duke Sorey has blown of your tax dollars.
In the nine month period from September 5, 2021 through June 4, 2022, Duke rang up an outrageous $55,860.49 on his taxpayer-funded P Card.
Because an annual salary of $247,200, plus a cell phone and expense allowance of $13,200 a year, is simply not enough for the care and feeding of the most incompetent City Manager in the history of North Miami Beach.
He sure “secured the bag” when he rolled into NMB.
Then again, no one ever accused Duke Sorey of being classy.
Let’s take a close look at all the things Duke Sorey wasted $55,860.49 of your tax dollars on for the last nine months.
As always, we prepared a handy dandy spreadsheet so you can see at a glance the damage he’s done.

We’ll break this down by category.
For starters, Duke Sorey charged an astronomical $10,161.43 on food.
Granted, not all that food was for his personal consumption, but they are YOUR tax dollars nevertheless.
Some of the food purchases were for Commission conferences and meetings, which typically begin at 5:00 pm and last until well past midnight. The elected officials will usually grab a quick meal in between meetings in order to sustain them for the long night ahead.
In the days before Duke came on the scene, the City Manager would have simple meals brought in, such as pizza or subs, for the Commissioners, their three Charter Employees and their assistants. The spread would usually cost no more than $100 to $150 at most, if that.
Since Duke took the helm, he’s going all out by feeding everyone, including his entire staff, who don’t even attend the meeting, but go home with doggie bags in hand.
This, of course, is an unnecessary expense.
But Duke doesn’t care. After all, it isn’t his money.
Here is a breakdown of Duke’s food purchase spending.
Duke Sorey also spent a lot of money traveling around the country on taxpayer dime.
Which could explain why he never answers phone calls or emails. He’s always out of town.
Duke’s airfare and hotel stays alone cost taxpayers $17,041.25.
For some unknown reason, Duke charged the sum of $2,963.48 on his P Card for Mayor DeFillipo’s travel and registration fee for the United States Conference of Mayors Winter 2022 Meeting. on January 18-21, 2022. The fee was $2,500.00, and the Mayor’s airfare was $463.48.
Duke also insisted on attending that conference despite the fact that he is not a mayor. This unnecessary trip cost North Miami Beach taxpayers $2,286.73, including $1,500.00 for his registration fee and $786.73 in airfare.
A week after he got back, Duke hopped on a plane for another unnecessary trip to Chandler, Arizona, to attend the National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON)’s Leadership Retreat Program, despite the fact that he’s neither a Haitian American nor and elected official. That particular mini-vacation cost North Miami Beach taxpayers a total of $1,167.68, including the $450.00 registration fee.
On March 9, 2022, Duke charged $736.74 on his P Card to send his second Assistant City Manager, Kemarr Brown, on a trip to Dallas even though she had only been on the City payroll for five minutes. We assume she accompanied him to the “P3 Conference in Dallas, Texas,” which was hosted by the International Society for Concrete Pavements.
Keep in mind that no City Manager in North Miami Beach has ever needed two Assistant Managers before. Duke probably needs the backup since he’s never at work anyway.
Moving right along.
You may have noticed that many of the features on the City’s website have not been updated since Duke Sorey was hired, including but not limited to, Campaign Treasurer’s Reports, Quarterly Financial Reports, and the check register.
Nevertheless, Duke is so concerned about the City’s computer server security that on September 23, 2022, he charged $850.00 to a company called SHI International Corp.
We Googled this company, which advertises “Security, Productivity, Cloud & Infrastructure IT Solutions,” and found this:
So we clicked the link on the company’s website and found this:
Since the company’s website had obviously been attacked by a hacker, for sport we visited its Facebook page and found a post dated five days before the security breach, ironically claiming that SHI International Corp. “can educate our customers on the latest attack and network defense trends.”
Folks, we could not make this stuff up if we tried.
Since November of last year, Duke has been charging $96.29 a month to have his $44,701.67 taxpayer-funded SUV washed at Prestige Auto Spa in North Miami, where he lives.
We have no idea why his car can’t be washed at the City’s own fleet department.
We also don’t know why the taxpayers are footing the bill for his fuel so he can drive to North Miami and beyond, but that’s just us.
Meanwhile, the North Miami Beach residents who pay Duke’s salary are struggling mightily to put gas in their own cars.
On January 8, 2022, Duke charged $278.16 to the At Home Store, also in North Miami, which advertises itself as “The Home Décor Superstore.”
We don’t know what he purchased there, but we assume he got a good deal.
Duke also inexplicably charged a total of $544.74 for flowers.
We hope he got lucky.
Duke Sorey also “donated” a grand total of $6,800.00 of your money, without your permission, to two organizations.
On March 1, 2022, he charged a total of $4,300.00 to “PAYPAL *HLA LAW ORG.”
A Google search revealed that this was paid to the Haitian Lawyers Association.
So he could attend this party.
Once again, this $4,300.00 expenditure had absolutely no public purpose for the benefit of North Miami Beach residents.
Duke also “donated” $2,500.00 to For a Bright Future Foundation, which is for a good cause, but again, has absolutely no public purpose for the benefit of North Miami Beach residents.
Not only do NMB taxpayers NOT get a tax deduction for these “donations,” but these charges may be a direct violation of the City’s Procurement Card Policy & Procedures, with respect to “Gifts and donations.”
Then again, almost all the P Card statements of the elected officials and City employees that we’ve reviewed so far contain multiple violations. Obviously, following proper protocol isn’t a thing in North Miami Beach now.
And finally, please note that the column in our spreadsheet marked “Fees” include the amounts Duke charged on his P Card for membership dues and registration fees for events.
This would include Duke’s April 8, 2022 charge in the amount of $2,138.00 for an event held May 14, 2022 called the Legacy Miami Magazine’s “16th Annual Power Gala,” to honor “the Most Powerful and Influential Black Business Leaders for 2022.”
Hilariously, Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard was honored as a “Black Business Leader” when she has never owned or operated a business in her entire life, and couldn’t even run a lemonade stand.
The only “entrepreneurial” endeavor Paule has ever accomplished was to fund her re-election campaign with taxpayer money.
Sources tell us that anyone can receive an “honor” for a hefty fee, or “donation,” to the magazine, and we believe it. Since the tickets for this event only cost $200.00 each, there’s no other explanation how Duke could blow $2,138.00 of your tax dollars on this event other than this video.
Such a deal, huh?
We’ll wrap up this blog by giving you an example of just how egregious Duke’s spending is, so we thought we’d compare it to the P Card charges made by Ana Garcia, who was the City Manager from August 28, 2013 until she was abruptly, and in our opinion wrongly, fired on June 28, 2018.
We just happened to have copies of four of Ana’s P Card statements in our archives dated October 4, 2017, November 4, 2017, January 4, 2018, and February 4, 2018. For some reason we’re missing the statement dated December 4, 2017, but whatever.
During those four months of her tenure, Ana Garcia charged a total of $308.27 on her taxpayer-funded P Card.
We then reviewed Duke’s P Card statements for the same months of October 4, 2021, November 4, 2021, January 4, 2022, and February 4, 2022.
During those exact same four months of his reign of terror tenure, Duke Sorey charged a total of $25,099.02!
Folks, we can’t make this stuff up.
Let’s consider the fact that the City of Dania Beach, which hired Ana Garcia as its City Manager on March 12, 2019, ended Fiscal Year 2020-21 with a total fund balance of $50.6 MILLION, which is an INCREASE of $6.7 MILLION from the previous fiscal year, and with reserves in the amount of $25.9 MILLION, according to it’s FY21 Annual Comprehensive Annual Report., which is published on its website.
North Miami Beach, on the other hand, has only posted a “Draft” version of the report on its website, in which the critical Manager’s Discussion & Analysis was deliberately omitted. Although Duke tried desperately to hide this information from the public, luckily we obtained a copy.
As you might expect, the outlook isn’t pretty.
Duke ended Fiscal Year 2020-21 with a total fund balance of $48.6 MILLION, which is a DECREASE of $2.0 MILLION from the previous fiscal year, and with reserves in the amount of $15.6 MILLION.
Keep in mind that Dania Beach’s FY21 Budget was $94,548,770 as compared to North Miami Beach, which had a FY21 Budget of $166,827,798, yet Ana Garcia still ended up with $10.3 MILLION more in reserves than Duke Sorey did.
If they don’t, they should.
We’re also happy to report that, unlike North Miami Beach, there is absolutely no public corruption in the City of Dania Beach.
As an aside, this blogger’s daughter finally left NMB after a stray bullet went through her bedroom window on Thanksgiving Day, 2019 — and moved to Dania Beach.
Coincidence? We think not.
Needless to say, she made the right choice.
Unfortunately, the residents who choose to remain in North Miami Beach — or simply can’t leave for whatever reason — are stuck with Duke Sorey as long as he has a four-criminal vote on the dais.
As you can see, elections have consequences.
But you can do something to fix the mess your City is in.
Get involved with your government.
And then vote responsibly on November 8, 2022.
As was pleaded for when Duke Sorey was in North Miami, a forensic audit is desperately needed by the State of Florida for the City of North Miami Beach. It’s amazing how the financial stability of both North Miami and North Miami Beach can be screwed up by the same person. So glad to be out of south Florida!
As long as criminals are running both cities, no forensic audit will ever be performed. I’m afraid this blogger is the closest anyone will get to an “auditor,” which is scary indeed.
Don’t blame all of South Florida for a few corrupt cities. The Town of Davie, the City of Dania Beach, and Cooper City, to name a few, are NEVER in the news for public corruption, because there is none. I count my blessings every day.
We miss you, though!
I’d like to remind some and inform most that former Mayor Vallejo was charged in Miami-Dade County Court with first-degree misdemeanor for allegedly soliciting campaign donations in 2015 to a political action committee, and then using $5,000 for personal expenses for himself and his wife. The actions of Duke Sorey and his Commissioners are certainly much more egregious than that of Vallejo. With the paper trail proof they’ve left as evidence I don’t understand why they aren’t already under investigation, especially Arthur ‘Duke’ Sorey.
That is the greatest mystery of all. They have committed so many crimes, including violating state statutes as well as the City’s Charter, and the State Attorney turns a blind eye. It is beyond frustrating, but I will not stop trying to bring these criminals to justice. I file legitimate complaints with every agency I can in the hopes that one of them will eventually stick.
George may have allegedly violated campaign finance laws, but that was a case for the Florida Elections Commission to adjudicate. Rundle went after George for political reasons and he was an easy target, yet she continues to ignore actual public corruption in North Miami and North Miami Beach.
At some point, the population in these cities will need to confront the issue of dissolving their jurisdiction and joining unincorporated counties where they reside. There should be a “uniqueness” of a land mass in order to continue or be incorporated as a city. It’s up to the residents in each municipality to decide when enough is enough; that their city is too corrupt to continue. It will save multi-millions of taxes in the long run.
Agree. How should we the residents of NMB proceed moving ahead to dissolve this corrupt municipality?
I honestly don’t see that happening. That would be a long, drawn out process, and the County will resist — and probably win in the end.
What you can do is get your friends and neighbors involved in your local government. You need to go to meetings and tell the commissioners what you think about their actions. Then in November, get out the vote! Paule has a wonderful opponent, Jay Chernoff. Support him, volunteer for his campaign, and donate if you can.
Voting bad people out and good people in sends a message that elections have consequences. Now’s your chance to fix NMB.
Cheryl, one of the reasons there was such a large, landslide vote against incorporating Biscayne Gardens into a city is because of cities such as NM and NMB. There is none of this wasteful spending going on there. Residents there wanted to keep it that way. It would be insane to vote for creating a new city and having scoundrels like NMB has as commissioners being elected there. The residents of Biscayne Gardens were smart enough to vote to keep corruption far away from them and they are happy for it.
The residents in the Biscayne Gardens area were so smart not to fall for the incorporation scheme! The people behind that push are the exact same people who have corrupted North Miami and now North Miami Beach. Once a city is formed, and the wrong people get elected, it’s almost impossible to get them out of office.
North Miami is so far gone, I refuse to waste my time and energy writing about it anymore. It’s literally a lost cause.
North Miami Beach may be salvageable, but only if Jay Chernoff can oust Paule from the Commission, and a quality candidate can fill Barbara’s seat because she’ll be termed out in November. This is literally the MOST IMPORTANT election int he history of the City. Paule has the full backing of the North Miami election fraud ring to help her, so it won’t be easy. They will not only commit absentee ballot fraud, but their new scheme is the abuse of ADA voting forms. In 2020, Paule herself committed election fraud right at the precinct in the McDonald Center, and right under the noses of the Miami-Dade County Election Department employees, who appear to be in on the fraud. This crime is being investigated by two agencies now. Fingers crossed at least one of those agencies does its job.
Just saying.
Good Job Steph pointing out the mis-spendings of the others. I wish the term-limited commissioners would point this out from the dais at every meeting. It should be put on the agenda for discussion. Gift card giveaways should be prohibited.
A correction to your statement that Duke is the only manager who has two assistant managers. Both Ana Garcia, (Candido and Esmond) and Esmond Scott (Sharon and Horace) each had two assistant city managers,
I stand corrected. I didn’t realize that Candido and Esmond were both assistant managers at the same time. Ditto for Sharon and Horace. Thanks for letting me know.
Norman, you need to read the blogs. Stephanie wrote about Commissioner Kramer opening up her mouth at a meeting because of raises and whatever new benefits they voted for themselves. Who else is in her same position to speak freely? And why should term limits matter? We vote for these people to represent us! Now “we” need to represent us.
Just remember, without this blog we’d be in the dark.
Jane….Steph was complimented on her extensive forensic work in deep diving into the corruption going on in NM and NMB and reporting it. You are correct, term limits should not matter in Commissioners calling out the excesses and corruption of their colleagues and staff. It’s also incumbent upon the residents to do likewise.
I lived in North Miami for 49 years and from the time Scott Galvin became my council representative I could count on him. It’s the person, not the length of time they serve. Scott will be retiring soon because of term limits and the residents of district 1 will be lucky to have anyone close to his dedication and response to his constituent’s. Term limits are not always the end all. Getting out to vote is the best response from all citizens.