Yesterday, Americans celebrated the 246th birthday of our great nation.
In the City of North Miami Beach, however, Independence Day was a mere afterthought.
In fact, City Manager Duke Sorey didn’t even bother to mention the most important American Holiday of the year on the City’s website.
The only mention of Independence Day on the City’s Facebook page was an announcement that City Hall will be closed and that garbage will be picked up as scheduled.
On a positive note, Duke Sorey saved taxpayers thousands and thousands of dollars by not celebrating Independence Day.
Unfortunately, he did break the bank to celebrate the Independence Day — of Haiti!
With Duke’s blessing, Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard blew (we hope you’re sitting down) a grand total of $16,245.17 on January 1, 2022 so she can celebrate the Independence Day of her country.
Which is clearly not America.

In fact, one flyer wasn’t enough for Paule’s holiday, so the City created two more.
On top of the Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred Forty Five and 17/100 of your American tax dollars she spent to celebrate the holiday of a foreign country, Paule also demanded that North Miami Beach Officer Jerry Hamilton chauffeur her the 7 minutes that it takes to travel 2.06 miles from her house to her event at City Hall.
And then to wait on her hand and foot for 5.5 hours until she was ready to be chauffeured back to her house.
Here’s a screenshot of the Sergeant at Arms Log for January 1, 2022 that we received via Public Records Request.
We also received via a Public Records Request copies of Officer Jerry Hamilton’s paychecks for the past year. According to his paycheck for the week ending January 5, 2022, he worked 12 hours of overtime at a cost of $63.91/hour.
On January 1, 2022, North Miami Beach taxpayers shelled out $357.01 to pay your North Miami Beach Police Officer on New Year’s Day to chauffeur Paule Villard, who is supposed to be serving you — not the other way around.
Isn’t that special?
Not only did the City of North Miami Beach advertise Paule’s event on its website, but these flyers were posted on its Facebook page twelve separate times in December leading up to January 1, 2022.
Paule’s Haitian Independence Day celebration was posted on the 6th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 29th, and the 31st of December, 2021.
Our American Independence Day was recognized only once.
On July 4th, 2022.
To tell you about garbage.
Which is exactly what Paule Villard thinks about the 246th birthday of the greatest nation in the history of the world.
In fact, Paule thinks so little of America and our Independence Day, she couldn’t even be bothered to celebrate it since it appears she left the country last week on a cruise.
In return, North Miami Beach residents can tell Paule Villard what they think of her on November 8, 2022 by voting this Anti-American Criminal out of office!
Have you seen her latest tribute to herself? The giant billboard on 163rd street when driving east from the I-95 exit? I can’t say exactly where it is because I almost crashed my car when I saw the criminal’s face looking down and laughing at us all.
She is absolutely laughing at every single resident of North Miami Beach. Paule Villard is a criminal, who is stealing city resources for her own benefit, and especially, for her re-election campaign. Duke Sorey is merely doing her bidding because he needs her vote to keep his job. If residents can vote out this criminal, and fill Barbara’s seat with a quality candidate, they can break the four criminal vote and restore sanity to North Miami Beach.
It’s happening with the mayor’s knowledge.
How is this spending of taxpayers’ dollars on personal things legal?
Is there are recording of the commission approving the personal expenses?
You have provided a lot of information to whoever will run against Villard
Greg, the Mayor can’t do a damn thing about it. He is consistently outvoted by a four-criminal majority, who are protected by the corrupt city attorney and city manager. Elections have consequences! This November’s election is THE single most important election in the history of the City. The residents must vote as if the future of their entire City depends on the outcome, which it does.
That’s terrible
I think that he should openly expose them.
The Miami Hearld should do a front-page story. You’ve done all the work.
You’re doing a terrific job telling everyone.
The Mayor has already done one press conference to expose the manager when he illegally threw a resident out of a public meeting. I can tell you that he’s getting really fed up with the BS going on in North Miami Beach right now, and I expect he’s not going to be silent any more. Enough is eventually enough.
Amen. Saw that in the news. In sorry but not sorry for the support I gave him at one time Still love North Miami, my hometown. Happy my parents aren’t around to see this. But,In NMB as well? Geez,leave already.
Could you please repost the video of Queen Villard getting into the backseat of a red SUV while an NMB Police Officer / Chauffer holds the door open for her as she plants her oversize derriere in the backseat?
It’s hilarious and would give her opponent something to show residents as he goes door to door meeting voters.
Here you go. Please post on social media and share with your email list!
How is it that we didn’t hear of this from the Mayor’s office? He absolutely has an obligation to predicate what transpires in his City, right?
Do you have any idea what the Mayor is going through right now? He is outvoted and outnumbered. The four criminals have put in place not only a 4-criminal majority vote, but they hired two corrupt charter employees — the city manager and the city attorney. At each and every meeting, Tony is being attacked by a gang of six. He is doing his best to fight back, but he is in an untenable position. That’s exactly why this November’s election is crucial to restoring legitimacy and sanity back to the North Miami Beach government. Paule Villard needs to go, and Barbara’s seat needs to be filled with a non-criminal candidate. Please start attending commission meetings, speak out, get involved, and most importantly, GET OUT THE VOTE!
Are the Posts made by the City the actual reproductions? They are announcing the Celebration of a day in the past (2021 vs. 2022). Just like the Cityline the residents received around June 30th of this year announcing activities in March, April, and May. How is the City expecting residents to know what is going on in the city, especially people who don’t have access to Social Media, or the City’s website. This administration’s City Manager and his people can’t even get this right.
The entire operation is now being run but a bunch of incompetent morons. This is what taxpayers are getting in return for the outrageous amount of $247,200 a year paid to Duke Sorey:
1. The website is a disaster with zero transparency-no more check registers, or quarterly financial reports.
2. Most of the events are NOT posted on the calendar of the website.
3. If you don’t have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account, you won’t know what’s going on in your city.
4. There is no direct link on the homepage to ask for public records because requests are discouraged.
5. If you do manage to find the online form, be prepared to wait for months on end, if ever, to receive your records.
6. He and his staff will NEVER return phone calls or emails, so don’t bother trying.
7. If you show up at his office, he’s never there. He’s ALWAYS out of the office doing non-City business (more on that in a blog coming up).
I’m going to stop now or this comment will turn into a blog. Suffice it to say, DUKE SOREY MUST GO! Please contact your elected officials and tell them to FIRE DUKE NOW!
That’s all I’m saying.