Every day is a party for North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard. Especially since she’s not footing the bill.
In fact, as long as her personal manservant, a/k/a City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, has control of the City checkbook, whatever Paule wants, Paule gets. After all, as long as she remains his reliable fourth vote on the dais, Duke gets to keep his job and keep collecting his obscene paycheck of nearly $300,000 a year.
Using Women’s History Month as an excuse to throw a party for her family and personal friends (literally), Paule spent $8,775.36 of your tax dollars on an event that had absolutely no public benefit for the residents of North Miami Beach.
At least that’s the cost of the event that we know of so far since our public records request dated April 1, 2022 is still not complete.
Of course, this is only one of the fifteen (15) outstanding public records requests still outstanding since March 6, 2022 that City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey has been withholding from us, so it could be a while until we know the true cost of this one.
But, we digress.
For this particular party, one of the dozens that Paule throws all year long on taxpayer dime, she “honored” thirty four (34) of her family and friends, a/k/a “Unsung Heroes” for being the “quintessential women of the times.”
Only two of these women actually live in North Miami Beach.
Madona Luc Rosan formed a “non-profit” on August 6, 2020, which she runs out of her home, and which is not registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt organization. This “quintessential woman” has no social media presence, never served on any citizen boards for the City of North Miami Beach, and to the best of our knowledge, has never even attended a City Commission Meeting.
But, hey. According to Paule Villard, Madona Luc Rosan is a “leader” in the “community.”
Ditto for Lauren Denise Rios, the only other North Miami Beach resident, who has no discernible employment, but she does have a Facebook account, and she managed to get herself arrested in Orange County, Florida for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest without violence.
But, hey. According to Paule Villard, Lauren Denise Rios is a “leader” in the “community.”
Aside from these two women and a few assorted other nonstarters, a good many of the women on Paule’s list are deserving of recognition for their contribution to society in South Florida.
However, with the exception of Dr. Rose-May Seide and Dr. Marie Sandra Severe, both of whom practice medicine in the City of North Miami Beach, and Leslie Lowenthal, President of the City’s Chamber of Commerce, not a single one of the remaining thirty one (31) women have ever done anything for the City’s residents.
Even more glaring, however, is the fact that only seven out of thirty four women on Racist Paule’s “Unsung Heroes” list are non-Haitians.
In fact, the Haitian broadcasting agency, VOA Kreyòl, acknowledged in its coverage on April 4, 2022 that Paule’s party was actually an event to honor only Haitian women.
Which was Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s plan all along.
In addition to twenty-seven (27) Haitian-American women, Racist Paule only invited a token white Jew, four African Americans, one black Hispanic, and one Asian to make it look like she’s all about “diversity.”

But anyone who’s been paying attention knows that nothing could be further from the truth.
As we reported in March, between Paule and her co-conspirator on the dais, Daniela Jean, they spent a combined $51,040.87 on Haitian Heritage Month in May, 2021.
We’ve recently discovered an additional expenditure that Duke Sorey withheld from our public records request — yet another invoice in the amount of $5,840.00 from Talie & Co. Strategies, LLC for “Advertising-Haitian Heritage Culture Festival,” which took place on May 29, 2021, bringing the total spent on an ethnic group representing less than 20% of the residents to an outrageous $56,880.87!
This payment brings the total spent on Haitian events in just one month last year to an outrageous $56,880.87.
That we know of, anyway. Who knows what other expenditures Duke Sorey has been hiding?
Compare that amount to the paltry $85.37 spent on Jewish American Heritage Month also held during the same month in May, 2021.
But, hey! “Diversity,” right?
In case you’re wondering, Talie & Co. Strategies, LLC, is a Florida Limited Liability company that was formed by Nephthalie Hyacinthe on March 14, 2019, only four months after Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard was elected. It was administratively dissolved in September of 2020 for failure to file a 2020 Annual Report, but it was not reinstated until June 10, 2021 — TWELVE DAYS AFTER THE EVENT FOR WHICH IT HAD ALREADY BEEN ADVERTISING!
In other words, Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard commissioned a company that was not legally authorized to do business in the State of Florida, to advertise one of her many events for Haitian Heritage Month last year.
Is anyone surprised?
This isn’t the only check to Talie & Co. Strategies, LLC from the City’s checkbook.
On December 15, 2021, Duke Sorey whipped out the City’s checkbook and wrote a $2,500.00 check to this company, this time for “Caribbean Culture Fest Sponsorship” held on October 15, 2021.
We have requested a copy of the original invoice from Talie & Co. Strategies, LLC, but it could be a while.
In case you’re still wondering why Paule is so insistent on hiring a fledgling company with no track record, the owner of which allowed it to dissolve until Paule Villard was granted unfettered access to taxpayer dollars to spend on her re-election campaign, wonder no more.
The founder of this company, Naphtalie Hyacinthe was one of Paule’s thirty-four “Quintessential Women” that she “honored” at her taxpayer-funded “Unsung Heroes” party.
Seems legit.
Several other women that Paule deemed “Quintessential Women” solely by virtue of being her family and close personal friends, are:
“Apostle” Nelly Joseph, who was the star of Paule’s unconstitutional Clergy Appreciation Brunch, formed a “non-profit” in 2019 called Kingdom Global Advancement, Inc. According to its website, Nelly Joseph “uses her gift of prophecy and revelation to help any vision come to a reality.”
Alrighty then.
City of Miami Police Lieutenant Claudia Claude and Police Commander Bianca Joseph, both former “colleagues” of Paule’s when she was pretending to be a cop back in the day.
Apparently, no female law enforcement officers in the North Miami Beach Police Department were “quintessential” (or Haitian) enough for Paule.
Then there’s an actual Officer Villard — Paule’s daughter Ashlee, formerly of the North Miami Police Department, and who we’re told now works for the City of Miramar. Our police contacts speak very highly of Officer Ashlee Villard, saying that she is an extremely qualified and professional law enforcement officer, who fortunately did not follow in her mother’s corrupt footsteps. In any other ceremony, Officer Villard would be very deserving of a “Quintessential Woman” honor. In this case, however, she’s just another invited guest in one of Paule’s self-promotional parties.
In the Friends With Benefits Category (no, not those benefits), Paule threw a bone to Millicent Williams, wife of former Chief of Staff Greg Williams, who was replaced by her personal taxpayer-funded campaign manager, Willis Howard, who is likewise being replaced by his soon-to-be ex-wife, Tiffany Lynn Howard, who can only trade up from there.
No Paule Party would be complete without a contribution by her favorite co-host and personal carpetbagging undertaker, Evans St. Fort, who donated his mother, Maryse, for the cause.
You may remember that Evans St. Fort filed to run for Mayor against Tony DeFillipo in 2020, but abruptly withdrew from the race once he was outed as a bona fide resident — of Pembroke Pines.
Rumor has it that Paule is recruiting Evans St. Fort to run again in North Miami Beach this November in the seat being vacated by the termed out Commissioner Barbara Kramer.
In order to establish “residency,” in September of 2021, he had Paule appoint him to the City’s Commission on Aging / Senior Citizens Advisory Board, at which time he swore under oath and penalty of perjury that he lives in a North Miami Beach apartment, when he really still lives in his 4,235 square foot mansion 20 miles away …
Where he really lives with his wife and family in the City of Pembroke Pines, and where he has claimed a double homestead exemption every single year from 2016 through and including 2022.
The rest of Paule’s party guests were a mixed bag of professional women with distinguished successful careers, and losers like her who have never had real jobs but who love spending other people’s money.
Regardless of whether or not they were worthy of being honored, only three out of 34 have contributed to the greater good of the residents of North Miami Beach, and there was absolutely no legitimate public purpose for this outrageous expense of tax dollars.
Stephanie you are doing such great job , I still can’t believe this corruption still happening in NMB !!! The city will be out of money ( Tax Payers ) money in no time !!!!! SMH
It will. Count on it.
In the meantime, Duke Sorey has been hiding the FY 2020-21 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Even North Miami has already published theirs. The Florida Auditor General told me he would publish it as soon as he received it, but the deadline isn’t until June 30, 2022. You know Duke is going to wait until the very last minute so the public doesn’t know how much money he’s blown already. Trust me, it’s astronomical!
Well written Stephanie! We’re are not counted anymore unless when they are begging for our vote.
More like buying your vote.
No meeting tonight? Do you know Stephanie? Nice expose. You once again uncover the misuse of our dollars. The spending doesn’t seem to end. Like drunken pirates looting our city and spending our money. Nevermind that we citizens are being crushed by inflation, these crooks in office keep partying and blowing the hard earned dollars of the very people paying their unearned salaries. Everything is going up, Insurances, garbage, water, you name it. The serial events need to stop. Vote this loser out and vote in a sensible citizen.
The Criminal needs to go!
I love this! Finally, a place where the truth comes out. The dirty, nasty truth of so-call commissioners. What is happening to you, NMB?
You will always find the truth here at VotersOpinion, where I deal in facts backed up by public records. Click on any of the hyperlinks in my blogs to view the documents and see for yourself.
North Miami Beach has been infiltrated by the same organized crime ring that’s running North Miami. The players are the same, and all roads lead back to Andre Pierre, who specializes in corruption.
Every. Last. Road.
Why are they getting away with this?
Because the voters aren’t paying attention. They either don’t know or they don’t care. I don’t understand that kind of apathy. Maybe you can ask them?
Is there a time limit that the City Clerk’s Office must respond to any public records request. Whether it be required by City, County, State, or Federal law? They know we, as citizens, don’t have the money to take legal action against the City when it’s not received in a timely manner and the County’s Ethics Board doesn’t do anything besides require classes of Ethics training that they themselves don’t follow. There should be a way we can force the City to provide the records or an explanation why they can’t. Finally, what kind of recourse can be taken when a records request that asks for all items related to it are not provided but are discovered way later.
Unfortunately, the Florida Statutes does not set a time limit on the receipt of public records. It basically says “within a reasonable amount of time.” That means absolutely nothing in North Miami Beach, especially now that Duke Sorey has decided that all public records requests have to go through him first. He did this in North Miami, and as you can imagine, it was difficult getting records out of him there. Now he’s brought his very special brand of corruption to NMB.
The good news is that the Miami-Dade County Ethics Commission does help citizens when they’re having trouble getting records. I’ve had to enlist the Executive Director’s help on more than one occasion and he’s come through.
The only other advice I have for you is to keep at it. Persistence is key. If you have still trouble getting records, please email me at stephanie.kienzle@gmail.com and I will see what I can do to help. I’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years.