The terminally stupid North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard doesn’t know much of anything at all.
But, the one thing she’s absolutely sure of is that — YOU’RE a racist!
The fact is that Paule and her co-conspirator on the dais, Daniela Jean, constantly spend all of their time, and an exceedingly disproportionate amount of your tax dollars, catering to less than 20% of the City’s population, determined to make NMB a government “of Haitians, by Haitians, for Haitians,” for the sole purpose of advancing the culture of Haiti, which they refer to as “their country.”
But, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
We were always under the impression that people who run for office in the United States believe that “their country” is America.
Apparently we were mistaken.
Last May, for example, Paule and Daniela spent a combined $51,040.87, including $15,791.81 for police and employee overtime, and $8,027.53 just for decorations in the Library, on SEVEN (7) EVENTS to celebrate Haitian Heritage Month.
We get it — they’re proud of their culture.
But so are the Jewish residents of North Miami Beach, who represent approximately 35% of the City’s population.
Yet, the City only managed to spend a whopping $85.37 on ONE (1) EVENT at the Library during Jewish American Heritage Month also held in May.
But, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
Hispanics, which represent nearly 40% of North Miami Beach residents, are proud of their Hispanic culture.
Yet there were only TWO (2) EVENTS held during Hispanic Heritage Month, the second of which was only posted on Facebook and not on the City’s website.
We don’t yet have the public records request for the cost of these TWO (2) EVENTS, but sources have told us that the City spent well under $15,000 on Hispanic Heritage Month.
But, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
Then there’s that time Paule and Daniela’s co-conspirator, Criminal Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond, literally gave away a City-owned property assessed at $266,579, and then spent $91,000-plus of your tax dollars in “renovations,” to the Haitian American Nurses Association (HANA) for five years at an insulting $10 a year. This is a non-profit organization that serves less than 20% of the City’s residents.
Can you name even one Hispanic or Jewish non-profit organization, which collectively serve over 75% of the City’s residents, that received $357,000-plus worth of tax-free “donations” from the City of North Miami Beach (i.e., YOUR tax dollars)?
But, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
As usual, we made a public records request for the invoices from all the contractors who were paid to renovate this City-owned property.
We fully expect those contractors to be the very same Friends & Family vendors hired for all of North Miami’s “renovation” projects, who are expected to grease palms in exchange for a “pass” in its Final Building Inspection.
We also fully expect most, if not all, of those contractors to be Haitian owned and operated.
But, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
In our previous blog, a reader posted a comment with the message, “I think it’s best for people to not to describe the questionable commissioners as Haitian. Corruption comes in all races, ethnicities and religions. We know who the dishonest ones are, let’s leave their ethnicity out of the discussion.”
While being politically correct is all well and good, it’s impossible not to mention the fact that the four Criminal Commissioners only care about their own “community.”
From the moment that their Puppet Commissioner, Daniela Jean, was elected, they have made it perfectly clear — in their own words — that “Haitians have the majority vote.”
Their “community” may represent less than 20% of the population in North Miami Beach, but they are greedily grabbing the vast majority of the revenue for the sole benefit of the Haitian residents.
Even their latest vote-buying scheme, the Home Rehabilitation Program, “to provide funding for the replacement of roofs, windows, and doors,” is being advertised ONLY on Haitian radio.
Paule Villard was also personally “advertising” the program to Haitian congregants at the Creole Mass at Holy Family Catholic Church in North Miami, taking full credit of course, several weeks in advance of the official notice — long before Mayor Tony DeFillipo or Commissioner Barbara Kramer even knew it was already in place.
In fact, Tony and Barbara only found out that the program was in place on February 24, 2022 via email from Duke’s “Executive Assistant.”
The Memo that was attached to the February 24, 2022 email was dated January 10, 2022!
Duke sat on the information for ONE AND A HALF MONTHS before notifying the entire Mayor and Commission!
Barbara and Tony had less than two days to inform the residents of North Miami Beach, yet Paule knew about it weeks in advance to make sure that her “community” would be in the know before any of the non-Haitian residents did.
But, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
The City did manage to post the flyer on Facebook on February 26, 2022, and photos after the fact on March 1st, but like everything else now, it wasn’t posted on the City’s website .
This was obviously done to limit a wider audience from finding out about it.
You can, however, search the website, and then click the link entitled The City of NMB Economic Development Department Launches the Home Rehabilitation Program to find out more information.
That’s assuming you even knew about it in the first place since this information was posted on February 28, 2022 — weeks after Paule Villard was “announcing” it to her “community.”
The City is certainly not making it easy for you.
Since “Funds are available on a first-qualified, first-served basis,” if you’re not on Facebook, or if you don’t listen to Haitian radio, chances are there are no spots left, and you’ve already missed your chance.
But, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
We could go on and on about Paule Villard’s racist ways, but the final slap in the face was the forced “retirement” of Police Chief Richard Rand.
While City Manager Duke Sorey disingenuously pretended it came as a “surprise” to him, the real instigator is none other than Paule Villard.
It’s no secret that she and her co-conspirators on the dais have been trying to get rid of the white, Jewish Chief for a long time, and replacing him with someone who “looks like them.”
Never mind that Article II, Sec. 2.9 of the City Charter expressly prohibits elected officials from suggesting or recommending “any person for appointment or removal by the City Manager for any position under the exclusive control of the City Manager.”
The Charter, of course, means absolutely nothing to these four Criminal Commissioners, who violate it on a regular basis, while being aided and abetted by their corrupt, taxpayer-funded personal lawyer posing as the “Interim City Attorney,” Hans Ottinot.
Of course, if you dare complain — YOU’RE a racist!
Because, according to Paule Villard …
is racist
Thanks to her enablers at City Hall, Paule constantly commits multiple crimes and ethical violations, yet if you hold her accountable for her actions, YOU’RE a racist!
If you’re in the 99.9% bracket of “People Who are Smarter than Paule Villard,” you’re probably beginning to see what’s going on here.
The only real racist here is the one Paule sees when she looks in the mirror.
Amen. I’ve been saying it for a while now. I don’t see much being done for Jewish people or Hispanic people. It’s like we live in Port-au-Prince. I am not “RACIST” but this is North Miami Beach in the USA and everyone should get an equal chance.
I was surprised to learn that Jews still represent 35% of the NMB population. I was not surprised that Hispanics represent 40% because this is the fastest growing demographic in not only the City but in the entire country. And yet, as I proved, the Jews and the Hispanics are being marginalized at the expense of less than 20% of the population.
I realize this blog is politically incorrect, to say the least, but it’s all 100% true. For telling the truth about Paule, she will complain (once again) that I’m a “racist.” [Yawn]
I also realize that I am writing exactly what the majority of people are thinking but they’re too afraid to say anything for fear of being called a “racist.” And, that’s EXACTLY how they get away with grabbing all the spoils for themselves and their Haitian “community” because they use the word “racist” as a weapon to shut their critics up.
As you can see, I don’t care what they say about me, and I will never shut up. The ugly truth is that Paule and her ilk are the real racists, and they need to be called out on it.
There is another demographic being marginalized…non-Jewish whites. Without an ethnicity to lay claim to, we simply don’t exist.
That must be why Duke Sorey refuses to respond to any of your emails. You don’t exist! I knew there had to be a reason!
This program in North Miami paid double the going rate for the work done. When the contract was put out for bid and the friends and family members were not low enough on the list the item was pulled and when it came back Bien Amie had the number of contractors increased to the point when the usual cast of characters was included. The main problem is that the friends and family contractors besides overcharging do CRAP work and don’t do all the work they are paid for. Most projects include landscaping and there has never been a landscaping inspection to qualify that the work was ever done, which it wasn’t!
I have all the names of the usual suspects, i.e., North Miami contractors. Once I find out which of them are being hired in North Miami Beach, I will expose them.
Not that anything will happen since there is no accountability in NMB anymore. What I am hoping for is to wake up the voters so that in November there will be a regime change. That will be your only hope.
It’s really amazing how the different demographics are afraid to challenge these sheisters – to the point of losing what they own – all because of one word. This is truly amazing. What doesn’t make sense is that there are candidates – for now, and this may be the last time – willing to put themselves on the line and represent everyone equally, yet the bullied demographics REFUSE TO VOTE FOR THEM. It’s happening all over. Your vote is completely confidential, yet… What I find is that the demographics will nitpick candidates who are willing to represent them and nitpick them in ways they would never do to the sheisters – that would be racist, after all. Then the demographics turn around and vote the sheisters back into office and reject real reformers. Sometimes a voter has no choice – either accept someone that doesn’t live up to their standards completely or return the sheisters to office so they can denigrate the voters even more. Why the voters consistently choose the latter is for someone with a higher understanding of the human psyche to pontificate on than us mere mortals. Or maybe it’s just what Stephanie says: sticks and stones may break my bones AND names will ALWAYS hurt me. Thanks, Stephanie, for your hard work in exposing the evil people and their evil deeds
You are so right. I totally agree with you.
The Judge presiding over the Jussie Smollett trial is a hero. His words rang out loud and clear, but of course Smollett didn’t have any of it, the evil racist nutcase still claimed his innocence even thinking he’s gonna get a Jeffrey Epstein type accomodation.
Imagine a white guy doing what Smollett did?
Yes, people other than white people can be racist. They believe their race is better or they want it to be better as if any race is better. We’re all one. Be your best, do your best, live your best.
That Judge deserves a medal. Smollett got exactly what he deserves. So did Jeffrey Epstein, by the way. Hopefully, Paule the Racist will, too.