The North Miami Beach Firing Squad, led by Head Hooligan Duke Sorey and his Yapping Lapdog Gedel Merzius, finally “convinced” Police Chief Richard Rand to “resign.”
Or else.
You will recall that back in November, Chief Rand previously submitted a “resignation,” but Jewish community activist Alan Sakowitz stepped in and prevented that from happening.
Yesterday, however, Chief Rand’s second “resignation” stuck.
According to the City’s “official” press release, Richard Rand, Chief of Police at the City of North Miami Beach Police Department, Resigns to Retire after 25 Years of Law Enforcement Service, “Chief Rand will be retiring and enjoying the next chapter in his life.”
“City Manager Arthur H. Sorey III” was quoted as saying, while gritting his teeth, “Thank you, Chief Rand, for your incredible 25 years of service to our North Miami Beach community. Your strong work ethic has greatly impacted the success and growth of our NMB Police Department. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. You will always be an important part of our City’s history.”
What he actually meant was, “Under Chief Rand’s watch, the North Miami Beach Police Department is too professional, too transparent, and too incorruptible. We can’t have that here.”
Not so surprisingly, Sorey flat out lied to the Miami Herald when he said “he couldn’t quite figure out what had changed since November when Rand decided he wanted to stay.”
He topped that whopper by saying that “he was surprised to learn of Rand’s resignation Thursday and that he thought the chief was doing an ‘excellent job.’”
We reached out to Chief Rand, who could not comment on the specifics of his “retirement.”
He did, however, post this blurb on his LinkedIn page.
In other words …
According to the Herald article, Mayor Anthony DeFillipo “said he was having a hard time believing all the rosy statements coming from the manager and Rand. He suggested Rand was pressured to leave and that he had a ‘communication issue’ with the manager.”
Make no mistake, the ousting of Chief Rand was an organized effort by the four Racist Criminal Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean, who are doing everything in their power to transform North Miami Beach into the same dumpster fire as the City of North Miami, where Duke Sorey was weaned on government corruption.
Despite the fact that anyone smarter than Paule Villard — which is pretty much everyone — can see what’s really going on, Duke had the chutzpah to claim he had absolutely no idea why Rand resigned.
“Honestly, I’m not sure,” he told the Herald. “We were doing great work.”
The Chief’s “retirement” suspiciously coincides with a recent announcement by former North Miami Mayor Andre Pierre, who wrote, “After 25 years of law practice, I am finally winding down and will no longer practice law. However, I will continue with my lobbying and consulting firm. I am going to concentrate my practice to government relations.”
It’s no secret that Andre Pierre, the architect of government corruption in North Miami, was instrumental in the elections of the four Racist Criminal Commissioners.
He’s also the one pulling their very short strings.
In fact, Andre was the “mastermind” behind the hiring of Duke Sorey, Gedel Merzius, Hans Ottinot, and Paule’s taxpayer-funded campaign manager (posing as a “chief of staff”), Willis Howard. These are the unelected corruptocrats who are hell-bent on destroying the City of North Miami Beach to advance their own devious agenda.
As soon as he had his puppets installed, Andre orchestrated the ousting of the City’s professional trolley management company, Limousines of South Florida, and replacing it with the second-rate ProKel Mobility as its lobbyist.
The dismantling and destruction of the City now includes what was once THE finest law enforcement agency in the entire state of Florida.
Under Andre’s directive, Duke Sorey & Co. are about to remake the NMBPD in the image of the massively unscrupulous North Miami Police Department, which only exists to do the bidding of that City’s corrupt administration.
The only thing that stood in the way of Duke and the Gang’s coup d’état of North Miami Beach, and handing the keys of the City (literally) over to Lobbyist/Consultant Andre Pierre, was an honest Chief of Police who was sworn to protect, honor, and serve the residents instead of covering the asses of corrupt public officials.
With Richard Rand out of the way, Duke Sorey is now free to bankrupt North Miami Beach the same way he bankrupted North Miami.
Duke is also now free to hire his Friends & Family vendors from North Miami who reach under the table to line his pockets and help fund his favorite Charity.
And speaking of strippers …
And lobbyists …
The rumored favorite candidate to replace Chief Rand, who just happened to be hand-picked by the infamous strip club lobbyist Mitch Edelstein, is none other than the corrupt and disgraced former Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.
Because nothing says “NMB Chief material” better than “dirty cop responsible for the murder of 17 people.”

Even though Broward County voters gave a resounding “GTFO” to Scott Israel, he’s Duke’s perfect choice for the NMBPD.
In fact, Scott Israel should fit right in with the corrupt regime now running North Miami Beach.
The good news is that Alan Sakowitz is not going to take this one lying down.
Today he sent out a newsletter in which he nailed it. Perfectly!
Mr. Sakowitz brutally slammed the “City” (read: City Manager) for pushing Chief Richard Rand out the door.
Challenge accepted!
While Duke Sorey may be gleefully celebrating his takeover of the North Miami Beach Police Department, his forced “retirement” of Chief Richard Rand just might be the proverbial nail in his own coffin.
It may also put a stop to Paule’s habit of spending her days — and your money — sucking down poolside cocktails at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.
We, and countless Hard Rock guests, can only hope.
North Miami Beach residents, the ball is now in your court.
Elections have dire consequences.
Will this latest power grab by the criminals who are running your City finally wake you up to the corruption going on right under your noses?
Will you finally commit to doing something about it?
Come this November, there will be three seats up for grabs on the dais.
Paule Villard and Fortuna Smukler are running for re-election, and Barbara Kramer will be termed out, leaving her seat open.
While Fortuna is as useless as a third tit eye, she desperately seeks approval. If voters can get rid of the corrupt majority on the dais, Fortuna will go along to get along.
In order to take your City back, you need to oust Paule, and fill her and Barbara’s seat with non-criminal candidates. Only then can you get rid of Duke Sorey and rescue North Miami Beach, and especially your Police Department, from the abyss of hell and destruction.
If you don’t care, then you might as well kiss your tax dollars goodbye forever.
I think I need to keep a box of microwave popcorn. Just keep it rolling in. Getting to be a lot,I do mean alot.
This is horrible news. Chief Rand was the consummate gentleman, a professional and highly respected. No one can fill his shoes. I find it impossible that he resigned. He was so proud of his police department, but especially serving as the Chief of an agency he started his career in as well as working in the city he grew up in.
Myself and others who know him, know this could never be something he just decided on easily. He had years left before leaving NMB and I find it difficult to believe he’s retiring for good.
The city and it’s leadership, be damn.
This is mindboggling that the voters would allow these miscreants to hold elected office, with all the power over staff, the Peoples’ Money, and their life liberty and pursuit of happiness. Even after seeing the destruction Duke Sorey heaped on NM, are the people of NMB going to allow this to continue?
Here’s hoping voters listen to Stephanie and elect candidates that have been vetted and are supported by VotersOpinion.
That is very kind of you, Cheryl. The voters don’t need to listen to me. I’ve made mistakes, and believe me, VotersOpinion has supported plenty of turkeys. Michael Joseph, being one of them.
What I’d like the voters to do is pay attention. The facts are available, and I try to do a public service by providing them so that voters make responsible choices.
The truth about Duke Sorey’s corruption has been published here for YEARS! I’ve been following that thug since 2016, and everything we have uncovered about him points to the fact that he should never, EVER, be in charge of public money or public employees. I wouldn’t let that corrupt politician take my order at the McDonald’s Drive-thru because he’d screw it up. And make no mistake, Duke Sorey is nothing but a politician who has had lucky breaks his entire life, starting with his father managing to get elected as the “first black councilman” in North Miami. He’s been riding Daddy’s coattails ever since, while making a dumpster fire of everything he touches.
The first big reveal will be when the CAFR for FY 2020-21 is posted. Knowing Duke, he’ll postpone publicizing it as long as possible (like he did in North Miami), but he can’t hide it forever. Duke was in charge of the budget and, most importantly, the RESERVES for the ending five months of that fiscal year. I guarantee you, NMB will close out that year in much worse shape than the previous year, and your $30M revenues will be cut in half. Or more.
If the voters don’t pay attention to the facts, and re-elect Racist Criminals like Paule Villard and elect her carpetbagger friend, Evan St. Fort the undertaker, who really lives in Pembroke Pines with his wife and kids, but pretends to rent an apartment in NMB, they get the corrupt government they deserve.
Elections really do have consequences.
Stephanie, the Chief is another victim in the plot that’s bringing our city down. I understand it’s a power play, but it’s costing the residents our safety with this latest news. Alan Sakowitz made excellent points. What is his newsletter? I never knew there was one and would appreciate you sharing it. The more news about the city, the better.
The Miami Herald article shows that there is a break in communication or big difference in perspective between the Manager and the Mayor regarding the Chief. Each of them has a different opinion of fact or fiction. The Mayor needs to let the residents know what is going on.
Not that I don’t read and appreciate your stories, but how can we hear from him?
The corruption is outrageous. I have been a resident here since 1951 and can say Richard Rand was one of the best police chiefs that served our city. Also I have never seen the corruption as the 4 HAITIANS
Nothing can save NMB, because just like NM, the voters know not how to read.
Hi Stephanie, we all know the Chief didn’t resign on his own , he was forced to resign! On the other hand he never stood up!!!!! Now the corrupt city manager will name someone of his like! The hypocrisy in the NMBPD and in the corrupt City leaders is despicable!! The future of the department and the city is fatal if YOU the Voters don’t come out to change it .
That’s what happens when savages take over. Let the corruption begin
The corruption began in 2018 and excellerated in 2020. Stephanie has outlined the many outrageous votes that have taken place at the meetings. It’s not just the votes either, go to the city social media pages. All they advertise are events with videos of themselves. The woman are the ones doing most of the videos since they are involved in making these programs. And if it’s not a video, we are learning when it’s carrot cake day and opposite day. This is what the city thinks is important. They probably do all this to keep our eyes off their dirty deeds.
OMG, I missed Carrot Cake Day?
You must also be banned from the City’s Facebook page LOL!
Great to hear from Alan. He sees what is happening and is finally sounding the alarm some of us have been ringing for some time.
I think it’s best for people to not to describe the questionable commissioners as Haitian. Corruption comes in all races, ethnicities and religions. We know who the dishonest ones are, let’s leave their ethnicity out of the discussion.
I’m willing to help change what’s happening in NMB. Elections are too important. Our only chance to get honorable citizens elected is by working together. Now we just need to find the brave willing to run. Between you, Alan and other caring writers, I hope we can make a positive change.