In just one 2-part Commission meeting, the evil triumvirate, City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, Assistant City Manager Gedel Merzius, and Interim City Attorney Hans Ottinot, have annihilated Robert’s Rules, the City Charter, and the last vestiges of good governance North Miami Beach had left.
It should be noted that this group consists of three dumb college jocks who couldn’t qualify for the pros, and especially aren’t qualified for the positions they now hold by default.
We already know all about the incompetent Duke Sorey and the even less competent Hans Ottinot.
But very little is known about Gedel Merzius, the former FAU grad who played cornerback for two seasons. His career highlight was a 64-yard interception in 2006, and fizzled out in 2007 as a redshirt senior. After the NFL took a hard pass, Gedel went on to get a Masters in Business Administration at Nova Southeastern University.
He then tried his hand for fifteen months as a municipal bond broker at GMS Group in Boca Raton before landing a seven month gig in the City of North Miami as building department clerk for $16,800 a year. From there, Gedel scored a $21,600 a year job at CAP Government as a financial analyst for 2-1/2 years.
Gedel nearly tripled his salary in February 2016 when he got a job with the Seminole Tribe of Florida as an economic development operation analyst for $62,400 a year, and in October 2018 he applied to the City of Miami Beach for the position of economic development specialist, where he listed Arthur Sorey as a “professional” reference, and was hired at a salary of $67,506.29 a year.
And on May 17, 2021, Duke plucked him from obscurity and hired him as his Assistant City Manager, where he earns an undeserved $127,308 a year to be an arrogant little brat and pick losing battles with residents, this blogger, the Mayor, and Commissioner Barbara Kramer. (More on that in a moment.)
Instead of turning pro, Duke resorted to using football analogies in job interviews, Hans ended up as the Little League Coach from Hell, and since FSU was way out of Gedel’s reach, he settled for doing scut work for the Seminoles instead of playing as one.
And now, the Satanic Trinity are working together to destroy the City of North Miami Beach — one tax dollar at a time.
Biscayne Times reporter Mark Sell summed up how this Satanic trio attempted a coup at the September 23, 2021 meeting. In Different Meltdowns in North Miami and North Miami Beach, Sell wrote [emphasis ours]:
“In an extraordinary move on the evening of Sept. 23, a special NMB commission meeting was delayed nearly 30 minutes because Sorey and the city’s attorney, Hans Ottinot, would not yield the Zoom mic to Mayor Anthony DeFillipo and instead turned it over to Vice Mayor Daniela Jean.
DeFillipo repeatedly banged his gavel amid the pure chaos that followed, with continuous bickering and screaming among the commissioners.
“I am the chair and presiding officer as the mayor,” DeFillipo shouted. “I am not asking. I am being bullied.”
Under the city charter, the mayor is unambiguously tasked with running the meetings, and Sorey and Ottinot report to the seven-member commission, not the other way around. Yet with the current commission, Sorey – with a four-year contract – and Ottinot have the votes.
This didn’t happen in a void. DeFillipo has struggled to keep meetings under control in recent months, getting pushback not only from fellow commissioners but from Sorey, Ottinot and Assistant City Manager Gedel Merzius, whom Sorey has recently dispatched as a civility proctor and occasional enforcer at recent meetings.”
No, as the Biscayne times pointed out, this lawlessness didn’t happen in a void — it happened on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, when the original evil triumvirate of Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Paule Villard managed to get their hand-picked puppet, Daniela Jean, elected for the sole purpose of having a majority of votes on the dais.
Which is exactly how North Miami Beach residents got the uniquely unqualified Duke “The False Prophet” Sorey as their most incompetent City Manager in history.
As we predicted, the four horsemen of the apocalypse proceeded to rape the City’s taxpayer-funded coffers for their personal vanity projects, replete with their photos on flyers to drum up name recognition for their next election.
Or, as the Biscayne Times article so aptly noted [emphasis ours], “Mayoral and council promotional budgets have increased as well, with council members lending their name and likeness to aerobics classes, food giveaways and even Publix gift cards. This is taxpayer-funded and can easily be employed to retain constituent loyalty, either for reelection or as a base for other political office, such as county commission, where District 2 County Commissioner Jean Monestime is term-limited out next year.”
The latest chaotic debacle began during the first of the two-part meeting, which was held on September 21, 2021.
At minute 38:49 of the meeting video, Commissioner Fortuna Smukler stated that she’s been receiving texts from residents asking if they should speak during general public comment on a specific item on the Agenda or wait until the item is up for discussion. Mayor Anthony DeFillipo told her they are welcome to speak both times.
All of a sudden, Interim City Attorney Hans “The Dragon” Ottinot, who apparently thinks he’s the eighth Commissioner now, jumped in to “recommend that they, uh, speak durin’ the zonin’ matter for record purposes and, and to insure that dey provide they comments durin’ that time.”
Wait, what?
The enunciation-challenged Hans, who also is clearly no rocket scientist, does not have the right to limit residents’ rights to free speech, especially at public comment. The Mayor merely responded with, “Thank you for your recommendation. They can speak both times and reiterate the same thing. It’s public comment.”
Resident Keith Meyers spoke to complain that certain Commissioners were arranging charity events for Haiti, while completely ignoring the 150 families that were displaced by the City from their homes at Crestview Towers and are now homeless. “We need to focus on our residents first, not residents overseas,” he said. “Who do you represent? The residents of North Miami Beach or the residents of another country. If you cannot represent the residents of North Miami Beach and put our needs first, you need to resign or be removed from office.”
No kidding!
At that moment, Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond, who can’t resist interrupting meetings every five minutes to just hear himself talk, asked the Mayor for a “point of personal privilege.” The Mayor allowed him to make a statement, at which point he went on to berate Mr. Meyers for having an opinion, and whined that the Commission had passed a Resolution to support Cuba.
He did not address, however, the glaring fact that none of the Commissioners threw a fundraiser for the residents of Cuba.
McKenzie then had the audacity to ask the Mayor to “discourage dismissive comments” and limit the First Amendment rights of North Miami Beach residents, to which the Mayor merely thanked him for his comment.
At minute 44:24, the moderator, Assistant City Attorney Gedel Merzius, recognized yours truly to speak at public comment.
Before I even had a chance to speak, Duke Sorey’s pet attack chihuahua had the audacity to say, “Ms. Kienzle, I would like to ask you to go ahead and remove the meme if you can, please.”
I responded with, “My what?”
He apparently was referring to my Zoom avatar, which I change up from time to time, and which apparently offended his delicate sensibilities.
Since this particular meeting was held immediately after the Second Public Budget Hearing, I decided to use this appropriate photo as my avatar:
It should be noted that Gedel “The Beast” Merzius is not authorized in any way, shape, or form by the Charter of the City of North Miami Beach, to run a Commission meeting or interject his unsolicited opinion during any part of the proceedings.
And yet, this second stringer actually thought he had the right to infringe on my right to freedom of expression as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
He’s also apparently too ignorant to know the difference between a meme and an avatar.
But, whatever.
The Mayor, who was not in the mood for Gedel’s bullshit, said, “Go ahead and speak, Ms. Kienzle. Please continue.”
Throughout my three minute comment, Gedel appeared to be very annoyed, as evidenced by his childish eye-rolling, smirking, and head-shaking disapproval that I was even allowed to speak.
He eventually turned off his camera altogether and didn’t return until I finished speaking.
He showed me, right?
It only got worse from there.
At minute 52:14, residents of Marina Palms spoke at public comment regarding the Conditional Use Request by Cookies Marijuana Dispensary that was unanimously approved by the Planning and Zoning Board at its July 12, 2021 meeting. The first gentleman, Todd Kissel, stated he was a Board Member of Marina Palms representing 480 families. He proceeded to list several reasons why he was against the proposed project, as well as several suggested changes if the Commission moved forward, such as frosted windows, barrier landscaping, and the like.
At 55:48, Commissioner Interim Attorney Hans once again inserted his unsolicited opinion with, “Mr. Mayor, it is important that Mr. Kissel [which he mispronounced as Cas-sell], uh, Todd, to come back to give his testimony durin’ da zonin’ items. Is a due process issue. Dey have to take a oaf and applicant has a right to cross examine. We, if we, uh, allow these comments, we, we basically, uh, create a situation wit respect to applicant rights. Allow these comments to be part of the zonin’ where dey take a oaf and the applicant has a right under the law.”
The Mayor tried to respond, but Hans once again interrupted him, “It’s just the law. It’s not me, it’s the law.”
The Mayor thanked him and continued, “But anybody has the right to give a public comment,” and explained that the meetings tend to go late into the evening so people can speak at the beginning during general comment.
And once again, Hans interrupted, muttering something about “due process.”
And once again, the Mayor asked him not to interrupt him when he’s speaking, and reminded him that residents are allowed to give their opinion during general comment on any topic.
But, Hans wasn’t done yet, even though he was completely wrong. He continued, “I strongly recommend that they speak durin’ da item.”
The Mayor had the final word, “Thank you for your recommendation, but we’re moving on.”
At hour 1:07:02, resident Margie Love was about to make her public comment when McKenzie raised one of his multitudes of “points of order” during the seven hour meeting. The Mayor said that Margie had already been recognized and that McKenzie would have to wait.
Then all hell broke loose.
When Margie was done speaking at hour 1:10:57, McKenzie kept interrupting the meeting, ignorantly insisting that he had a “point of order” for the purpose of asking the attorney a question.
As the Mayor had to point out to him several times, he was out of order, per Chapter 8, Section 23 of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition, which specifically reads, “When a member thinks that the rules of the assembly are being violated, he can make a Point of Order (or “raise a question of order,” as it is sometimes expressed), thereby calling upon the chair for a ruling and an enforcement of the regular rules.”
Nevertheless, McKenzie plowed on oblivious to the irony that by incorrectly raising a question of order, he was the one violating the rules of the assembly.
And despite the fact that a ruling on a question of order is made by the Chair of the meeting, in this case the Mayor, McKenzie resorted to childishly whining that he wasn’t getting his way.
Then again, as we’ve already pointed out, McKenzie is just slightly higher on the IQ scale than his illiterate colleague, Paule “Mall Cop” Villard.
Things got even uglier when the Mayor attempted to call the meeting to order and was tag teamed by McKenzie and Hans, who continued to argue with him.
When the Mayor asked Gedel to mute everyone and to continue with public comment, Gedel blatantly ignored him and let the fracas continue, with McKenzie and Hans obnoxiously speaking over the Mayor.
According to Article II, Sec. 2-1 of the North Miami Beach City Charter specifically states that “The Mayor shall preside over meetings of the Commission…”
Or, as Biscayne Times reporter Mark Sell aptly noted, “the mayor is unambiguously tasked with running the meetings.”
Now we realize that six-syllable words are hard for the intellectually-challenged like McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard and, especially, Hans Ottinot. However, unambiguously is an adverb that the Cambridge English Dictionary defines as “in a way that makes completely clear that what is meant.”
In normal, pre-COVID times, when meetings were properly held in Chambers, there was no need for a “moderator.” As the titular head of the Commission, the Mayor presided over the meeting and had full control of the microphones for the purpose of keeping order on the dais.
As the current “moderator” of Zoom format meetings, Gedel’s only job is to announce virtual speakers, and turn their microphones on and off.
It is not his job to have an opinion about “memes” or whether or not to carry out the Chair’s directives.
And yet, that’s exactly the “job” this dumb jock brownnoser carried out at the behest of his boss, Arthur “Duke” Sorey.
In the current corrupt climate in North Miami Beach, however, the Satanic Trinity has been empowered by the four corrupt criminal Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean. At the moment, they, too, can commit any number of violations of federal, state, and municipal laws with no accountability or recriminations for their misconduct.
Commissioner Barbara Kramer was so disgusted with the uncivilized Commission meeting, and especially the obnoxious behavior of Gedel Merzius, she sent an email on September 23, 2021 to Duke Sorey, admonishing him that “the bickering between my colleagues and their constant interruption with the Mayor needs to end. The Mayor runs the meeting. If you think he isn’t running it correctly, take it up with him at another time or take it up with someone who can stop the nonsense should there be an authority who can, but the games need to stop, and you all need to keep quiet. It is not your job to interrupt the meeting unless you are called upon.”
She also wrote [emphasis ours], “The Assistant Manager is NOT the meme police. If a resident wants to use whatever picture they choose to as their identification, unless it’s crude, butt out. And on top of it, HE doesn’t run the meeting. This has happened before I don’t want it happening again.”
Instead of leaving well enough alone, within a few hours Gedel had the audacity to call Barbara several times while she was with a customer at their home to complain about her email to Duke.
Barbara immediately shot back another, more scathing email [emphasis ours]:
How dare your Assistant Manager call me up during my workday and reprimand me, telling me that he is not the meme police? How dare he tell me that the person who he tried to stop/silence at the Budget Hearing, regarding her meme using a toilet bowl with cash being flushed down it, is not appropriate. Who is he to make this decision? He is not a Resident; he is not a Commissioner and he is not the Mayor that runs our meetings. He actually told me that this person, who by the way is Stephanie Kienzle, is not a resident or business owner in the city. He went on to say that she’s a blogger! So now is he also trying to control the press? As I told him, we are in America where there is freedom of speech. We can’t stop anyone from participating in public comment. He went on to tell me about meeting flow and so on. I think he forgot what his role is in the North Miami Beach City Government.
Imagine if I called YOUR employees and spoke to them the way he did to me. I can just imagine what you would do, especially because you’ve made it quite clear that we cannot do that without either letting you know or your employees telling you about a conversation between them and one of your bosses.
Furthermore, he accused me of using the work [sic] fuck it in our Budget Hearing. I was floored. While I’m no Pollyanna, I certainly know when not to use profanity…unlike YOU! (That I’ll save for another time). I just got to my office and rather than get my work done, I paused to watch the meeting to hear what I said.
Let this email serve as a formal complaint against Gedel Merzius. Do not, under any circumstances, have him near me or talk to me again.
I’ve been serving this city for more than a decade, both as a Board Member and Commissioner. Never have I been treated like this or spoke to like he did to me.
To accuse me of profanity, to tell me not to insinuate in an email to you, that he is the meme police, really? Who does he think he works for? I suggest you do something about this, or I’ll just go ahead and make you responsible, even though you are, quite frankly.
The absolutely clueless Duke Sorey stupidly sent back an email advising her [emphasis ours], “Mr. Merzius did inform me of the conversation. I apologize that you felt the conversation was inappropriate. I have advised him he should not have any further contact with you and all conversations should come through the City Manager.”
In other words, “Sorry, not sorry.”
This idiot never learns!
Even more livid than before, Barbara shot back one final email to tell Duke [emphasis ours]:
Felt? It was. It absolutely was. He accused me of using profanity. He was reprimanding me, correcting me, and telling me who shouldn’t speak at public comment.
Once again you choose not to take responsibility for something that is your responsibility. Do not tell me this was something that I felt. This was something that he did, and I am making a formal complaint and want to see a copy of the complaint which then needs to be placed in his personnel file.
Much to our joy, Duke wasn’t done having his balls busted that day.
And, neither was Hans.
Mayor Anthony DeFillipo had plenty to say about the attempted coup by Duke, Hans, Gedel, and even McKenzie, of his position as head of the City government. He also sent an email on September 23, 2021 to Duke and Hans to school them on the City Charter and Robert’s Rules of Order. He closed with [emphasis ours]:
Furthermore, let me remind you that the City Attorney’s presence in Commission meetings is solely in an advisory position. He is not a de facto member of the Commission, and he serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and Commission. The bullying by the City Attorney is unacceptable and will not be tolerated any further.
I am putting you on notice that until we return to Commission Chambers for meetings, I will be moderating all future Zoom format meetings. Regardless of the format of the meetings, I never yielded the control of presiding the meetings to anyone. The City Manager and/or his assistants had absolutely no right to presume my duties, and it stops immediately.
As you might imagine, the Mayor’s directive did not go well with the Satanic Trinity.
Because Duke, Hans, and by extension their loathsome little bootlicker Gedel, have been empowered by the four criminal Commissioners, they are not about to cede any of that power — even if it means they’re in violation of the City Charter.
Suffice it to say, until one of the four criminal Commissioners is removed from office, either by arrest or being voted out, the evil triumvirate of Duke, Hans, and Gedel will continue to take out their collective angst over failing to make the pros on the rest of us.
And North Miami Beach will continue to be run like a Third World country.
Needless to say, the second part of the Commission meeting, held two nights later, was an even bigger catastrophe than the first.
To be continued…
Another once lovely city down the tubes. For those in the area, first the City of North Miami and now the City of North Miami Beach. Of course, this has happened because MOST RESIDENTS DID’T VOTE. You get what you vote for and if you don’t vote this is exactly what you end up with. The finances of both of these cities should be examined with a fine tooth comb. Those who pay the most seem to be the least likely to vote. But fear not, your tax dollars are going to be squandered but those in power that you didn’t vote out. Stupid! I am so glad I no longer live in South Florida. Stephanie does a great job in keeping everybody informed but alas, far to few care.
Ellen, you hit the nail on the head. Voter apathy is a huge problem in both cities. Mark Sell mention that in his article as well. You should read it.
People who don’t vote or especially don’t participate in their local government are an even bigger problem than the criminals who get in office. Crooks are gonna crook, but residents who have their heads up their asses deserve the government they get.
I love your column, and although I live in Bay Harbor Islands, in regards to Commissioners (1). “consisting of three dumb… (2). especially aren’t qualified for the positions that now hold by fault,” and have (3). “annihilated Robert’s Rules, the City Charter and the vestiges of good governance had left,” we too have the same thing going on with our (BHI) Commissioners being allegedly (4). four dumb…who get elected every time by “bullying” and now allegedly “poisoning” our Town Residents and their children, and without having Term limits nor an Elected Town Mayor selling out our (BHI) Small Town to “new” Owners/ Developers without allegedly paying “Impact Fees” and/or becoming “Tax-Exempt?”
This is happening all over the country. I used to think that the fish rotted from the head. Meaning it started in Washington and worked its way down. I no longer believe that, it starts in little towns and the corruption winds its way to Washington. You really ought to check out GOLDEN BEACH you would have a boatload of material.
I have watched all of the painful council meetings and will continue to do so. If I had a dollar for every umm, intelligible word and mispronounced word, I would be able fund the city after Duke spends all of our money. Maybe we could build another LIBERRY!
Thank you Stephanie for looking out for us. Keep antagonizing these corrupt mother f’kers!
OMIGOD! Every time one of them says LIBERRY I scream at the monitor! I think it’s Michael Joseph, who should know better. After all, he managed to get a law degree somehow.
Hans is the absolute worst! Not only his is diction awful, but he swallows the endings of words when he does manage to spit them out. It’s a mystery how he got his law degree, too. I guess intelligence isn’t needed anymore to pass the Bar.
I know I should be commenting on the seriousness of this article, but I can’t stop laughing. Maybe some other time.
You have to laugh. These clowns can’t be taken seriously. The criminal aspect is no laughing matter, though. Stay tuned…
Looks like our sewer is leaking into theirs. The corruption doesn’t end and we end up with these schlock officials and their slimy hires. As you are well aware, the public is too stupid, too uninterested.
And that Gedel is way overpaid. I’m sure all of the new hires, aka Duke’s Dawgs are. Look into it, you will be amazed.
Looks like we’re all figuring out our cities are no longer our little island paradises, away from the madding crowd, but now they ARE the madding crowd. We only have ourselves to blame for allowing miscreants into office. It’s almost as if with the demise of the 80s Growth Management, so, too, the demise of conscientious, good governance here in Southern Florida. Great work, Stephanie, as always. And that you were ready for your close-up, fabulous. Thanks for your hard work
Thanks! Did you like my avatar?
Did you actually use that during your public comment? This is positively hysterical.
I’ve used several different ones, depending on the occasion. When it became apparent that the four criminal Commissioners were going to hire Duke, I used a picture that I had of him with a crown on his head. I was accused of “digital blackface” for that. LOLOLOL!
Man oh man. Every city needs an undressing like this, including the witty writing for entertainment purposes.
If the City of Miami and all their corruption cannot attract our damn SAO or the FBI, I hate to say neither will the twin cities of North Miami and North Miami Beach.
Keep on blogging, you’re really great at it.
Mr. C
Kudos to Kramer and DeFillipo for standing up to the Satanic Trinity. Professionalism left City Hall when Duke Sorey entered it.
The profanity by Duke that Commissioner Kramer alludes to makes for an uncomfortable working environment. It’s heard in staff meetings and in conversations throughout the building.
This place reeks of mismanagement like the ganja reeks in the employee restrooms.
By the way, the trinity is a foursome. Willis Howard needs to be included.
NMB needs major changes to implement for a big change to the current climate at City Hall with these 7 hard steps of good and progressive governance:
1) Incorporate the donut hole with the approval and consent of donut’ hole’s residents in annexation election
2) Create four single council member districts in NMB – Equally divided by population
3) Create wo super single council member districts in NMB – Intercoastal (East) or Fulford (West) .. Vice Mayor position will rotate between the two super districts
4) Mayor – At Large is still the same with duties written into the city charter
4) Institutionalized the roll back of commissioner compensation
5) Eliminate all new “political” positions created after November 2020 election
6) Determine the faith of current city manager, current city attorney , and current city clerk right after November 2022 elections
7) Request a forensic external audit from the Florida Auditor General’s office from 12/2020 until 12/2022
I like your articles and I believe you are doing an amazing job by posting things that matters and need attention. Nevertheless, after reading this article, I think is not nice to mention that “And North Miami Beach will continue to be run like a Third World country.” As we all know already, most politicians are not doing their job as we expect them to do so everywhere. This is about power and who can take control and do anything but what they were voted for. I don’t think this is a “third word country” thing. Is happening everywhere. Let’s find a better solution at how we get more people educated about our policies, city’s charter and the importance of getting out and vote the right people. “A third word country” has nothing to do with the way a the commission of North Miami Beach is being handled. I think when you mentioned a “third word country” you are sending the wrong message and division that’s not needed. North Miami Beach has a large number population of people from “third word countries” and I think they deserve to be respected as well as all the other ethnic groups in the city. I think you would do an outstanding job just by pointing the issues and being unbiased. Again all my respect to your work and I’m looking forward to read more. Thanks for enlightening us with your writings!
Why not call it what it is-
We are turning into a third world country. The people that are here from third world countries, are the first to see it. They must be terrified to witness it here. Imagine what they sacrificed to leave their country, family, friends and the way of life they have known even if it is far from perfect . That statement doesn’t separate us, it should unite us.
I believe new Americans from third world countries and communist countries are the first to see the writings on the wall. Citizens must speak up, will they is the question? No guts, no glory
I appreciate your comments. However, as you know Haiti is a third world country and the most corrupt in the entire western hemisphere. When people like Philippe Bien-Aime and Paule Villard, in particular, bring their corrupt third world politics into local government, that’s how North Miami, and now North Miami Beach, are being run. The commission of election and campaign finance fraud, misuse of public funds, violations of state and municipal laws, and acceptance of play-for-pay bribery and kickbacks, all point to one thing — corrupt third world politics. I will never mince words, and I will always call it like I see it. If anyone gets offended by it, that’s on them. Elections have consequences.
The actions of the corrupt city officials will now affect the city residents. All NMB police phone lines will be transfered to MDPD and MDPD will be dispatching NMB officers to calls for service at least 4xs a week starting next week. Im guessing they dont want to pay the NMB dispatchers to cover the shifts so they can pay for their new commander and asst to the city manager burden
The actions of the corrupt NMB officials will now have an even more direct affect on the citizens of NMB. Beginning next week, all calls made to NMBPD will be answered by MDPD on at least 4 nights a week. MDPD will also be dispatching for NMBPD. Why now? Does the city need to find money to pay 2 new administrators brought in by CM? Police commander, supervising nothing and Burden, part timer making $155000 a year to spy on PD FOR CM???