Once upon a time former-then-arrested-then convicted North Miami Beach Commissioner Frantz Pierre had a grand vision to create an all-Haitian government, starting with the elected officials.
In Haitian Like Me, we reported:
Just imagine if I were to send out a letter and urge voters to make sure we have a “White Majority.”
Just imagine if I were to post on Facebook “vote for the only whites running.”
Just imagine if I were to try to get every Haitian city employee fired for the sole purpose of hiring whites (or Hispanics, or blacks).
DUH! I’d be called a racist, and with good reason.
Well, this is exactly the agenda Frantz Pierre is pushing. With every racist move he makes, he has made it perfectly clear:
“Screw the residents and employees of North Miami Beach who aren’t Haitian. And, if you’re a Haitian who won’t stick with my game plan, SCREW YOU, TOO!”
The young criminal-in-training was first elected in 2007, and with the help of his close friend and fellow racist, the once-and-future felon Joseph P. Gourgue, attempted to divide the City of North Miami Beach with their identity politics.
On July 31, 2008, Gourgue emailed out an open letter in which he wrote, “we have now three (3) Haitians elected in NORTH MIAMI BEACH and we are just getting started!”
The two other elected officials he was referring to were were Philippe DeRose, the former Mayor of El Portal and the first Haitian-American ever elected in the United States, and the late John Patrick Julien, who was later elected to the Florida House of Representatives. Unlike Frantz Pierre, both Mr. DeRose and Mr. Julien honorably served the residents of North Miami Beach, and were well-respected by their constituents and colleagues alike. Neither of these two gentlemen ever stooped so low as to play the race card or identity politics.
In fact, there had never been any divisive ethnic or racial politics at North Miami Beach City Hall until until Frantz Pierre’s horrific 11-year reign of terror on the dais began. Beginning with the 2009 election, Frantzie installed a Haitian candidate in every seat, until he was finally thrown out of office after he was arrested on 11 felony counts, including bribery, grand theft, and money laundering.
Frantz Pierre was nothing but trouble from the get go.
We’ve recounted on many occasions the long list of ethical lapses and acts of misfeasance and malfeasance committed by Frantz Pierre, to-wit:
- Filing a bogus restraining order against an opponent
- Committing perjury under oath
- Violating city code
- Intimidating and fighting with a city employee
- Making false accusations against a city employee
- Attempting to coerce a city employee to lie for him
- Stealing city property, including water
- Falsely accusing a city employee of rigging a bid
- Installing a carpetbagger from MIRAMAR to run against one of his colleagues
- Lying to recuse himself from a vote
- Falsely accusing the son of an elected official of deliberately causing his car accident
- Going postal on a city employee who was attempting to do her job
- Falsely accusing the MAYOR of interfering with the bidding process (for which he was beautifully bitch slapped!)
- Conspiring to steal FDLE funds from the city for a bogus non-profit
- “Winning” elections by absentee ballot fraud
- Committing grand theft 3rd degree for stealing $2,500.00 from the Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church.
His final act of outright stupidity was the time he abused his “official” position by threatening a Code Enforcement Officer, for which the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust bitch-slapped him royally.
Instead of taking his discipline like a man, Frantz Pierre had the temerity to file a frivolous discrimination lawsuit against the city, then-Deputy City Manager Mac Serda and then-City Attorney Jose Smith, alleging “discrimination, retaliation, harassment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress,” all because the Deputy City Manager dared to call “a news conference regarding a complaint by a City Code Enforcement Officer that Plaintiff had abused his position as a Councilman and threatened her.”
Never mind that Frantz Pierre abused his position by accosting a city employee, the City was to blame for telling the media.
Even more hilariously, in Frantzie’s Second Amended Complaint, he claimed that the “adverse action caused Plaintiff to suffer injury likely to chill an person’s ordinary firmness.”
In other words, Frantzie claimed he was so discriminated against that he suffered erectile dysfunction.
Aside from Frantz Pierre’s ignorant race baiting, which only served to alienate him from pretty much everyone in North Miami Beach, and which no one paid any attention to, the rest of the City Commission were making vast improvements by way of attracting new development, improving public services, and building healthy reserves.
As soon as Michael “You Don’t Look Like Me” Joseph and Paule “I Hate White People” Villard were elected in 2018, they followed in Frantzie’s racist footsteps.
And they’re running North Miami Beach into the ground.
Meanwhile, Frantz Pierre’s alter ego, Paule Villard, finally won a seat on the Commission in 2018, and quickly took up the racist mantle that Frantzie’s arrest forced him to abdicate.
Taking yet another page out of the North Miami playbook, North Miami Beach Commissioner Paule Villard is spending NMB’s tax dollars as fast as she can.
And just like her clueless counterpart, North Miami Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin, Paule is now campaigning for her November 2022 re-election on taxpayer dime.
First, she raped the City’s coffers for $100,000 so she can buy 1,000 votes with $100 Publix gift cards.
Of course, she’s pretending that her Resolution R2021-40 is “an effort to assist our residents with food insecurity during this unprecedented time,”
Like Mary’s $5,510.00 virtual bowl of Soup Joumou, On May 25, 2021 she’s hosting a virtual “Unity Breakfast” on May 25, 2021 “to discuss issues that are impacting the community and how to bring people together.”
This is especially precious coming from a racist who regularly complains on Haitian radio about “white people and Jamaicans.”
We are still waiting for a response to our May 6, 2021 public records request for “copies of all invoices for the entire cost of Paule Villard’s “Unity Breakfast” scheduled for May 25, 2021,” so we can’t yet tell you if this so-called “Unity Breakfast” will cost as much as Mary’s virtual bowl of soup.
Ironically, in the interest of “unity,” of course, Paule and her new manservant City Manager, Arthur “Duke” Sorey, appeared on Island TV on May 14, 2021 to reassure all the residents of North Miami Beach that the “new leadership” is going to work hard to promote diversity.
And by “diversity,” we mean forcing out as many ethnically incorrect employees as possible, and replacing them with members of their “own community,” à la Duke Sorey’s Friends & Family Plan.
- Gone is the ethnically incorrect Chief of Police, William Hernandez.
- Gone is the ethnically incorrect former City Attorney, Dan Espino.
- Gone is the ethnically incorrect former City Manager, Esmond Scott.
- Gone are his ethnically incorrect Assistant City Manager, Sharon Ragoonan.
- Gone is the ethnically incorrect Finance Director Janette Smith.
- Gone is the ethnically incorrect Water Department Director Jafeth Baez.
All the while preaching “unity” as they get rid of whites, Hispanics, Jamaicans, and even a Trinidadian?
But don’t dare complain about her racism, or you’ll be called the racist!
And, despite the fact that Article II, Sec. 2-9 of the North Miami Beach City Charter expressly states that, “Neither the City Commission nor any of its members shall suggest or recommend any person for appointment or removal by the City Manager for any position under the exclusive control of the City Manager,” Paule Villard has been instructing Duke Sorey exactly who to hire for City jobs.
As expected, every single one of them is a Haitian … as she bragged about on Island TV last Friday night.
Hey, Paule Villard! We’ve got your unity right here:
Frantz the Felon would be so proud.
Proud enough to unchill his firmness.
I’m of the “firm” belief the city is “nuts”. Humorous blog, not so funny reality.
All I can say is that this place is changing. I think it’s distasteful what is happening with the taxes we pay that should be for all of us. I don’t mind when a city has different times of the year that they celebrate but I can see now it’s too much of one kind of celebration and not enough of others or again for all. Today I saw one road blocked infront of city hall and they told me it was the flag day of Haiti and I can get a bag of hatian food. Why are we celebrating another nations flag. Now the city workers are changing and why because they have to be one kind?