We live in stupid times.

I’m old enough to remember when segregation was illegal.  According to the History Channel, the 1876 Supreme Court ruling Plessy v. Ferguson, which established the “separate but equal” doctrine, was overturned in 1954 when the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that the segregation of public school children was unconstitutional.

A February 7, 2019 article in ThoughtCo.com, How Segregation Was Ruled Illegal in U.S., noted, “Although the Brown v. Board of Education was specifically for the field of education, the decision had a much broader scope.”

In fact, a 2018 Wheaton College post, The Impact of Brown v. Board of Education, recognized, “Although there is evidence of resegregation over the past few decades, without the efforts of students like Linda Brown, our society would be far more impoverished.  We all lose when we are separated by race.”

Sadly, the fact that there are dozens of “black-only” organizations, institutions, and especially, colleges with segregated dorms, graduations, and events, it certainly appears that the civil rights movement, which was fought to end institutionalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement and racial segregation in the United States, was a dismal failure.

I’m also old enough to remember when people didn’t deliberately try to sow division with incessant race-baiting in order to incite hatred, as lawyer-slash-lobbyist-slash-racist extraordinaire, Stephen Hunter Johnson is so very fond of doing.

At the illegally called “Special Meeting” of the North Miami Beach City Commission on April 8, 2021, in “honor” of their soon-to-be-hired City Manager, North Miami’s current Deputy Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, I replaced my usual popcorn Zoom avatar with a picture of the future King of NMB.

During public comment, I read a prepared statement all about Duke’s many “accomplishments” at the City of North Miami, including and especially, his unique talent to turn a $9.1 million surplus into a $14.6 million deficit during his short six-year “leadership” gig.

Nevertheless, Stephen Hunter Johnson lost his mind over my Duke Sorey avatar, and bitched during public comment that his feelz were hurt.

Following Johnson’s lead, racist Commissioner Paule Villard demanded that my avatar be removed.

We find that adorable, coming from an elected official who regularly complains on Haitian radio that the “Jamaicans” and “white people” have run the City for too long.

Never mind that Mayor Anthony DeFillipo and Commissioner Fortuna Smukler are both Cuban Americans, which we are now told, are “brown people.”

That night after the meeting, Stephen Hunter Johnson went on a mad rant on Facebook, accusing me of appearing in “electronic Blackface.”

Which confused me even more.

I attempted to comment on his Facebook post in order to provide context for my Duke Sorey avatar…

Which he then deleted and blocked me from further disputing his false narrative.

Yes, he’s that deceitful.

Believe it or not, this story gets even stupider.

The very next day, Stephen Hunter Johnson posted another racist Facebook rant, this time with a photo of an actor in Actual Blackface in order to further deceive his followers.

He also chastised the Mayor for refusing to violate the First Amendment of the United States Constitution by denying my right to freedom of expression.

By now, if you’re a normal and sane person, you may be wondering what in the world Stephen Hunter Johnson was talking about.

Not only did I not wear Actual Blackface, but my Duke Sorey avatar was a photo of an Actual Black Person, who’s also not wearing blackface.

Needless to say, I was a bit perplexed by his absurd accusation — as well as his obvious attempt to incite a race war.

Lo and behold, here’s where the stupidity really takes off.

Sensing my confusion, a friend sent me an article explaining what Stephen Hunter Johnson meant by “electronic blackface.”

Which only raised stupidity to a whole new level never before seen in the history of humankind.

According to the Indie Magazine article, You’re probably guilty of digital blackface. Yes, you, “the term ‘digital blackface’ refers to the practice of non-Black folks using Black emojis, reaction GIFs, and/or AAVE (African American Vernacular English) to represent themselves, their emotions, or their opinions online.”

Oh, okay.

So, for the record, every sports fan who has a Facebook profile picture of say, Lebron James, Deion Sanders, or Serena Williams, is committing “Digital Blackface.”

Ditto for the music fan who dares to use a photo of Kanye West, Alicia Keys, or [gasp!] Bob Marley.

The Indie Magazine article also quotes “cultural critic” Lauren Michelle Jackson, who claims that “the overrepresentation of Black faces in reaction GIFs is inextricably tied to the white gaze’s perception of Black emotional expression—namely, that it is bigger, louder, and overly dramatic.”

In other words, a self-proclaimed, black “expert” on “white gaze,” is lecturing white folk on our perception that black expression is “bigger, louder, and overly dramatic.”

So, the burning question is …

If black people use white emojis, reaction GIFs, and/or TQEV (The Queen’s English Vernacular) to represent themselves, their emotions, or their opinions online, would they likewise be guilty of “Digital Whiteface?”

Yeah, we know.

Furthermore, what about white people who pretend to be black?  Which emojis, GIFS, or vernacular are they permitted to use?

Burning question aside, according to this newly self-appointed, non-black “cultural expert,” I hereby decree that black people are hereinafter prohibited from using the following GIFS:

Digital Italianface


Digital Chineseface


Digital Irishface


Digital Jewface

And don’t even think about appropriating la gente de mi hijo

Digital Cubanface

As a matter of fact, Andy, I do.

Because, unlike Stephen Hunter Johnson, I have a sense of humor, which studies show, is a sign of superior intelligence.

And, unlike Stephen Hunter Johnson, I’m not obsessed with race and the forced segregation of blacks and whites.

We also suspect that North Miami Beach’s incoming City Manager, Arthur “Duke” Sorey, also has a keen sense of humor.

We’re guessing he’d probably find Stephen Hunter Johnson’s manufactured outrage meltdown over a silly photo absolutely hilarious.

Especially if poles are involved.

Peep Show

In closing, according to the New Cultural Appropriation Rules I just made up, people of all colors are hereby permitted to use the following GIFs:

Digital Catface


Digital Assface

Now that Stephen Hunter Johnson’s manufactured crisis is settled, we’ll leave you with this final thought.



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12 thoughts on “We live in stupid times.

  1. Thank you for the Saturday night entertainment because I may not be able to stay up and watch SNL. If only they used your blog for inspiration, it would be worth drinking some coffee to make it past 11:30.

    Hunter Johnson seems to not understand what is happening in NMB and that’s a problem. He interjected himself in a place he has no business involving himself in. If he knew you, knew Duke Sorey and knew the politics here, he wouldn’t have gone on a rant accusing you of “digital blackface”. Who the heck even knows what that is?

    Keep blogging Steph. You’re too good at this.

    1. I literally had no clue what he was talking about. After I received that article with the “explanation,” I had to laugh out loud. Literally. Personally, I am so sick and tired of all the made up shit the race-baiters use to try to shut people up. If you think “digital blackface” is bad, check out “micro-aggressions.” Total insanity.

      Most of this nonsense is coming from the participation trophy generation, who received awards for just showing up instead of putting in the hard work, and who were playground bullies. Now these entitled adult children are in college demanding “safe spaces” to protect them from having their feelings hurt. The ones already adults (chronically speaking, of course) are part of the cancel culture, trying to force others to not have their own opinions … or else.

      I will never bow to the demands of the woke mob. I don’t give a fuck about their wants or their feelings. As far as I’m concerned, they can go bitch and whine and complain on social media, call me a racist, call me a bitch … well, yeah, I am a bitch. Guilty as charged. Last I checked, that’s not against the law.

      I never backed down to bullies, and I’m not about to do so now.


  2. What’s really going on here is this Johnson person and a commissioner are trying to censor you by claiming you are a racist just because you proved that Sorey is fiscally incompetent. That’s race baiting 101. Nobody likes that BS and it should stop. And that commissioner playing a role in trying to censor you needs to pay more attention to city financial matters and less attention to social media posts. The people of NMB deserve to know the capabilities about everyone involved in running their city, including the unelected ones. The residents are concerned with transparency, not skin color. Stop the race baiting and get to work.
    What’s next after censorship, Stephanie? A lawsuit from their illegitimately appointed city attorney? Keep up the great work! We need you now more than ever.

    1. Race-baiting is what people do when they have no rational argument. It shows their lack of intelligence.


  3. Thanks for my morning entertainment, Stephanie. You’re entering a parallel universe now, elevating defiance of the woke crowd to a whole new level. As such, we need to find a way to promote you.

    1. I’ll never put up with their bullshit. They wake up in the morning and see racism in the rising sun. What they don’t realize is that THEY are the ones causing racial division. Plenty of people are fed up with all the nonsense. I know I won’t be intimidated.

  4. They are only pushing Duke even more now because of the next wave of federal money that the commissioners plan on taking advantage of for personal gains. Duke also plans on lining his pockets as well through direct and indirect consultant groups. In addition to programs that the famous North Miami “Friends & Family Plan” select members will benefit from. Hence why they want Duke in this position. Duke did all of the dirty work at North Miami for former mayor Andre Pierre and and current mayor Phillipe Bien-Aime with his creative accounting in addition to him not caring how he looks to the public as long as he gets his.

    Andre Pierre and Willis Howard (political strategist) are the two that have been pushing Commissioner Pillsbury Doughboy a/k/a McKenzie Fleurimond to hire Duke as well.
    Let’s not even get into the favors that these two alone will need and want.

    If Daniella is their puppet, guess who’s Andre Pierre and Willis Howard’s puppet. Yes you got it! Commissioner Doughboy. Besides Commissioner Doughboy is tired of living at his mother’s home with his wife and needs his own place. Hence him definately needing the creative accounting that Duke brings to the table. Along with his IDGF attitude of how this is going to make me look. “As long as I get mines”. -The Plug

  5. Not to mention it was Andre Pierre who made Commission Doughboy and the peanut gallery hire Hans.

  6. Ah yes, Hans! That peanut gallery must be anticipating the need for a lot of legal help because $660,000 of our hard earned taxpayer dollars is going straight into the pocket of this individual who sold the Apocalypse on using a “boutique legal firm”. And that doesn’t include any costs for outsourcing which Hans is so fond of. Add Sorey to the mix and NMB could be in some big financial trouble.

  7. You need to fire your source LOL! It’s common knowledge that Duke despises Cuevas, and the feeling is probably mutual. Cuevas has been a North Miami Police Officer for about 45+ years now, and he knows where all the bodies are buried. Sorey is the one who buried most of those bodies. I’m thinking once Duke leaves NoMi, the last person he ever wants to see is Cuevas. Just a guess, though.

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