Month: November 2020
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes!
North Miami Beach Puppet Commissioner Daniela Jean thought she was oh-so-clever by complaining to our web hosting company that we had the audacity to publish an actual public record – the home address she listed…
The Bitch is Back!
North Miami Beach Commission Puppet Daniela Jean got VotersOpinion temporarily suspended by filing a false complaint against yours truly. Little Miss Puppet had the audacity to whine that her home address was “sensitive personal information,”…
Just how incredibly stupid is North Miami Beach Puppet Commissioner Daniela Jean? Wait for it …
Daniela Jean, the freshly elected North Miami Beach Puppet Commissioner, got her little girl panties twisted about a comment posted on our November 13, 2020 blog, Guest Columnist Mark Sell: North Miami Beach November 17…
BREAKING: North Miami Beach Commissioners Joseph and Fleurimond accepted thousands of dollars in campaign donations from an NMB Public Utilities Commissioner charged with extortion
North Miami Beach attorney William Dean was arrested by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office for allegedly extorting an NFL player in a high-profile case involving an armed robbery in Miramar last May, according to Channel…
North Miami Beach Apocalypse in 3, 2, 1 …
North Miami Beach residents, you are about to get taken to the cleaners. On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 if Michael Joseph’s puppet candidate Daniela Jean wins the runoff election, NMB will officially be North Miami…
Guest Columnist Mark Sell: North Miami Beach November 17 runoff special
So, North Miami Beach residents: Thought you were safe from elections, eh? Not quite yet. There’s a runoff for City Commission this Tuesday, November 17, between top November 3 at-large Group 3 vote-getters Daniela Jean and…
North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph and his puppet candidate Daniela Jean pose a clear and present danger to everyone!
Yesterday on Facebook, I posted a Miami New Times article about the sentencing of Frantz Pierre, which I also wrote about yesterday in BREAKING: Ex-NMB Commissioner/Current Convicted Felon Frantz Pierre gets House Arrest, then Probation….
Clown Show Alert: El Portal Interim Attorney Joe Geller gets his ass handed to him by Pembroke Park Village Attorney, and gets his client fired as Vice-Mayor to boot! 

If you need a little comic relief, pop yourself some corn, sit back, and watch an entertaining 45 minute segment of the November 10, 2020 meeting of the Pembroke Park Town Commission. But first, some…
BREAKING: Ex-NMB Commissioner/Current Convicted Felon Frantz Pierre gets House Arrest, then Probation
Well, sort of. Former-then-arrested North Miami Beach Commissioner Frantz Pierre has pleaded guilty to eleven of twelve felonies, and entered into a Plea Agreement with the Miami State Attorney’s Office today. Unfortunately, we won’t…
Finally! Some GOOD NEWS for a change!
Needless to say, 2020 has been terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. Between the coronavirus pandemic, California wildfires, Puerto Rico earthquakes, and … Not to mention the 144-day heat wave, Kentucky floods, murder hornets,…