VotersOpinion endorses North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony “Tony” DeFillipo for re-election

VotersOpinion is proud to endorse North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony “Tony” DeFillipo for re-election.

I have personally known Tony for nearly two decades, and I unequivocally vouch for his honesty, integrity, and deep commitment to serve all the residents of the Great City of North Miami Beach.  Tony is a true public servant in every sense of the word.

I strongly urge NMB voters to punch #148 and cast your vote for Anthony “Tony” DeFillipo for Mayor of North Miami Beach.

Stephanie Kienzle


Dear North Miami Beach Residents,

I want to thank all the residents that have endorsed and supported me in my reelection for Mayor of NMB and I encourage everyone to join united and do the same.

As you may know, during the COVID-19 crisis I have been present at every food distribution helping all our residents.

I hold a seat on the Miami Dade Schools advisory board, advocating for our youth and our city’s schools because I care about our children their safety and education.

As your Mayor, I represent over 47,000 residents. I understand that it is difficult to make decisions that will please everybody. However, I have respectfully always compromised and done my best for the greater good of all. I also understand on some issues we will just have to agree to disagree. Our common goal should always be to keep our City united. We are one, and any decision made affects us all as one, as well as benefits all as one.

I have brought integrity, dignity, and respect to the Mayor’s seat that under my direction has never been compromised, and never will.

Friends, this will be my final term as your Mayor and public servant. My dedication and willingness to represent our City has always been second to none. We have gone through good times, and rough situations but have always remained united with one common goal which is to do what is best for the greater good of all North Miami Beach and you the residents. I have proven to have done just that. You come first! Now, I humbly as for your support and vote in my final term as your Mayor on November 3.

By the way, I have detailed important information of my accomplishments as your Mayor that has made our City of NMB a better place to live, work and play as well as creating thriving economic development opportunities you should know about.

  1. I have served on just about every board and committee before I was ever elected over 8 years ago.
  2. I donated from my own money and helped others in need, as well as self-funded annual toy drives and feed families in need. (Several years)
  3. I have fought and represented us at the county and state level for Cares Act funding, bringing $$$ greatly needed funds Owed to our city.
  4. I have fought for and represented us in Tallahassee all these years on so many issues, water projects, infrastructure project needs in which we were awarded over 400k, road improvements, parks creation and restoration, short term rental issues, the list goes on….
  5. I Earmarked funds for Eastern Shores road improvements project. I also earmarked and sponsored legislation making 8.5 Million dollars available for a new Washington Park Community center promised for over 20 years now shovel ready 2021.
  6. I Sought to secure funds for new Eastern Shores Guard Houses, and cameras-coming soon.
  7. I championed, voted, and sought out funds for windward and other areas of our community for cameras and LPR License Plate Readers making our city safer.
  8. I sponsored, voted, and found co-sponsorships for our NMB Home Improvement Program.
  9. I am a director for the Miami Dade league of cities representing our community.
  10. I am a three-time Home Rule Hero Award winner, making sure our Cities rights are never trampled on.
  11. I supported voted and was part of the previous commission that landscaped the 163rd St., Corridor with majestic palms bring a new life to this road and others.
  12. I voted for the redesigning of the Pickwick wall.
  13. I Championed and sought out funding for the newly designed Skylake Estates wall.
  14. I am one of three Mayors Voted to the Florida league of Mayors representing Miami Dade County.
  15. I have work hard and always advocated to make sure our city budget is balanced, and all parts of city get the attention and funding It deserves.
  16. I voted and was part of the trolley expansion project helping our residence move about our city, while reducing traffic congestion and carbon footprint.
  17. I voted against, fought, and spoke out on the proposed air traffic pattern over NMB.
  18. I voted and fought against Legislation State house bill for short term rentals causing issues coming into our peaceful communities.
  19. I have always kept a line of communication with all of you, my constituents. Whether through my office or through my private cell phone, I am always available.

I voted with our previous commission for a new fleet of police cars, and now have a fully staffed Police Dept. Serving all our community 24/7 and now with a new vest camera pilot program.

Once again, I thank you in advance for your support confidence, and your vote on November 3.

Remember, I am a Mayor for all.


Your NMB Mayor Anthony “Tony” DeFillipo

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3 thoughts on “VotersOpinion endorses North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony “Tony” DeFillipo for re-election

  1. I know you are endorsing Tony and Antonio for Seats 1 and 7 respectively, when will we have your endorsements for Seats 3 and 5 as the early voting is opening up and there are many who are voting by mail as well. Many people respect your opinion and I look forward in hearing yours for the other 2 seats.

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