North Miami hires a new City Manager, and they picked a winner this time!

Photo: Brickell Magazine

The North Miami Mayor and Council finally decided to think outside the box – and the city limits – when they voted unanimously by acclamation to hire Theresa G. Therilus, Esquire, as the new City Manager.

Ms. Therilus’ educational degrees include a Bachelor of Business Administration with honors from the University of Miami and a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School.  She was admitted to the Florida Bar in 2005.

In addition to studying for a law degree, while at Harvard Ms. Therilus also accomplished the following:

During her illustrious career, Ms. Therilus also had the distinction of being awarded as one of Brickell Magazine’s 2017 Top 20 Professionals Under Forty, which professed:

Theresa Therilus is a modern-day superhero, helping shape the future of our city by working on projects that are helping neighborhoods evolve into the next century through her role as an attorney and public servant. But before she became the youngest-ever Senior County Administration Official for Miami-Dade County, she was Florida’s Assistant Attorney General and also represented professional athletes as an NFL agent. “My secret to success is understanding that everyone is important,” she says. “I know that whenever issues arise, it’s always best to focus on providing solutions.”

Speaking of the National Football League, your new City Manager also appeared on CNBC’s “Power Money” program as a Legal Analyst.


Are you impressed yet?

Well, we sure are!

We would like to thank Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime for moving to appoint this superb candidate, Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin for seconding the motion, and Councilman Alix Desulme for being the third deciding vote to hire Theresa G. Therilus, Esquire, as the new City Manager of North Miami.

That was the easy part.

Now all Ms. Therilus has to do is come up with $50,000,000 to plug the city’s gaping deficit hole created by her predecessor, fire all the deadwood Friends & Family hires still leaching off the payroll, drastically slash the bloated budget of the Mayor and Council Office, and stop the catastrophic bleeding of taxpayer dollars.

With all the things this young professional has already accomplished in her illustrious career, we have a sneaking suspicion that Ms. Therilus will be up to the task.

And, finally, no VotersOpinion blog about North Miami would be complete without taking the opportunity to shout from the roof tops …


Just saying.

We would like to congratulate Theresa G. Therilus, Esquire, for her new job as City Manager of North Miami.

We can’t wait to see what she does next!


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18 thoughts on “North Miami hires a new City Manager, and they picked a winner this time!

  1. Her credentials are too good to be true for our non illustrious city. Either the Mayor and Queen Mary overdosed on common sense pills or the new City Manager has no idea what she just signed up for. Time will tell. Hopefully we’ll watch her turn this ship around, but I foresee her steering the ship on to the closest shore, jumping off and running for her dear life.
    I wish her the best of luck for her sake and ours.

    1. Whether she steers the ship in the right direction, or docks it and runs, it will be an interesting voyage to watch. Maybe even popcorn-worthy.

      The really great news is that SHE’S NOT DUKE SOREY!

      Just saying.

    2. I’m a bit concerned about that too Ann. I know she is from Miami (not North Miami) and perhaps wants to come home. I don’t know the back story.

      I am encouraged though. As Stephanie says, she isn’t Duke Sorey and she isn’t Larry Spring.

      Do we have a list of the finalists? Would like to see it.

      Be well y’all.

  2. Congratulations to the people of North Miami. And to VotersOpinion. I have a sneaking suspicion you had something to do with this great news.

      1. Congratulations to our new city manger. The key to our city’s future and success will be how the council works with her and how well they listen to her expertise and advice, and how well they can put aside their selfish agendas. It can be a win, win opportunity and situation for all of the citizens with the experience and background that she brings. Hard decisions that affect many will have to be made in the near future and she has a big job in front of her.
        Welcome home City Manager Therilus. Wishing you all the best and success!

        Bill Simpson

  3. Our city council made a good hiring decision in our new city manager just like the 1973’s City Council did in hiring an outsider, Larry Casey, as our city manager after decade long run of alleged corruption, cronyism, and malfeasance between 1963-1973. For your historic reference, Larry Casey was our city manager for 23 years which we won several national awards in parks & recreation, budgeting, and the quality of our drinking water. For Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime, Vice Mayor Alix Desulme, and Council Member Mary Estime-Irvin, you went against the standard “Lets Keep It In the House” group thinking and combine decision making that has been running this city since its bankruptcy in 1931 under the name of Town of Miami Shores. In your hiring decision of Theresa Therilus as our next city manager, we will be in the news for good and positive outcomes and results with this professional public servant instead of our current 20 years reign in reported bad news stories focusing on poor financial decisions, sloppy business practices, and questionable decisions by previous city administrations and city councils.

  4. Oohh boy! Good luck Notth Miami. She wasn’t good at all for the County of Santa Clara. Good riddance!

    1. Funny how people hide behind anonymous posts and hide behind their keyboard. Either offer FACTS to support your comment or keep your ignorance contained to your simple thoughts (especial emphasis placed on SIMPLE). It is always people who sit on the bench that criticize the players IN THE GAME.

      1. It will not take long for the relationship to sour between the manager and the city. Tenure will be 12 months tops. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show.

          1. I don’t believe his comment is an indictment on the new City Manager, but clearly on the Mayor and Council. The Mayor, especially, will be the first to try to get rid of her the minute she doesn’t do his bidding. So far she seems to be doing a great job on behalf of the residents and their tax dollars. The Mayor will certainly not be pleased if he can’t have his toys at their expense. Popcorn is definitely in order.

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