Congrats, North Miami, you’re in the Top Ten!

The website, a subsidiary of, “combines recent data from the Census, FBI, OpenStreetMaps, and dozens of other sources into bite-sized studies to help you understand what it’s like to live in different communities across the country.”

More importantly, as its site describes, “We aim to deliver bite-sized pieces of infotainment about where you live.  We use data, analytics, and a sense of humor to determine quality of life for places across the nation.”

The City of North Miami has been on the radar of this Raleigh, North Carolina-based company … but, not exactly in a good way.

The article, 10 Worst Places to Live in Florida for 2019, listed the “the worst, avoid-at-all-costs cities in Florida,” and explained:

Florida takes some abuse. Not just from its own residents, but from the general public, the media, and on social media.

We’re not here to debate Florida’s merits. As far as we’re concerned, it’s a warm place that’s quite beautiful almost all year long.

But, for those who are considering a relocation within Florida, or who are thinking of moving to the Sunshine State, this list should provide some value.

North Miami was ranked #7.

RoadSnacks also ranked The 10 Worst Miami Suburbs for 2019, and explained:

We threw a lot of criteria at this one in order to get the best, most complete results possible. Using the most recent American Community Survey data from 2013-2017, this is the criteria we used:

    • High unemployment rate
    • Low median household incomes
    • Low population density (no things to do)
    • Low home values
    • A lot of high school drop outs
    • High poverty
    • High rate of uninsured families

FYI: We defined a suburb as being within 30 miles of Miami.

 North Miami was ranked #5.

In 10 Most Ghetto Cities In Florida For 2018, RoadSnacks explained:

“There are lots of people who throw the term ‘ghetto’ around. But which of Florida’s largest cities are the most ghetto of all?”

“In order to rank the most ghetto places in Florida, we had to determine what criteria defines a ghetto city or neighborhood.

Since a ghetto is defined as a poor area, we used income levels, crime and education levels as a guide to determine where the most broke citizens of a state live.

Additionally, the staples of inner city life include cheap and discounted retail outlets.”

North Miami was ranked #2.

But, cheer up, North Miami residents.  All is not lost.

The folks who run RoadSnacks are also concerned with your personal safety, and explained:

One aspect of living that we wish we didn’t have to think about but have to frequently is safety. When we go to sleep at night we like to feel secure as we drift off to sleep.

We don’t want to have to worry about our safety constantly, so finding a place to live that isn’t very dangerous is always on the top of people’s lists.

If you live in Florida or are thinking of moving to Florida, you probably have heard that Florida is an amazing place to live, but is home to some not so safe cities.

So how can you make a smart decision about where to live based off safety levels?  Luckily for you, RoadSnacks has figured that out for you.  We have compiled all of the FBI crime data and discovered which cities in Florida should be avoided, based on safety.

So they determined the 10 Most Dangerous Places to Live in Florida for 2019, and, miraculously, North Miami isn’t on the list!

That “honor,” however, belongs to the beleaguered City of Opa-locka, which was ranked #4.

The moral of the story is that North Miami may be one of the worst places to live in Florida, but at least you can breathe a sigh of relief you’re not Opa-locka.

You can also take comfort in the fact that as of today, the City of North Miami is only $8,620,332.89 in the red.

So there’s that.


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