Shades of Frantzie! NMB Commissioner Mike Joseph’s Déjà Vu Moment

We interrupt our coverage of the North Miami Budget Circus Crisis to bring you this breaking news.

In a move eerily familiar with the sneaky antics of the arrested-and-ousted-from-office Frantz Pierre, freshman North Miami Beach Commissioner Mike “Michael” Joseph also appears to be up to no good.

Arriving nearly 30 minutes before the 4:30 PM CRA Special Board Meeting on September 17, 2019, the Shifty Commish apparently had something mysterious up his sleeve.


We can’t help but wonder why Mikey is furtively sneaking around outside the Commission Chambers.

Why is he looking around to make sure no one is watching him?

What’s in that stack of paper he swiftly and clandestinely placed on the visitors’ table?

What is the Shifty Commish really up to?

Are Mike Joseph and Frantz Pierre twin brothers from another mother?

We promise to provide the answers to all these and many more of your burning questions in the days and weeks to come.

Start popping that corn and stay tuned.


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9 thoughts on “Shades of Frantzie! NMB Commissioner Mike Joseph’s Déjà Vu Moment

  1. If I ate popcorn while watching that video I would have sprayed it all over my computer screen. ROFLMHAO! This dude is off the chain.

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