According to North Miami’s Real-Time Debt Clock™ , as of today the City of North Miami is $8,488,960.01 in the hole with just eleven days to go in this Fiscal Year 2019.

But don’t worry, Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime, you’ll still be getting your unjustifiable raise.
As will the rest of the clown posse on the dais, City Manager Larry Spring, Deputy Duke Sorey, and the members of the North Miami Friends & Family Club.
City Attorney Jeff Cazeau, on the other hand, deserves to have his salary doubled for having to put up with all y’all.
Every picture tells a story as the Rod Stewart song says, and these 2 do. What will the future bring?
US Bankruptcy Court?
Just asking.
We will wait and see. It is a bleak picture now.
I wonder who the author of this story was???
Seems to me like North Miami is following the foot state’s of the United States of America which happens to have a deficit/debt of over 20 TRILLION dollars!!!
It starts at the top and trickles down, as my Republican brothers and sisters would say… lmao smh
It’s not a Republican thing or a Democrat thing. It’s a career politician thing. From the minute they get elected, they love spending other people’s money. This is precisely why there needs to be term limits at every level of government, starting with local offices all the way up to Congress. Otherwise, career politicians have access to a blank checkbook with no limitations. The only way to hold them accountable is to vote them out at every election. Every single one of them!
The situation in North Miami reminds me of a crime syndicate somewhat similar to a con man’s regime. In other words, is there a con man’s regime looking for a seated city council with government experience. Always remember any push back by those of us in the know should not be heard, because that would weaken the hidden agenda of their regime.
Nailed it! Yes there is a “crime syndicate” comprised of a handful of con artists working together behind the scenes who hand-picked several of the council members and made sure they were elected. As a result, bids will be approved, employees will be hired, and in the case of one current employee in particular, an entirely new department was created for her benefit as a reward for helping the mayor get elected. All of which amounts to quid pro quo.
The old time Mafia may have left North Miami a couple decades ago, but a new one has certainly taken it’s place.
Why does it appear (BHI) Council members only interest is to make sure their “Party Line” gets re-elected forever (NO “Term Limits”), and they vote “accordingly” the Town “Budget” and “new” Development Projects?
Very good question. I’ll check into it and get back to you.
Stephanie…. I called it a NoMi Combine which consists of special interest groups calling themselves as NPO and so called charter schools/educators, so called community leaders who do not know the difference between their conflicting roles in being lobbyists (registered or unregistered) and/or appointed board member(s) on several city boards, former NoMi elected officials who were do-nothing public servants, current higher elected officials who appear before our city council and city boards as either zoning attorneys or so called transit experts, and outsiders who are looking for either a free subsidized handout by the city …. NoMi’s common tag line is: ‘You can be bought in NoMi for pretty cheap by selling your soul for either a board appointment by our city council, an award plaque given by the city, a CRA grant approved for your new small business entity just registered on Sunbiz, three small nasty black olive or palm trees in your front swale from the city tree nursery, or the naming of a small stretch of street and/or bridge after you.’ ….. Remember the biblical scripture of Matthew 6:24: No one can serve two masters. Either he/she will hate one and love the other, or he/she will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You can not serve both God and Money.