Only one candidate stands out in the race for North Miami City Council District 3, and that is Michael A. Etienne!
Michael got our attention last year when he was the only elected official who spoke out when the Mayor and Council pushed the stupendously failed GO Bond.
We applauded when he told City Manager Larry Spring to F*ck this check!
But what impressed us the most about this candidate was the revelation that Michael A. Etienne is self-funding his entire campaign!
Michael is not accepting any donations from anyone!
He is not in the pocket of:
- Lobbyists
- Politicians
- Lawyers
- Developers
- Vendors
- Businesses
- Event Sponsors
- Bidders
Michael Etienne’s vote on the dais will never be for sale!
Michael’s only goal is to selflessly serve the residents of North Miami by bringing much needed transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility to the their local government.
Sure, we’ve had our issues with Michael Etienne in the past. And we’ve certainly disagreed with him on more than one occasion.
But, we have never questioned his honesty or his willingness to speak his mind – regardless of the consequences.
In fact, that’s a quality we here at VotersOpinion genuinely admire!
Unlike his three opponents, Michael Etienne isn’t being promoted by shady lobbyists …
Did not shill for the GO Bond …

And did not bounce his qualifying fee check …
More importantly, Michael Etienne’s platform is one of fiscal responsibility.
He pledges to support:
- A complete finance and budget re-set at city hall.
- An immediate end to the “friends” hiring/salary practices at city hall that adds an additional $11 million to our annual budget.
- A STOP to our current spending habits including putting an end to these leisure parties/events our city officials host often.
If anyone can make all of that happen it’s Michael Etienne!
And did we mention that he isn’t in the pocket of Shady Lobbyists?
Just saying.
District 3 residents, please cast your vote for Michael Etienne on May 14, 2019!
WOW, Stephanie, you sure changed your tune, on March 16, 2016, using your exact words from your blog “Its also nice to know I am not alone. There are others who have had enough of Michael ” arrogant buffoonery.”
My experience — I wrote Mr E to complain how he used his position as City Clerk to send out a mailer to City residents indicating his accomplishments when he was running for City Clerk. Did he use City funds? You should see the response he wrote to me, unprofessional, rude, sarcastic. As a professional I was appalled at this public servants response. And yes I am a tax paying NM resident who has lived in NM decades and yes I have been a public servant all my life. Voters should rethink your endorsement. A google search would be in order to see true colors
Yeah, I said that and worse. I also changed my mind when I realized we have more things in common than the stuff we disagree about … like getting rid of the corruption and incompetence in the city’s administration, for one thing.
For another, we’d rather see an elected official who speaks his mind and doesn’t kiss ass, than a politician who’s in the pocket of a Cowardly Lobbyist.
Or an idiot like Jean Marcellus, who’s lovably adorable, but hardly the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Or an outright liar like Wancito Francius, who just makes shit up as he goes along.
So, yeah, we pick Michael.
Besides, there are worse things than being “unprofessional, rude, sarcastic.” Did you know, for example, that sarcasm is a sign of intelligence? That’s right. We here at VotersOpinion speak sarcasm as a second language.
You don’t have to agree with me or my endorsements. Your opinion of me is none of my business.
But thank you for sharing.