Ever since the abrupt firing of North Miami Beach City Attorney Jose Smith by Appointed Mayor Beth Spiegel, he’s been the subject of much vicious gossip at City Hall.
In order to justify her ill-advised move, Spiegel & Co., including interim City Attorney Sarah Johnston, have been talking trash about Mr. Smith, claiming he’s unemployable.
They were wrong.
In order to prove their lies, they tried to blackball him from getting another job.
It didn’t work.
In a recent press release, the nationally recognized law firm of Bryant Miller Olive, P.A. announced the expansion of its Miami office to include a full-service municipal government practice to be led by Jose Smith.
So much for being “unemployable.”
Jose Smith explained to VotersOpinion that “Bryant Miller Olive was started by former Florida Governor Farris Bryant and 2 former Attorney Generals, the firm is made up of superstar lawyers specializing in all areas of Municipal law. With offices nationwide, BMO is a recognized leader in municipal finance, governmental procurement, employment law and complex litigation. They assisted me the successful negotiations with CH2MHILL.”
The firm’s press release continued, “‘We at the firm are immensely proud and excited by Mr. Smith’s decision to associate with us,’ said BMO Managing Shareholder Grace Dunlap. ‘We know that adding such an accomplished and prestigious attorney to our team will greatly enhance the recognition of BMO as a premier provider of legal services to governments statewide and, especially, in Miami-Dade and South Florida.'”
In addition to his new position with BMO, on September 12, 2018, the City of North Miami hired Jose Smith as its Special Magistrate for Code Enforcement.
At the July 10, 2018 Special Meeting of the North Miami Beach City Commission, after Jose Smith’s separation agreement was approved, at minute 22:26 of the meeting, a motion was made and seconded to appoint Assistant City Attorney Sarah Johnston was made. At that point, the absentee fraudulently ballot “re-elected” Phyllis Smith relentlessly shilled for her corruptocrat lawyer Joe Geller, to get appointed. Her “suggestion” was thankfully shot down.
The motion to appoint Sarah Johnston passed 7-0.
After promising on the record at the July 17, 2018 Commission Conference Meeting (minute 58) that she will continue working with everyone in the office and not make any changes to staff, Sarah then promptly fired one of the most competent paralegals in the City of North Miami Beach, as well as the law firm the City used as outside counsel.
Jose Smith was one of the best City Attorneys in the history of North Miami Beach. Unfortunately, he was collateral damage in Beth Spiegel’s quest for revenge in the weird world of NMB politics.
Once she accomplished her goal, she promptly dropped out of the mayoral race to no one’s surprise.
In the final analysis, Jose may have lost that particular battle, but he won the war.
Please join us in congratulating Jose Smith in his new venture.
Good for Jose Smith. I am very happy for him. He is an honest man. My family and I wish him the best.
I am delighted that he landed this plum job. You go, Jose’!